Vitamin B12: Health Benefits, Source, And Dosage

Vitamin B12: Health Benefits, Source, And Dosage

The body needs vitamins to function properly. Deficiency of certain vitamins can result to disease and even death. Vitamins are sometimes called as “co-enzymes” because they work together with enzymes or chemical catalyst in the body.

One of these vitamins needed by the body is the vitamin B complex. These are vitamins that are very important for the proper functioning of the body, specially for the brain and the nervous system.

One of these B complex is vitamin B12 or cobalamin. This vitamin is present in animal products, and rarely in vegetables, if ever, and only in very minimal amount. It is needed in the production of red blood cells. It prevents anemia, and promotes growth in children. Vitamin B12 is used in the treatment of impaired mental ability in the elderly. It is also used in the treatment of depression, diabetic neuropathy, low sperm count, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, and asthma.

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are chronic fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, sore mouth, numbness or stiffness, pernicious anemia, depression, pins-and-needles sensation, and a mimic Alzheimer’s effect in the elderly. Lack of vitamin B12 affects the brain and the nervous system first, and is also the major cause of depression in older people. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes an undersupply of melatonin, resulting in inadequate sleep at night.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid work closely together; they should be taken together to be more effective. In order for the body to be able to absorb vitamin B12, the stomach secretes an “intrinsic factor”, a special digestive secretion that increases the absorption of vitamin B12 in the small intestine. When there is enough cobalt in the body, the bowel can make its own vitamin B12.

There are two forms of vitamin B12 - methylcobalamin (the active form), and cyanocobalamin. The active form is preferred than the other.

Rich source of vitamin B12 are fortified brewer’s yeast, milk, and egg. It can be found also in some vegetables but rarely, and in very small amount.

Dosage: RDA 3mcg; ODA 200 mcg; TDA 1,000 mcg. Recommended dosage is 2 mcg daily. For pernicious anemia, dosage is 300-1,000 mcg. Therapeutic doses is difficult to assimilate, so doctors give it by injection. The above dosages are for adults. Dosage for children 12-17 years old should be reduced to 3/4 of the recommended dose, and for children 6-11 years old, dosage is 1/2 of the recommended.

Caution: Be cautious in taking B12 if you have folate deficiency, iron deficiency, any kind of infections, Leber’s disease, polycythemia or uremia.


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