In my past posts, i have talked a lot of times about why i think people striving for weight loss should try to avoid garri, pounded yam, and the likes. Good news for those who have been trying the diet, but are so so missing thier soups. Okra soup is a very good soup for people trying to lose weight, but without the iyan or eba oh.
For more on foods to eat while trying to lose weight, check out our weight loss timetable for Nigerian foods!!
Back to Okra soup. You could cook your okra soup with about one or two pieces of meat. Minimal amount of palm oil would be very good, and then eat the okra soup alone. Okra soup alone contains about 105calories only per serving. So imagine how much calories you are saving by taking okra soup!!!It is also high in fiber content, here is a summary of what it contains:
Okra has about 2.8g of fiber per serving, 3grams of fat, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 11 grams of protein.
So for those trying to lose weight, why not try taking okra soup ALONE as substitute any time you are tempted to eat your iyan???
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Bananas have proved to be a controversial subject in weight loss. Some have said its fattening, while others have said it is not. The emergence of the banana die helped to set some of these arguments straight.......bananas actually help in weight loss.
Now, a medium sized banana is about 105kcal. This is quite high, you might say, but here's the trick, bananas are really high in fiber, which means its a quick filling food, and its a food that helps in digestion.
The banana diet became very popular, after a Japanese actress lost about 40kgs using the banana diet.
Basically, what she was doing was to take two bananas early in the morning with warm water for breakfast, then two bananas before lunch and one before dinner.
Another method is to switch your actual meals with about two to three bananas and take in lots of water. Apart from the fact that you would get filled quickly, bananas would also help move your bowel!!!
For people who want to lose weight, i would advice that you take bananas as part of your daily diets, they really help! Bookmark this site, so you could always come back for more!
Low fat diets are very popular. A lot of people start low fat diets to help reduce their weight. A low fat diet is one in which the amount of fatty foods ingested daily is reduced, so that your body is forced to utilise the fats stored in your body once it needs energy. That is how the low fat diets work.
For whoever wants to lose weight, a low FAT diet would help, but of course you would still have to incorporate exercising into your weight loss program, and the drinking of lots of water.By REDUCING the amount of fatty foods ingested, the body is forced to utilise its fat stores for energy thus making weight loss easier.
Here is a list of foods that are high in fat content. In other words, foods which you would reduce intake of drastically if you want to go on a low fat diet.
1. Pork
2. fatty parts of meat, which includes torso.
3. Starchy foods, because the carbs are eventually converted to fat anyway.
4. Biscuits
5. Cakes and icing
6. Bread
7. Meatpie and pastries
8. Butter and margerine all types.
9. Palm oil, vegetable oil, and all fried foods.
When reducing intake of your fats, you should increase intake of foods that are high in fibre content. Fruits, vegetables, apples, should be taken, you should also always remember to drink ten glasses of water daily.
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The INDOMIE diet. This diet is a good weight loss program diet, not too healthy, but works.
The INDOMIE diet involves eating one pack of INDOMIE, the small pack, three times daily. A pack of INDOMIE contains approximately 321 calories. So if you eat three packs per day, you are eating less than a thousand calories per day, and your body would be forced to use its stored fat for energy. It is however a dangerous diet, as your body would be starved of nutrients, and diets of less than 100calories per day are extremely dangerous.
When you are on the INDOMIE diet, you take one INDOMIE three times daily, with no additions, except what came with. No salt, maggi, sardines and all the other stuff you would normally add.
You would do this on alternate days, so if you eat just INDOMIE today, then tomorrow, you eat your normal balanced diet, in small amounts too, to ensure you don't get malnutrition.
The INDOMIE DIET if done for two months, will help you lose a considerable amount of weight.
Laxatives also remove a lot of water from the body, so must of the so called weight loss you might notice is actually water loss, and you are bound to gain it back as soon as possible.
Although you might lose very little amount of weight while using laxatives, the side effects are dreadful, and the discomfort of going to the toilet every 30mins to one hour is simply not advisable.
Some of the consequences of using laxatives over a long time include:
1. Osteomalacia (weakening of the bones)
2. Damage to the Gastrointestinal tract
3. Menstrual irregularities
4. Nausea
5. Stomach pains
6. Addiction
So instead of drinking laxatives and spending most of your day in the toilet, why not stat exercising and reducing your intake?Bookmark this site, so you could always come back for more!
Today, we would analyze egusi soup and its calorie content, and all about egusi soup and weight loss. It has both good and bad sides.
The basic Egusi Soup enriched with few chunks of stockfish and two pieces of meat contains a total of roughly 700 calories per serving!!! Imagine eating it with about 3 wraps of iyan which is about 600 calories..........
The largest food group it contains is Fat. Egusi is very high in fat content. It has about 60% fat. Talk less of we Yorubas that love adding lots of palm oil to our egusi soup.
It also has about 11 percent carbohydrate of which 0 percent is fibre which is supposed to be good for weight loss. Proteins make up 30 percent while other elements make up the rest.
But that's not all, Egusi actually has good qualities.
1. The fat in egusi is cholesterol free. Meaning its not damaging to the heart. You may put on pounds when taking lots of egusi, but you wold be sure that its not detrimental to your heart directly.
2.It contains certain nutrients which are good for the skin, good for fertility and reproduction.
So in conclusion, egusi has good properties as a food on its own, but for weight watchers and those on low fat diets, i would suggest you stick more to plain okra soups ad vegetable soups, and limit your egusi intake.
Dieting is not easy, especially for those who love food. Starving to death when your mum, wife or you, just made a delicious pot of egusi soup is not easy at all. Sometimes you find yourself busting the diet for that day , gulping down 3 wraps of iyan with a plate of soup, 3round about, 1 torso, 1 turkey.... promising yourself that its just for that day..........but it happens again. You find out that you keep eating extra meals you never planned to eat.
More than 80percent of diets are unsuccessful because of food addiction. The food addiction is a strong desire to eat a particular meal or any meal at all. Some are addicted TO just one kind of food, other love anything food.
Sometimes you are not even that hungry, but because the food is in the pot, you just can't help it.
For some people, its emotional eating. My best friend used to eat a lot of food anytime she argued with her bf.
For me, I eat a lot when am ill. Its scary.
Stress also increases our craving for food, some people get very hungry when under stress.
Another group discover that the moment they start dieting, they suddenly develop this food addiction, its like the saying that men want what they can't get. You long more for food when you know you can't eat it.
Another group just love food. No reason, they just can't stay away from food.
Whether you like it or not, the long term consequence of food addiction is being overweight, unless of course you have a superfast metabolism.
Here are some tips to help you stop that addiction.
1. Stay away from the kitchen or where ever food is being prepared. The more time you spend with food the more you are tempted to eat more.
2. Define your portions before going to the table, let me explain this. I always tell my brother that he is supposed to eat food equal his fist size since he wants to lose weight. When he is dishing out his meal, he takes a full plate, claiming that when he gets to the table, he would eat only the site recommended and throw the rest away. Trust me, he eats it all.
3. Keep a food diary. This is an important book everyone on a weight loss program must have. You won't realise how much you are eating until you keep a diary.
4. Don't skip your meals, instead, eat small amounts during meal times. Most times when you starve for long and you finally eat, you would end up binge eating because you are so hungry.
5. Drink a lot of water with meals. Helps you feel full faster, and prevents over eating.
6. Avoid being idle. idleness always has a way of making you feel hungry or eating more than you should.. Keep yourself busy.
Looking into our magazines today, you would notice so any weight loss local herbal concotions which are being advertised.
While they might help you lose weight, the problem is that you actually do not know thier side effects or what they actually contain.
I came across one that said you should just order for the black concotion, pay into thier account, and they would deliver the black herbal juice to your doorstep, which you would drink twice daily.
There are so many dangerous herbs that could be in all these concotion we drink. Take for example Ephedra which works for weight loss but is known to have side effects like stroke or death in people who ingest it. Some other herbs which we know little about are also toxic to the liver or the kidney, and you see yourself coming up with Liver or Kidney diseases later in life. Ephedra has been banned from being sold, but if the ephedra is crushed and put in a bottle as a weight loss drink, you woould not know!
If you are going to take any herbal concotion, let the contents be at least known. If its Green tea, then you know you are searching the internet to know the advantages and disadvantages of green tea.
The best method would be to stick to diet and exercise to prevent health problems now and in the future.
Metabolism is the rate at which your body uses up energy, the rate at which your body burns up food to provide energy. .As you all know the body stores excess food as fat. Once it has utilized the amount it needs, every excess is stored as fat for the rainy day, so that at any point in time it needs to utilize energy, it mobilizes fat from its stores.
If the total of calories you ingested is less than what it requires it would mobilize fat. If it is more than what it requires, it would store the rest as fat!
So to lose weight, you have to create a deficit in the body which would be done in two ways:
1. Doing more exercise, so that your metabolic requirements for the day increases.
2. Eating less, so that your body has to go to its fat stores to mobiles energy.
1 pound of fat is equivalent to 3500calories. For every additional 3500 calories you eat, your body gains 1 pound of weight. For every 3500 calories you work out, your body loses 1 pound. For the major food groups, this is an estimate of how much calories they contain:
Fat: 1 gram of fat contains 9calories
Carbs: 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories
Protein: 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories
The factors which determine how much calories you burn per day depends on the following:
1. Your Basal Metabolic rate. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of calories your body would burn at rest, i.e. if you did not do any physical activity that day at all. At rest, your body still needs energy for everything it does, the pumping of the heart, breathing, urinating, every single thing,.
2. Activity: i.e the kind of lifestyle you live daily. If your work entails sitting down in a chair all day, you won’t expect to burn much, but if your daily activity involves moving around, exercising, etc, then you would burn more.
3. Health disorders: Some health disorders like hypothyroidsm might slow down your metabolism, while hyperthyroidism increases it.
4. Sex: Men usually have a higher metabolic rate than women
5. Body weight: Your body weight also influences your metabolism. Fatter people need more energy to sustain their daily activities than thinner people.
6. Age: The older you get the slower your metabolism goes!
7. Muscle composition: More muscle in the body burns more fat. So the more muscles you have, the more your metabolism.
I have added a BASAL METABOLIC RATE CALCULATOR widget in the sidebar, so you can calculate yours there. When you calculate it, you multiply the result by your activity factor which is as follows:
Multiply by 1.2 if you live a sedentary lifestyle and don’t exercise at all.
Multiply by 1.375 if you exercise moderately between one to three times a week.
Multiply by 1.55 if you exercise three to five times weekly
Multiply by 1.725 if you exercise six to seven times weekly.
After you have calculated this, you need to calculate the amount of food you eat, to ensure that you take in less than what you require, or exercise more than what you eat. For those who exercise, you do not need to over-starve yourselves, else you would faint. To lose weight effectively and healthy try not to eat less than a thousand calories daily. You could also use the BURN CALCULATOR at the sidebar to calculate how many calories you lose when you do certain exercises.
Take for example, my BMR is 1600calories, i would eat 1200 calories a day, so that my body burns the extra 400 from its stores. Alternatively, i could also exercise to burn 300 extra calories, so that a total of 700 is lost per day, and in 5 days, i would lose 3500 calories which is equivalent to 1 pound.
Get a journal, divide in two columns, record how much you ate at the end of the day, and how much exercise you did. You need to do this honestly. So that you can calculate how much weight you would lose.
Akara is one of our Naija foods. It is made from beans mainly, then little bit of tomatoes, pepper, onions and other things which you might want to add.
Should you omit akara from our diet when losing weight? You would find the answer below:
Here is the nutritional information for akara:
Each ball of akara contains approximately 50 calories, but that is if you add just the basic things mentioned above.
Of the 50 calories,
Fat makes up just 5 calories: however this might vary as the amount of choloestorol contained depends on the kind of oil you used to fry it. If you use the cholesterol free ones, then you have no cholesterol in it.
Protein makes up 25 calories, which is good for weight loss.
Fiber:10 calories
Sugars: 4 calories
Other element make up the remaining 6 calories.
So like i said in the beginning, each ball of akara contains about 50 calories. It is also very high in protein content, high in fiber content, and has low fat, except of course you are using the non-cholesterol free oil.
Therefore, akara is a good meal for those who want to lose weight!
Green tea has been talked about, as one of the natural substances that help you lose weight. When going through any weight loss website, you would most likely find an article on green tea there. Apart from the weight loss attributes, green tea has also been praised for having other medical advantages.
How exactly does green tea assist in weight loss?
Firstly, i want to clear up some facts. Don’t start thinking that if you drink ten cups of green tea daily and eat all you want to eat, you would lose would not.
The amount of extra calories burnt by drinking green tea is not just enough to make you lose a considerable amount of weight in a short period.
Green tea contains substances called catechin polyphenols. Green tea actually contains a very high amount of this substance. The catechin polyphenol helps the body increase its rate of fat oxidation, fat burning, thereby increasing your metabolism. One of the catechin phenols which is called EGCG increases the 24 hour energy utilised by the body, and the break down of fat. Therefore it is increasing the amount of fat burnt daily by your body.
However how much extra calories are you burning? Researchers have said that drinking an extra 5 cups of green tea a day (and trust me, it doesn’t taste good. Drinking one cup is bad enough), could help you burn off approximately 90 extra calories.
90 calories isn’t much, but for those who plan to take it over a long period, at least after forty days, they would have lost approximately 2 kilograms. I doubt if anyone could take up to 5 cups of green tea anyway.
For me, i would advice still sticking to a good diet, and exercising!
Gbegiri soup is made mainly from beans. Other ingredients added to spice it up contain little calories, except of course if you add excess amounts of red oil.
Today we are going to talk about the nutritional info, but we would be talking about Gbegiri alone, after which i would talk on ewedu in a different post, so you would know the total amount of calories you are taking in when you eat gbegiri.
Gbegiri is actually one of the good soups for weight loss, but the main problem is what you eat it with, by the time you add assorted meat, three wraps of iyan or semo..........
Gbegiri soup alone for one person contains only about 125calories.
Here is a list of the Food group content per serving
* Has Fat content of just 5grams out of which cholesterol makes up about 11mg
* Carbohydrate content of 4grams out of which dietary fiber makes up 1 gram
* Protein of 10 grams
Other elements like sodium and co. make up the rest.
So gbegiri is a good soup for weight loss. high in protein content and overall contains little amount of calories.
Ewedu is one of the good soups for weight loss. You're looking for a low calorie meal, you can count on Ewedu, especially considering the fact that her brother Gbegiri is also low in calories.
A serving of Ewedu alone without meat contains only 97 calories!
Lets break down each of the food groups:
Fat content of 4 grams out of which ten percent is cholesterol.
Carbohydrate content of 300mg (0.3g)
Protein 18 grams
Talk about a low carb meal, ewedu comes first to mind. Ewedu leaves are also called Jew's mallow and have been used for many medicinal purposes.
Do for people who are trying to lose weight, ewedu is a very good meal.
Eating at night leads to weight gain/ less weight loss. This has been debated time and time over and over again. Some schools of thought believe that eating at anytime does not actually matter, but what actually matters is ensuring that the amount of food you eat in is less than the amount of energy burnt per day.
For me anyway, i would say i disagree, to an extent. The calorie deficit matters quite alright, but you stand to gain more weight when you take in the calories at night.
Let’s take for example, your last meal of the day is supposed to be a 600calorie meal. When you take that 600 calorie meal by like 5pm in the evening, you definitely are not going to sleep immediately. You do some house work, cleaning, and some more walking around before finally going to bed.
Now when you take in the same 600 calorie meal by say ten pm or eleven, most definitely, you would feel tired, it’s almost time for bed. You either go straight to the television or to bed. Thus all the calories you took in are all going to be stored.
For some other people they love snacking at night. One of my patients used to snack at midnight, biscuits, drinks, every silly thing you can think of. That’s a sure way to gain weight.
Also, by ensuring that you don’t eat after 7pm, you are most likely cutting off more calories than you would have eaten normally. For me, most times, after eating breakfast i eat lunch by 3 to 4 pm, and by the time i get home, its 7pm and i can’t eat again., so most times i end up cutting off the extra amount of calories i would have eaten that day.
I would suggest if you can, try to eat your last meal before 7pm or around that time, so that you won’t feel hungry during the night. Try not eating after 7pm, it helps.
Get more information about your heart
You must take look at this site guys with or without heart problems because this is really useful and you'll get more relevant information that you can share to your friends and love ones for prevention or even those in the process of curing. In website you can find out more about the heart by browsing through their interactive heart video library. Very interesting information about atrial fibrillation and more. I am watching the video that explains about it at the moment. So be there and learn more.
Eating fruit may protect your brain in old age
Research in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed people who ate large amount of fruit performed the best over 10 years, in verbal fluency, logical reasoning, and visual memory tests. The researchers say it is the antioxidants in fruit that help keep your mind sharp.
A separate study shows ginkgo biloba may also maintain a healthy mind. People who reliably took the herbal supplement had a 68 per cent lower risk of developing mild memory problems than those who took a placebo. However, those taking ginkgo biloba had a higher incidence of strokes and mini strokes.
Get Moving
According to US exercise researcher that if you're a sedentary, just 10 minutes of moderate activity a day will boost fitness enough to extend your life.
If you're already exercise, you'll need to do more - but the optimum amount is still only five 40-minutes fast sessions, or 13km walking a week. That's enough to burn 8400kJ - two years to your lifespan - says a researcher at Harvard University.
What do you think? Keep your body moving now if you believed. There's nothing to lose.
Calcium is vital for healthy teeth and bones
If the body notices that not enough calcium is circulating in the blood, it will use hormones to reduce the amount put out by the kidneys in the urine. If not enough calcium is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, calcium will be taken from the bones.
If your dietary intake of calcium is constantly low, your body will eventually remove so much calcium from the skeleton that your bones will become weak and brittle.
There are lots of alternatives in getting calcium everyday. Like for example if you're always on the go because of your work and sometimes you skipped meals. You can have or carry with you some high protein bars that can be bought from any store. If you don't like the idea of taking tablets why not try calcium powder supplements that you can just dissolve with what you already drinking without altering the taste or texture of beverages.
It is much better anyway to get calcium from foods (which also provide other nutrients) than from calcium supplements. If you have difficulty eating enough foods rich in calcium, you might consider a calcium supplement, especially if you are at risk of developing osteoporosis. It’s a good idea to discuss this with your health care professional.
Exercise pays off in the long run
Running can slow the aging process, according to the study conducted over two decades.
It was said that people over 50 who ran regularly suffered fewer disabilities, had a longer span of active life and reduced their risk of dying early compared to those who were inactive.
If you had to pick one thing to make people healthier as they age, it would be aerobic exercise.
The study tracked 538 people over 50 who ran several times a week since 1984 and compared them to non-runners.
As the subject aged, the health gap between the runners and non-runners widened, continuing even into their 90s.
According to an avid runner, the health benefits of exercise are greater than they thought.
He attributed this to runners having a leaner body mass and generally healthier habits.
But the other research suggested it was possible to be fat and healthy.
A study of 5440 people in New York found at least half of overweight adults have normal measures of heart health.
And being lean foes not necessarily protect people, either. Close to a quarter of normal-weight US adults in one study had a risk factors for heart disease or diabetes.
Simple lifestyle changes can reap big rewards
Below is an extract from 7 Things Your Doctor Forgot To Tell You by Authors Warren Sipser, a chiropractor, and his television presenter wife, Andi Lew. 7 Things include real-life stories and inspires the reader to make proactive health choices.
There is an old saying from the '60s: speed kills, and it applies not only to drugs but to driving and also lifestyle. The more stressed you allow yourself to become, the more you engage your sympathetic nervous system and adrenals, the higher your blood pressure, the more reactive your emotions, the shallower your breathing, and the less you appreciate life.
Stress also triggers the production of more cortisol, the so-called "stress chemical", which causes your body to crave carbohydrates, turns more of the food you eat into stored fat, and deposits more of that fat around your waist and organs. If you have a stressful life, find ways to reduce or cope with it: meditation, massage, music, walks in nature, weekends away, time with friends, walking the dog or petting the cat, rewarding yourself with holidays and quality downtime.
Remember that an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure - don't "wait 'til it's broke to fix it". We have not yet adapted to walking fully upright, it's still a relatively new evolutionary step, and regular spinal adjustments can have the most extraordinary benefits for your well-being. Not only can you avoid major physical complications, you will also increase your energy and vitality when all your systems are functioning optimally.
You've been hearing this for years, why not just do it? Drink plenty of pure, fresh water every day - six to eight glasses is great. It help your cells to rid themselves of toxins, clear your eyes and skin, facilitate weight loss, and water is ph-neutral (neither acid nor alkaline), which is the optimal state for radiant health.
We all do it, but very few of us do it well. Most of us breathe shallowly, lifting our shoulders on the inhalation instead of extending our bellies (diaphragm), which results in "tight shoulder, loose abdomen" syndrome - exactly the opposite of what we want, which is "loose shoulder, firm abdomen". When we're hyper (excited), we tend to have long inhalation and short exhalations. When we're hypo (depressed), we tend to have long exhalations and short inhalations.
Optimal health and energy derive from a balanced one-to-one breath, where the inhalations are deep and regular and of exactly the same length. Spend just three minutes a day in a fresh air environment, becoming aware of and re-educating your body's breathing rhythms, and every part of you will benefit.
Workaholics look older than their age
Overworked corporate young guns are aging prematurely, a health expert warns.
Workaholic habits left 25-year old looking and feeling 35, with a list of lifestyle diseases to match.
Haggard faces on bloated bodies were the sure signs.
Career crusaders who slaughter their health often suffer from high blood fat, high blood pressure, frequent coughs and colds, diabetes and low energy.
And having a six-pack was no reason to relax.
Lean people abuse their bodies all week, then gorge on exercise at the weekend.
They're going to developing the lifestyle of the weekend warrior at 25, not 35.
Despite their best intentions, weekend super-sessions are more likely to cause injury or dehydration.
It was easy to see why so many workers got hooked on the deprivation/reward cycle.
It happens because they're working 'til 10 at night and... what sort of food is being brought into the office at seven or eight o'clock at night?
They're aging prematurely.
Fresh food shops in the city and getting active midweek were health lifelines for workaholics.
And getting active midweek was he other side of the solution for people walking the tightrope between work goals and life commitments.
"They should act their age." said Karen Inge, a dietitian consultant.
A great recipe
I got this in my email inbox this week and thought it was worth sharing. I'm not sure who wrote it but it really makes you think. Hope you enjoy it!
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the
ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what
is going on in your life. Buy a lock if you have to.
3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My
purpose is to __________ today. I am thankful for ______________ '.
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is
manufactured in plants.
5.. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan
salmon, broccoli, almonds & walnuts.
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of
the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest
your energy in the positive present moment.
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a College
kid with a maxed out charge card.
9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
12. You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Agree to
13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey
is all about.
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will
this matter?'
17. Forgive everyone for everything.
18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
19. GOD heals everything - but you have to ask Him.
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will.
Stay in touch!!!
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am
thankful for __________. Today I accomplished _________.
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be
smiling before you know it.
Ways to incorporate fruit into your meals
I came across this post of one of the Beachbody message boards about how to add fruit into your meals. There are some really great ideas here and you can find more by registering for free at my site. These boards can be extremely helpful with your weight loss and nutrition needs.
~Grilled fruit slices. Cut apples, pears or peaches into chunks, brush lightly with canola oil and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place on skewers or wrap in foil. Grill on low heat for 3 to 5 minutes.
~Peach honey spread. In a bowl, add 1 sliced peach, 2 tablespoons honey and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Mash with a fork until the mixture is the consistency of chunky applesauce. Serve as a topping for pancakes or French toast, or serve it over roast chicken or pork.
~Lemon-lime fruit dip. Mix together 1/2 cup low-fat, sugar-free lemon yogurt, 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice and 1 teaspoon lime zest. Serve with pineapple chunks, strawberries, diced kiwi, sliced bananas and grapes.
~Frozen fruity pops. In a blender, add sliced strawberries and bananas, 1/4 cup orange juice, and 3/4 cup low-fat strawberry yogurt. Blend until smooth. Pour into 2- to 3-ounce molds or paper cups with sticks placed in the centers. Freeze for 3 hours or until completely frozen.
~Romaine and fresh strawberry salad. Combine 2 cups romaine lettuce and 1/2 cup sliced strawberries in a bowl. Drizzle with 1 1/2 tablespoons raspberry vinaigrette dressing and toss well. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon cashews.
~Blueberry-banana smoothie. In a blender, add 2 fresh or frozen bananas, 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries, and 1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt. Blend until smooth.
~Plum salsa. Mix together 1 cup chopped plum, 1 teaspoon dried cilantro, 2 tablespoons chopped onion, 2 teaspoons cider vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon hot sauce and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Serve with roasted or grilled chicken breasts.
~Broiled fruit kebabs. Place cubed fruit, such as cantaloupe, pineapple, mango or honeydew, onto skewers. Place skewers on a baking sheet and sprinkle with brown sugar. Broil until slightly bubbly, about 2 minutes on each side.
~Berries a la mode. Place 2 cup berries, such as raspberries, blueberries or strawberries, in a baking dish. Sprinkle with 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/3 cup low-fat granola. Bake at 350 F until fruit is bubbling, about 30 minutes. Top each serving with 1/2 cup fat-free vanilla ice cream.
~Mango salsa pizza. Mix together 1 cup chopped red or green bell peppers, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 1/2 cup chopped mango, 1/2 cup chopped pineapple, 1 tablespoon lime juice, and 1/2 cup fresh cilantro. Spread over a 12-inch prepared pizza crust. Bake at 425 F until the toppings are hot and the crust is browned, about 5 to 10 minutes.
Pico de Gallo
I just love Mexican cuisine and this is a great side dish. I like to eat it as a snack or along with my meal. It's great with tortilla chips and is so quick and easy to make. Enjoy!
* 1 medium tomato, diced
* 1 onion, finely chopped
* 1/2 fresh jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped
* 2 sprigs fresh cilantro, finely chopped
* 1 green onion, finely chopped
* 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
* 1/8 teaspoon salt
* 1/8 teaspoon pepper
1. In a medium bowl, combine tomato, onion, jalapeno pepper (to taste,) cilantro and green onion. Season with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Stir until evenly distributed. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Serves 4.
Source: Allrecipies
Freshen up your Water
7 Great Ways to Freshen Up Your Water
By Denis Faye
Thirsty? You should be. If you're reading this, it probably means you're working your tush off every day with Slim in 6®, P90X®, ChaLEAN Extreme®, or another fine Beachbody® program. And when you do that, you perspire. And when you perspire, you need to replenish the water in your system.
Sadly, you may be one of those lost souls who can't stand the taste of water. Sure, you could hydrate with juice or sports drinks, but then you'd be adding a bunch of sugar or artificial sweeteners into the mix. Yes, these drinks can play a role in a healthy diet, but 8 glasses a day of orange juice would be far more vitamin C than you need, as well as hundreds of sugar calories that you shouldn't be consuming—calories completely unchecked by the fiber you get from eating actual oranges.
Actually, water is the way to go, so to help you get the stuff down, we've come up with a few simple tips. But before we get started, we'd like to make a preemptive response to all of you who will write in to "inform" us about that widely touted 2002 study in the American Journal of Physiology that discounts the old 8-ounce-glass-of-water, eight-times-a-day rule. According to the study, a normal, healthy adult just needs to drink when he or she is thirsty to stay hydrated.
Well, before you hang up your squirt bottle, keep in mind that the study includes a huge disclaimer: the light-and-easy hydration rule doesn't apply to people with medical conditions requiring fluid control, athletes, people living in extreme conditions, and people involved in prolonged physical activity. The way I see it, if you're doing P90X, that's going to put you in at least one of those groups, if not two or three.
In other words, here are seven ways to make water more palatable. Use 'em.
1. Get fruity. A squish of lemon, lime, or orange goes a long way toward giving water a little zing. It's almost calorie free, and you get a bonus blast of vitamin C. Furthermore, if you happen to be doing our programs while you're out at sea, it can help with any unwanted scurvy.
2. Herbify yourself. Make yourself a big tub of caffeine-free, herbal tea, or "tisane," as the French call it. Technically, it isn't made from the Camellia sinensis (aka "tea") plant, which means it doesn't have the antioxidants of tea, but it tastes good and has no negative effects. There are hundreds of flavors to choose from. Mint and raspberry are a couple of our favorites.
3. Bubble up! According to a 2001 study out of the Creighton University Osteoporosis Research Center in Nebraska, the notion that carbonated water leaches calcium from your bones is completely untrue. So, if you want to hydrate with a big glass of Perrier, go for it.
4. Minty fresh. Crushed mint is another great way to liven up your water. If you want to get the most out of the leaves, put them in the glass first and grind them down. This will release a ton of flavor. Mint is also known to soothe upset stomachs and, more importantly, freshen your breath. Mix the mint with the lemon for a real taste sensation!
5. Filter flavor. It's a subtle shift, but sometimes the filtration process can alter the taste of tap water. Get yourself a Brita filter or similar brand and give it a go. Even if the flavor doesn't change, you'll be drinking purer stuff.
Brush your teeth. A good scrub of your teeth and tongue overpowers the taste of almost everything you put in your mouth for several minutes afterward. Take this opportunity to knock back a glass of H2O. You won't taste a thing.
6. Cuke you. This one is a little wacky, but if you like new tastes, give it a shot. Chop up a cucumber (yes, a cucumber). Add it to a pitcher of water and chill it for 2to 3 hours so that the cucumber flavor can permeate. Serve the water with ice. It's the perfect refreshing drink for a hot, summer day.
Shakeology: The Healthiest Meal of the Day Facts
Have questions about Shakeology? Your answers may be here. This is a fact she that Beachbody has given to me to forward to those interested in the product.
Should I continue to take Activit® or other multivitamins along with Shakeology?
Because of the way Shakeology is formulated, one shake pretty much covers your body's normal daily requirement for vitamins and minerals. However, if you're following a recommended exercise routine, your body is likely using up those nutrients at a faster rate. For example, if you're doing P90X® or ChaLEAN Extreme®, hard-charging routines that burn more calories along with vitamins and minerals, you may need some additional supplementation—like Activit. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking Activit at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb all the nutrients.
Can I take Shakeology and P90X Peak Health Formula?
If you are using P90X Peak Health Formula, then only 1 serving/scoop of Shakeology is recommended per day. If you are taking any other supplements in addition to Shakeology and P90X Peak Health Formula, then watch your total intake to ensure you do not exceed Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for Copper is 10mg/day, for Magnesium 350 mg/day, for Manganese 11 mg/day, and for Zinc 40mg/day.
I already have some Meal Replacement Shake. Should I throw it out and switch to Shakeology?
You don't have to throw it out. Meal Replacement Shake is a high-quality protein shake. Shakeology offers a wide array of nutrients on top of protein. Because Meal Replacement Shake has higher sugar content and less fiber, a good time to use it is around the time you are exercising (Results and Recovery is also good for this purpose). Shakeology is a better option for a meal that's at least 2 hours before a workout or 1 hour afterwards.
Can I take this and the Results and Recovery Formula?
Yes, but not together! Results and Recovery Formula should only be taken during or after exercise when you've been exhausting your body's blood sugar. At any other time, Shakeology would be your preferred option.
Should I still take an omega supplement?
While the flax seed and Chia seeds in Shakeology provide some omega-3 fatty acids, it is still recommended you take the Core Omega-3™ supplement to meet your daily requirement.
How about Core Cal/Mag?
The recommended daily allowance of calcium is 1,200 mg for women and 1,500 mg/day for post-menopausal women. Shakeology provides 500 mg of calcium, so it is recommended to supplement with Core Cal-Mag™ to meet the daily recommended allowance. Due to the digestive enzymes in Shakeology, taking Core Cal-Mag at the same time you drink Shakeology will help your body to better absorb the nutrients.
Does this mean I won't have to eat veggies anymore?
Unfortunately, no. Fresh fruits and vegetables will always be important for a healthy, balanced diet. Shakeology can help you fill in the nutritional gaps that occur when you're too busy to eat the right balance of fruits and veggies. Plus, it's much easier to tuck Shakeology into a purse or backpack than a head of lettuce!
Is it OK to drink more than one shake per day? Or to replace more than one meal per day?
Yes, but it is not recommended to replace more than 2 meals per day.
There is no food coloring. How is one mix green and the other brown?
The ingredients (herbal powders, grass powders, vegetable powders, Spirulina, Chlorella, plus some of the fruit and berry powders) make the color green. The base of chocolate blend is also green, but the chocolate and cocoa powders turn the color "chocolate."
Why does the Chocolate flavor have more protein?
The serving size for Chocolate is 8 grams higher than for Greenberry. The extra ingredients added for the chocolate blend (mostly chocolate powder and cocoa powder) add an additional 2 grams of protein to the serving size.
With what kind of protein is it made?
The primary source of protein is from whey, which comes from milk. Whey is one of the most bioavailable protein sources. Translation: it rapidly gets to work on repairing your muscles, and the amino acids are easily absorbed and used by your body.
Are the milk sources of protein antibiotic-free?
Yes, the whey protein used in Shakeology is free of antibiotics.
Is it a good source of fiber?
At 3 grams per 140 calories, Shakeology is a balanced source of fiber. More importantly, its fiber sources are varied, coming from apple pectin, flax, Chia meal, and Yacon. Yacon also happens to be one of the best prebiotic sources known to man.
Can I drink this right before a workout?
Shakeology would be a better option than a full meal prior to working out. However, if it's immediately before a workout, you'd be better served by something with more sugar and less fiber for rapid absorption, such as the Results and Recovery Formula or Meal Replacement Shake.
Can I drink this right after a workout?
Again, it's better than many other options available but less perfect than something designed primarily for this purpose, such as the Results and Recovery Formula.
Does it contain caffeine?
Shakeology contains no caffeine. It does contain green tea extract, but the caffeine has been removed.
Is Shakeology vegetarian?
Yes. In fact, the only non-vegan ingredient is whey protein, which comes from milk.
Are all of the ingredients organic?
With the complexity of sourcing over 70 ingredients from all over the world, it was not possible to certify all the ingredients as organic. However, they have been carefully selected and processed under strict controls to retain the highest density of nutrients possible.
Shakeology mentions "whole-food ingredients"—what does this mean? How can it be possible when it's ground to a powder?
Shakeology uses several whole-food sources of nutrients rather than using only synthetic extracts or isolates (like some multivitamin pills). The benefit of whole-food-derived ingredients is that the nutrients are preserved as close to their natural state as possible and are therefore delivered to your body in the most holistic way possible. Your body will better absorb and more efficiently use the nutrients from whole-food sources. The process of converting a food from its natural state to a powder, if done incorrectly, can destroy the nutrients in that food. With Shakeology, we ensure the highest levels of nutrients are preserved through strict temperature-controlled drying and processing.
Can I mix this in with food I'm cooking/baking?
Cooking or heating Shakeology would destroy many of the nutrients in Shakeology and upset the nutrient balance. It's highly recommended that you drink it at room temperature or cooler.
Is it safe for people with diabetes?
Because needs vary for each person with diabetes, it is recommended you check with your doctor first. However, since Shakeology is a low-caloric meal replacement with a lower glycemic index than most meals, it should be acceptable for most people with diabetes.
Can I give it to my kids? Is it safe for kids
Because the needs of every child may vary, please check with your pediatrician. However, since Shakeology is a healthy drink with low sugar and a wide variety of nutrients, it is a much healthier option than many other drinks or snacks on the market and should be appropriate for most children over the age of 6. You may want to start out with a smaller serving size until you are sure of the child's tolerance. It is not recommended to be given as a meal replacement for children younger than six years old without first checking with your pediatrician.
What about pregnant women and nursing mothers?
Shakeology should only be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers under the direction of their physicians.
Is it safe for people with gluten allergies or celiac disease? It says gluten-free on the package, but the label lists wheatgrass and kamut grass as ingredients.
After extensive testing, Shakeology has been found to be 100 percent gluten-free. As such, Shakeology should be an appropriate snack or meal for people suffering from gluten allergies or celiac disease. However, since individual allergies and conditions vary, it is recommended to test a small dose first before proceeding with a full serving.
Does Shakeology interfere with any medication?
While Shakeology has been tested as safe for most people, you should always consult with your physician if you are on any medication (especially heart medication, since Shakeology contains Vitamin K1) or if you have any other unique health conditions.
Health Tip #31: Mix red quinoa and white quinoa for a new taste
Since I wrote Health Tip #21 I wanted to try mixing red and white quinoa. A recent comment by Ed on that blog post finally inspired me to do so.
And I can only agree to what he writes. The combination of red quinoa and white quinoa is much stronger and has much richer flavor than just eating them separately.
I always preferred white quinoa over red, but now I like it better when they are mixed. Plus it looks more delicious on the plate when mixed!
Did you try quinoa instead of rice yet?
Random facts about quinoa:
- Is gluten-free
- Is good seeds for birds
- Exists in colors beige/pink, red/brown and black
Health Tip #92: Organic salmon-potato soup with haricots, carrots and broccoli
It's a long time ago since I shared a healthy recipe of mine on my blog. So here it goes!
This fall I've started experimenting with making new dishes and this salmon-potato soup with vegetables is one of them.
The ingredients you see in the picture are:Main ingredients
- Salmon filet (organic)
- Potatoes
- Haricots
- Carrots (organic)
- Broccoli (organic)
- Tumeric (organic)
- Thyme (organic)
- Oregano (organic)
Flavor enhancer
- Tamari soy sauce (organic)
- Himalayan salt
The easiest (and laziest!) way to do this soup is to boil everything at once in a big, big saucepan for about 20-30 mins. The haricots and broccoli can be added the last 5-10 minutes so they won't get too boiled.
And that's bascially it! Kind of easy, do you agree?
As you can see, almost every ingredient is organic. When I'm at home that's what I'm aiming for. I find my organic herbs, Tamari and Himalayan salt in the health food store, the rest of the ingredients comes from the supermarket.
I hope this blog post will inspire you and give you an idea or two next time you cook!
Turnip mash with chicken filet and broccoli
I was brought up eating turnip mash with pork, mustard and crispbread on the side, but I decided to change the recipe a bit.
I like experimenting in the kitchen, and this dish is one of a good result. Very, very easy to do, and if you're interested, then here's how to do it:1. Buy this:
- Potatoes
- Turnip
- Carrots
- Chicken filet
- Broccoli
- Any herb (my case: thyme)
- Coconut oil (I use it quite often in food as a flavor enhancer! Example 1, Example 2)
- Canola oil (it's yummy...)
2. Boil everything!
3. Mash it!
4. Done!
The result is delicious... :)
Health Tip #68: A healthy homemade curry sauce recipe (100% cholesterol-free)
This must be the most simple curry sauce recipe ever made - plus it's 100% cholesterol-free.The two ingredients are:
- Organic curry powder
- Soy yoghurt
I love this simple recipe (and simple it is!) and I use it a lot. I'm not very picky when it comes to sauces and I think this is a very good alternative to greasy sauces and for those who wants to be healthier.
If you want "more" in it then I suggest you to use this as a base of your curry sauce. Add whatever you wish to add. A friend of mine adds organic cucumber (mixed in a blender) with organic coriander to "spice it up".
While curry is known for lowering ones cholesterol levels - the soya yoghurt I use (Alpro Soya) contains 0% cholesterol. It's also free of preservatives, artificial flavouring and colours. In other words: it's a great brand for people who wants to be healthy.
• Click here to read about my curry dish recipe which contains banana and tuna.
Health Tip #43: A quick healthy meal - banana, organic curry and tuna with whole grain rice
If you've been reading my blog you probably know that I'm a big fan of tuna. This next healthy dish contains tuna aswell, together with banana, organic curry and whole grain rice.
I only recently "discovered" this healthy meal when my brother served it to me. Sure, I've had it before, but never made it at home myself.It's really quick to do. Just boil that whole grain rain of yours for 10 minutes. In the mean time prepare the rest - pouring the organic curry powder in the rice, slicing up the banana which you mix with the rice together with the tuna when it's a minute left. And just like that, it's done. Only 10 minutes!
Quick curry facts:
- Curry is a healthy spice that is very low in cholesterol and sodium.
- Helps fight cancer, such as skin cancer and leukemia.
- Helps preventing gases.
Health Tip #35: Whole grain rice with cabbage, apple, cashew nuts and organic raisins
This meal is both healthy and quick to do.
Whole grain rice with lightly boiled cabbage, grated organic apples, whole organic cashew nuts and organic raisins. Plus no salt!The whole grain rice takes about 10 minutes to cook. During this time - boil the cabbage for a couple of minutes and fix the rest.
10 minutes only! Now this is fast food!
With this picture I hope to inspire you to set up the food on your plate differently than you normally do, because "looks" regarding what we eat matters more than we think. Especially if you have kids! Well, if you have kids you probably already know this...
If I put it like this: make healthy food "attractive" on the plate and it will taste a bit better.
Did I mention everything should be organic?
Health Tip #19: Healthy Cashew Balls cookies recipe for dessert or snack
Time for dessert!A healthy one, that is.
They are simple to do and I call them the cookies Healthy Cashew Balls.
Here's the (raw food) ingredients:
- Coconut oil/cream
- Cashew flour or almond flour (rye flour in emergency!)
- Raisins
- Cashew
- Coconut (shredded)
If you want to make 10-15 balls then use 1 dl of all ingredients except for the cocunut oil/cream which would be about three tablespoons.Step 1:
Melt the coconut oil/cream and add the flour
Step 2:
Let it cool in the fridge for 10-15 minutes till it gets as solid as you can work with it with your hands.
Not too loose, not to hard.
The rest:
Chop the raisins and the cashew nuts to desirable pieces and mix it with the "coconut-flour". Form balls with your hands and roll them in shredded coconut.
These are very filling and you won't eat as much as you would if it was regular cookies or candy.
Perfect snack or dessert for people who wants to lose weight!
Health Tip #16: Mixed grated carrots and apples
Everytime I eat at my grandmother's place, she always makes a mix of grated carrots and apples.
It's sooo yummy. Carrots and apples fits very well together.
If you don't like eating just carrots - then mix it like this with apples. The sweetness and sourness of apples makes carrots taste so different - and good!
Even though I have been served this since I was a kid, it wasn't until recently I started doing this "side salad" on my own on a regular basis.
Like I always say; it's all about making healthy into a habit!
Health Tip #12: Mashed potatoes with coconut oil
When you normally do mashed potatoes you add some fat to it, like butter.I tried adding coconut oil instead of butter and voilá - the mashed potatoes turned out delicious!
I used some garlic pepper aswell, but I really didn't need it. The flavor of the coconut made it taste so exotic. And since this was the only ingredient I added - this type of mashed potatoes is much healthier than regular ones.
Health Tip #5: Tuna with quinoa and vegetables
One of my favorite fishes! Especially the canned one... Ok, tuna filet is much healthier, but if your budget is tight...Tuna with quinoa and vegetables is one of the dishes I eat several times a week. I just love it, and it's simple and quick to do. Takes only 10-12 minutes for me to prepare, so there's really no "healthy food takes time to prepare and cook"-excuse regarding this dish.
I keep the quinoa (seeds, substitute for rice) in a small amount, 1 dl only. May seem little, but did you know that, according to scientists, you live a longer life if you consume less calories than the average person? Plus you decrease the chance of getting overweight and blah blah...
I then usually only eat half a can of tuna.
Boiling broccoli and carrot and other vegetables for a couple of minutes is good for your digestion. At first I didn't like it but I grew to love it and now I prefer it over raw. You should try it too!
And hey, I have a friend who says tuna is gross. I asked her when the last time was when she had it, she replied "Oh, I've never tried it"....
Health Tip #2: Eat less salt or no salt at all
I'm sure you've heard you should eat less salt to lower a high blood pressure. Most of you who reads this probably don't have a high blood pressure - but eating lots of salt can cause this, plus getting a stroke, heart disease or even stomach cancer. The average person eats much, much more salt on a day than he should.
In most dishes there is already salt added - especially in restaurants - this is more than enough. I know salt makes the food tastier - but if you try without it a couple of times you can get use to use less or not at all.I didn't use extra salt in my food until I reached the age of 17 or so. My brother introduced me to this "health" salt... I wish he wouldn't... These days I use it very little, mostly not at all. Just like I got used to the taste with salt, I am getting used again to eat food without salt.
Keep in mind that the consequences of adding extra salt every now and then might not show up tomorrow, or next year or in five years. But it probably will in 10 or 20 years from now.
Health Tip #21: White quinoa vs red quinoa
The white quinoa or the red quinoa? Which one do you prefer?
When asking this I bet lots of you who reads this haven't even heard of quinoa.
Quick info: quinoa is called a "super-grain" because it has more protein than other grains and is a great substitute for rice.
I eat it more often than rice because it is fast to cook. I always had the white quinoa but decided to try the red quinoa for once.
My verdict?
Well, although the red one is more firm and "looks" nicer, opposed to the fluffy white one - I'd say I like the white qunioa better. The red one has a kind of "harsh" taste. But maybe that's because I'm used to the white one. I'll have to try it more. Maybe I should try mixing them next time!
The picture to the left displays one of the typical dishes I eat; white qunioa with tuna and vegetables (from Health Tip #5), while on the other picture there's red quinoa with tuna plus grated carrots and apples (from Health Tip #16).
Get inspired!
Health Tip #27: Try tahini instead of peanut butter
Are you a big fan of peanut butter?
Me myself tasted peanut butter for the first time last year... Didn't like it. Felt it got stuck in my mouth somehow, like glue.
Then a friend told me about tahini (which is mashed sesame seeds). He called it the "healthier peanut butter".
I tried it and I liked it! And yes, it does resemble peanut butter a bit. You should really try it if you can get a hold of it and if you like peanut butter. It's a healthy substitute. If it's not in your local food store, it can usually be found at health food stores.
I tried it on bread, but have also tried it in food. It's really good and I recommend you to try it!
Health Tip #59: Add cinnamon and cardamom to your tea to improve the flavor plus become healthier
I usually add cinnamon and cardamom to my tea. Both mixes great with lemon tea, strawberry tea and a bunch of other tea flavors.
I'm not only adding it to improve the flavor of the tea, but also to get those nutrients from those two spices that I usually don't ingest.
Cinnamon has similar effects like curry; it can both help fight cancer (leukemia) and prevent gas for people with stomach troubles.
There's even a study that shows that smelling cinnamon boosts your memory!
Cardamom has numerous good health effects as well. To name a few; it can improve your digestion, rinse out your body of caffeine and cure your bad breath!
It also improves the circulation to your lungs - making it a good spice to ingest regularly if you have asthma.
I found a very funny video on YouTube called The Cinnamon Challenge. I suggest you to check it out if you want to have a good laugh (which of course is healthy as well!).
Health Tip #60: Pay extra for organic food for better taste
There's numerous reasons of why to buy organic food, and I'm sure you've heard almost all of them.
One reason I think people are forgetting when it comes to buying organic food is that the taste is so much better.
When I'm at my grandmother's house during the summers she always serves vegetables, fruits and berries she has grown herself in her garden. 100% pure organic - 0% pesticide. And it is tastes of heaven.Have you ever tried a 100% organic carrot? The taste can not be described. It's so delicious.
And how about organic raspberries?
Or organic strawberries?
I feel like I'm in food heaven when I'm at her place.
At home I usually go for the organic stuff, such as organic rice, organic cashew nuts and organic beans.
I believe it's worth paying some extra money for organic food when the taste is ten times better than regular food.
Health Tip #64: Go from oatmeal porridge to tastier amaranth porridge
Did you ever try amaranth porridge?Just like oat - amaranth is a grain that works excellent to make porrigde of and is a great substitue when you get tired of eating oatmeal porridge.
If you buy (organic) amaranth flakes it will only take you two minutes to cook on the stove. You just add some water, and then when it's done - pour some (organic) berries over it together with some milk*.
Did you try it?
If not, head to your health food store and purchase it!
(*I choose soybean milk over regular milk - more on the benefits of soy milk in the next tip.)
Health Tip #65: Soybean milk as a substitute for cow's milk
As I mentioned in the previous post, this one will be about the benefits of soybean milk/soy milk/soya milk.I recently shifted from cow's milk to soy milk for a couple of reasons. From friends I heard it was better, so I decided to try it and read upon about it.
I found out that soy milk bascially is made out of soy beans and water. The mixture has a similar taste to cow's milk, which, of course, is an alternative for vegetarians and vegans. The amout of protein is almost about the same as in cow's milk, and since it lacks of vitamin B and calcium, those two vitamins are usually added. It's also safe to drink for people with milk allergy and who suffers from lactose intolerance.
The best benefits I found are that it has very little saturated fat and zero cholesterol compared to cow's milk. And because of this, there have been studies that comes to the same conclusion: soy milk may reduce the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease.
Not only this, but it's also kind of tasty! Especially with that porridge of mine...
Health Tip #67: Detox your body of toxins with pure Chlorella algae
Does the following list interest you?- Better breath
- Less body odour
- Less constipation
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Faster healing of skin wounds
- Boost of immune system
- Little to no hangover (if taking before drinking alcohol) ....
Not only does the Chlorella algae give you all these benefits, but studies also shows that it can help to protect you against cancer.
It also helps patients of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimers's disease as it helps rebuild the nerve damage that occurs in the nervous system.
So what exacly is Chlorella?
Chlorella is a green freshwater algae, known as the number 1 source of chlorophyll and the ability to detox. It's extremely nutritious and contains all kinds of enzymes, minerals and vitamins.
Among five different Vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6 & B12), Chlorella also contains Vitamin C and E, plus iron, calcium, magnesium and more.The Chlorella tablets of mine that you see in the pictures are of the Yaeyama-chlorella kind and are produced in Japan. They are suppose to be the most pure Chlorella because of the high demands from the Japanese Ministry of Health. These tablets are produced without any chemical additives or added preservative and are therefore 100% Chlorella.
I started taking Chlorella a few weeks ago.
I started with five a day, then increased one every week. Now I'm up to eight a day. (The recommended daily intake is 5-10 tablets/2-4 gram a day.)
I do notice positive changes with my body. The number one benefit for me is that I have a much better overall feeling in my stomach and that I in general feel more well now compared to before. Which is great!
There's also other benefits I'm experiencing - some listed in the list.
If I were to choose only one supplement out there, Chlorella would definitely be the one.
How about you?
Would you try it?
Health Tip #71: Eat colorful fruits and vegetables packed with antioxidants for more nutrition
Yes... You've probably heard this before, but it's a good tip.
Colorful food in nature = antioxidants = more nutrition.Why is this?
Most of the nutrients in a fruit or a vegetable can be found in the pigments - the substance that give foods their uniqe color. So the deeper the color is, the higher the levels of antioxidants it contains.
This is why you should never peel your apples or other fruits. If you're peeling the fruit because you don't want to ingest pesticide - then buy organic fruit which are pesticide-free instead.
While blueberries will always be blue, tomatoes can be either red, orange or yellow. Choose to eat the red ones as these contains more of one of nature's most powerful antioxidants - lycopene. This antioxidant helps preventing prostate cancer, among things.
Same "rule" goes for apples... Choose the red ones over the green and yellow ones.
Above all, enjoy your time choosing your healthy food in the store!
Health Tip #72: Eat only the unpolished whole grain rice that takes 40-45 min to cook
There are a lot of different types of rices out there and it can be hard to choose which one to eat if you wanna be healthy.In general, the longer the cooking time is for rice, the more nutrition the rice contains because the more of the actual rice still exists. White rice - compared to whole grain rice - has its husk, bran and germ (the "heart" of the seed) removed which all contains good nutrition among omegas, protein, vitamins and minerals.
It's not very common for smaller food stores to have unpolished whole grain rice, but health food stores usually have. Go there to find the rice that takes 40-45 minutes to cook.
Health Tip #78: Use coconut oil in your food to lose weight faster
The oils you mention are good for you, yes (make sure canola is ge free) but on heating it causes a chemical reaction which actually creates trans fats. Coconut oil is the only oil which is not altered by heat."I became curious about this because I know a friend of mine uses coconut oil (Cocosa - Pure Coconut Oil). He doesn't use it to fry foods though (as he never eat fried things because "it's not healthy"), but to enhance the flavor of foods, for example rice, vegetables and beans.
I've tried it and it's actually very tasty to use in food (if you use the one where they have stripped away the taste of the actual coconut).
I made a search online and I found out a lot of positive things about coconut oil. The best one is that it helps you to lose weight because it stimulates the metabolism so you burn more calories!
I have yet to found another cooking oil that posess this quality...
Health Tip #81: Soak dried beans over the night instead of cooking canned beans
Here's something I started doing recently. A few times of the week I soak dried beans over the night and cook them the day after. I like to experiment and try new things; so far I've tried kidney beans, aduki beans and mung beans (picture). (And yes, they are all tasty!)The back of the boxes usually say some specific amount of hours the beans should be soaked (usually between 6-10 hours), though I do it over the night so I don't have to count the hours.
The reason you should eat dried (organic) beans that you soak yourself instead of canned beans is because there usually is an unnecessary color preservative added, and a thick, salty liquid that the beans swims in...
Always try to go as natural as possible when cooking food.
I have to admit that it was hard in the beginning to soak all these dried beans the night before because I wasn't used to do it. At times I even forgot to do it, even if I planned it in advance.
Like I've mentioned in a lot of health tips on this blog before - I think it's all about making "healthy" a habit. It will be hard in the beginning, yes, but after time, it will get easier and after a while it will come naturally for you.
Health Tip #83: Buy frozen vegetables instead of fresh vegetables for more nutrition
Yes, this might sound weird.
How can frozen vegetables contain more nutrition than fresh vegetables?The answer applies to the vegetables that you buy that has been imported from abroad...
It usually takes 2-3 days from the time that the vegetable is still growing in the soil to when it actually hits the store. In order for the vegetable to not grow old during this time, they harvest it 2-3 days before it's 100% ripe. The vegetable ripen during the transportation, however, since the plant is litterally "in the dark", it doesn't get the final benefits from the sun that allows more nutrition to develop.
When it comes to frozen vegetables, they get harvested when they are 100% ripe and are therefore more nutritious when you buy those over fresh ones.
But keep in mind that this usually isn't the case when you buy vegetables that has been grown locally, or vegetables that has been added with preservatives or additives.
The organic vegetables - frozen or fresh - are always the better option (like broccoli!).
And yes, this goes for fruits and berries too...