Did you recently give birth, but can’t seem to shed off the weight you gained during pregnancy? Or did you shed the weight, but you still have that big tummy? Are you scared that after you give birth, you might not be able to lose the weight you gain during the pregnancy?

Most women don’t ever regain that flat tummy pre-pregnancy state, even though a few do. It’s so crazy when you look at celebrities like Angelina Jolie or Nicole Richie, who just jumped back to their skinny figures after childbirth!

To be real, for you who might not have the opportunity to employ the expensive fitness instructors they have, or buy the very expensive fitness machines, or also have a liposuction (secretly), it won’t be as easy for you to return back to your pre-pregnancy state, but eventually you will, just not as fast as them!

I would advise you give a little break before embarking on your weight loss program after child birth. Don’t rush into exercising and dieting the 3rd or 4th day after childbirth! If you had a cesarean, I would suggest you take the easier path, relax till about the 2nd month before starting any exercises at all.
The first aspect is your diet. Remember, when breastfeeding, you need to be very careful about dieting, as you are sharing your body nutrients with the baby via breastfeeding! So I won’t advise starvation, or eating very low calorie meals or restricting yourself to a particular kind of food. Rather, I would suggest eating less, and exercising!
One important aspect that would aid in your losing the pregnancy weight is breastfeeding. For most of us, we might say, we have to go to work, and all that. Apart from the fact that Breastfeeding burns about 500 calories daily from the body, when you breastfeed, your body releases oxytocin, which in turn also helps to contract your uterus. So apart from the 500 calories you are burning, breastfeeding also helps to reduce the uterus size, which implies reducing that big tummy which you achieved during your pregnancy.

Try to take in lots of water, at least ten glasses of water a day. Water actually does really play a big part in weight loss. Avoid fizzy drinks, no more cokes, no fanta, and no maltina! Eat small but regular meals.

For your exercising I won’t suggest very rigorous exercises. Walks actually is preferred, Try to do about 30 minutes walks per day and if possible twice a day.
Make the exercising regular that would help. You could also incorporate weight lifting and also carry the dumbbells along when taking your walks.

Start your exercises at least in the 3rd week after childbirth, and don’t stop till you have achieved your goal weight!!!

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