Four homemade beverages for summer weight loss

Don’t take it for granted that reducing food intake and being hungry will make you slim. Weight loss beverages may produce the same effects as that of various diets. Choose the right drinks will get you more slender.

1, Appetite suppressing drinks: V8 vegetable juice and Smoothie

What kind of drinks helps lose weight? Most drinks function to satisfy your thirst. But there’s one drink not only make you thirstless but also has the additional effect of appetite control. V8 vegetable juice and Smoothie are the most representative appetite suppressing beverages on the market.

V8 Vegetable Juice is a trademark name owned by the Campbell Soup Company for beverage products made from either eight vegetables or a mixture of both fruits and vegetables. A smoothie is a blended, chilled, sweet beverage made from fresh fruit. In addition to fruit juice, many smoothies include crushed ice, frozen fruit, or frozen yogurt. These drinks are thicker than slush drinks, but unlike milkshakes, they do not usually contain ice cream, but can contain milk.

A study found that drinking a glass of V8 vegetable juice or Smoothie 15 to 20 minutes before the meal helped reduce the calorie intake from food. This, to a large extent, is a mystery. But the researchers believe that it’s related with the density of the viscosity and calorie. However, don’t drink them during meals, it’ll lose afore-mentioned effectiveness.

2, Slimming alcohol: Vodka Soda

Are you a party monster that can’t not live without liquor at hand? Try Vodka Soda then.

More moderate the liquor, lower the calorie contained. Therefore, a mixture of soda water (containing no calorie or low-calorie) with Gin or Vodka is the right spirit for people with a weight loss prom, because a cup of such drink only contains 80 to 90 calories.

3, Sports drinks before exercise: Green tea

A study found that green tea extract can improve the sports endurance by 24 percents, it also can increase the fat burning. Japanese researchers conducted experiments on mice which were thrown into a water pond to let them struggle for survival, and in the end they felt exhausted. The results showed that those fed the green tea extract more sustained longer than others, and in 10 weeks later their lost fat was significantly more fat other mice. This study makes the researchers believe that a cup of green tea on the human body has the same effect.

4, Diet supplements after exercise: Skimmed chocolate milk

It is a wise move to drink something after practicing yoga or taekwondo. In fact this is the right time to lose weight. Milk is an ideal drink to restore the vitality. The the proportion of calorie/protein in milk is a great fit to meet the body needs. It contains about 3-4 calories per gram of protein.

But why chocolate milk? Because the cocoa beans in chocolate contain antioxidants which can help repair muscle cells. If it is difficult to buy milk in the gym, you can bring from home a bag of milk for breakfast.

Drinking ice water has similar effects. A study found that two glasses of cold water (below 22 degree C) contributed the reduced consumption of calories. Because 40 percents of calories are consumed to ‘heat’ the water to the body temperature. Drinking a liter of cold water a day will help you lose five pounds of body weight a year.

Seven classic teas for body detoxification and slimming in summer

Mangosteen tea - sweet alternative
You have to say bye bye to sweets in order to maintain a graceful body. But sometimes your eyes are bigger than your bellies. If there is a cup of genuine sweet tea with low calorie content, can you wrestle with this temptation? Mangosteen tea is such a good drink! Although it’s as sweet as sugar, there is almost zero calorie in Mangosteen tea.

Chrysanthemum tea - a guard against radiation
Made from white chrysanthemums and fine oolong tea, baked chrysanthemum tea is a necessity for those white collar workers and people who work in offices that are surrounded with electronic pollution. It is because an ingredient in chrysanthemum has detoxifying effects. It helps resist and cleanse harmful chemical or radioactive material in the body.

Pu’er tea - eradication of lower abdomen fat
Majority of Chinese teas have the effect of promoting fat metabolism, Pu’er tea is the master in eliminating excess fat. Ingredients of this tea contain elements that enhance the effectiveness of abdominal fat decomposition. Pu’er tea has a special flavor, but is not bitter.

Artemisia argyi tea - cleaning body fluid and relieving swelling
Edema, in particular a swollen face will affect the moods during your work. Swelling treatment is mainly performed through cleaning extra body fluid to relieve swelling. Consistent drinking of Artemisia argyi tea during days with edema has the effect of detoxification and diuretic. For those with no luck in long-term weight loss, having Artemisia argyi tea might be a good try.

Oolong tea - sobering you up with equivalent drink
In a banquet or a gathering, the warmer atmosphere, the more people drink. Drink an equivalent volume of oolong tea if you want to sober up early. Oolong tea can prevent the body from cold caused by energy deficiency, absorb the alcohol intake and the accumulated cholesterol in the body. It’s better to have the hot oolong tea for diuretic detoxification.

Aloe Vera tea - your assistant to quit smoking
It’s a nice enjoyment during smoking. But once there’re pathological changes caused by cigarette smoking, you’ll feel regretted. For your health quit it as soon as possible. Make a cup of Aloe tea whenever you have a craving for tobacco. The similar unique bitterness is the best substitute when you’re longing for that. In addition to helping you stop smoking, Aloe tea may promote body defecation and metabolism.

Chinese wolfberry tea
Chinese wolfberry tea is a traditional Chinese medicine. If there’s no defecation in three consecutive days, make yourself a wolfberry tea with no bitter taste. Drinking enough tea in the night will make you refreshed in the next morning.

The 14 misconceptions and truths about weight loss

Why can’t you lose weight? Do you have misconceptions mentioned below? It is more likely that it is these concepts that make you fail in weight loss. There’re no secretes in weight loss. Methods for weight control are already known. These weight loss methods include dieting, exercising, pharmaceutical medications, appetite suppression, bowel and stomach surgery. Moderate regulate exercise combined with a well balanced diet is the most effective way in weight control.

Misconception 1, Eating vegetables and fruits ALONE will achieve a healthy weight loss
The truth: Research shows vegetarians have leaner body mass that other people. But if you are a vegetarian, you have to work out a strict diet plan, so as avoid malnutrition due to the long-term single diet structure. The supply of nutrients necessary for human health, such as iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc, and animal protein can not rely solely on the intake of vegetables and fruits.

Tips: Choose vegetarian diets rich in above nutrients, in combination with a healthy diet plan.

* Iron-rich foods: cashew nuts, spinach, soy products, black fungus
* Calcium-rich foods: dairy products, fortified soybean milk beverages, tofu, kale vegetables, dried small shrimps, rice, flour, spinach, cabbage, etc.
* Food rich in vitamin D: skimmed milk, cheese, nuts, fortified foods that added with vitamin D
* Vitamin B12-rich foods: soy, Stinky tofu
* Zinc-rich foods: beans, peanuts, millet, radish, cabbage

Misconception 2, Do not try weightlifting and other violent exercises that will make you an ugly ‘muscle woman’
The truth: Weightlifting, sit-ups, and other sports assist to lose weight and build muscle. Muscle tends to consume more calories than fat. Which means if you have more muscle, there’s more consumption of calories during metabolism. Of course, you don’t have to worry about to become a ‘muscle woman,’ because exercising two to three times a week is not enough to develop a strong muscular body. It only brings you solid and well-developed muscle masses though.

Tips: Apart from the regular 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise, such as walking and jogging, you can also do strenuous exercise 2 to 3 time a week, such as weightlifting, pull stretch, sit-ups, push-ups, and etc.

Misconception 3, Starch-rich foods will let you gain weight
The truth: Many foods are rich in starch and with a small amount of fat and calories. Such foods include bread, rice, pasta, oats, soybeans, fruit and potatoes, and so on. The reason why they appear to make you fat is simply because you eat too much, or a variety of high-fat, high-calorie sauces such as butter, ice cream, syrup, are added in your meals. Remember, the starch is one of the three major energy sources for the human body.

Tips: Try to avoid adding high-calorie dressings to foods. You’re recommended eat 6 to 11 types of food grains in your every day’s meals. Make sure to control the total amount.

Misconception 4, Grapes, celery, and cabbage can help you burn fat and lose weight
The truth: There is no scientific proof to confirm that such fruit and vegetables can help you burn fat, despite some of the caffeine-rich food may speed up your metabolic rate in the short term, but this does not mean that it can help you lose weight.

Tips: The best way to lose weight is scientific dietary intake and moderate regular exercise.

Misconception 5, Natural or green products can help you lose weight healthily and effectively
The truth: Most of those claimed to be natural and healthy weight loss products did not undergo a rigorous scientific test. For example, some slimming products containing natural plant extract from the ephedrine. Ephedrine and will cause serious health problems. Other non-ephedrine weight loss products is not safe because they may contain other harmful ingredients.

Misconception 6, No need to control food intake for natural weight loss
The truth: To lose weight, you have to ensure that the calorie intake lower than the expenditure of calories (calories that are burned during base metabolism and physical activity). Eat whatever you take does not affect the weight loss effect. But you must not eat too much, also meanwhile take some moderate exercise.

The truth: Select low-calorie food as much as possible. If you can not stand the food temptations can not help, taste a little to satisfy your appetite.

Misconception 7, Low-fat food or food with no fat and calorie
The truth: Low-fat food does contain lower quality of calories that those contained in the high-fat food. But there’re exceptions, and some low-fat foods have equivalent quality of calories, or even more. As they may add a lot of sugar.

Tips: Before buying food, check the ingredients list to see if large amount of calories is contained.

Misconception 8, Fast food is unhealthy, step away from them if you want to lose weight
The truth: As long as you have tricks, fast food may help obesity treatment.

Tips: Do not eat large packages of snack food, and share with friends. Never drink coke, boiled water or low-fat milk. Choose some fruit and vegetable salad, and roasting food, for instance, chicken sandwiches or small Hamburg. Fried dishes, for example, French cooking, fried chicken, etc., are usually very high in concentrations of fat and calories, so do not eat often. If you really want to eat, invite a friend to enjoy and share the food.

Misconception 9, Reducing meals can help losing weight
The truth: Research shows that those who do not eat breakfast every day and have small meals have more possibility to get fat than those who adhere to having breakfast and regular meals. Often and little eating helps curb your appetite. Less meals will only make your stomach more greedy and you eat much more in very meal.

Tips: More meals a day, less eating in a meal. Take low-fat and green food.

Misconception 10, Eating after 8 pm will make the body gain weight
The truth: The primary cause of getting fat is not because you eat in an inappropriate time. It’s because your caloric intake is more than your caloric expenditure. Only excessive food intake will make the body gain weight.

Tips: If you want to eat something before bed, think about what you’ve eaten that day and whether these foods have met the energy needs. Avoid having snacks while watching TV, this will only make you eat more without any notice.

Misconception 11, Low-starch and high-protein food structure is conducive to weight loss
The truth: The long term health effect with high-protein low-starch diet on the human body remains to be researched. But eating high-protein foods such as eggs, meat, cheese, etc., along will cause nutritional imbalance. At the same time, this may also result in excessive intake of fat and cholesterol, increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease risk. Meanwhile, it is easy to trigger constipation without having vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain food. In addition, long-term intake of protein only will have side effects including nausea and fatigue weakness. Daily intake of less than 130 grams of starch will increase the blood ketone concentration in the human body, and results in high uric acid levels, causes kidney stones and gout.
Tips: Weight loss with high-protein diet by limiting the body’s calorie intake will be effective in a short term. But eating grains, fruits and vegetables are necessary for your health.

Misconception 12, Seed food is rich in fat and should be avoided
The truth: Seed plants such as peanuts and sunflower are rich in fat, but also contain a number of unsaturated fatty acids, e.g. linoleic acid and linolenic acid which are of great benefit to the human health. Seed plants are also rich in protein, dietary fiber, a variety of minerals.

Tips: Moderate consumption of seed food is conducive to health. But keep in mind seeds in amount of a third of small bowl contain 270 calories.

Misconception 13, Meat is not good for health and weight loss
Truth: It is a part of a healthy diet plan to eat a small amount of meat. Chicken, pork, and fish contain some nutrients for human body, for instance protein, iron, zinc, and etc. Although they contain certain amount of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids.

Tips: Choose lean meat, such as steak. pay attention to the amount of meat (2-3 ounces are enough)

Misconception 14, Fat-rich dairy products are harmful for health
The truth: Low-fat or skimmed, yogurt, and cheese are rich in nutrients as those in whole milk, but contain less fat and calories. They are rich in protein and calcium, as well as vitamin D, which’re beneficial for muscle and bone health.

Tips: Those with 9-18 years of age and people over the age of 50 should take three servings of dairy products everyday, and people of 19-49 years of age need to drink two servings of dairy products a day (a glass of milk or yogurt, 1.5 ounces of natural cheese, or 2 ounces of processed cheese)

If you have lactose intolerance syndrome, you can choose the low-lactose products or other foods equally rich in calcium and vitamin D, for example, enhanced fruit juices, soy milk beverages, or tofu.

Five vegetable juices that promote healthy weight loss

Carrot juice

Drinking a certain amount of fresh carrot juice every day can improve the status of the whole body organism. Carrot juice can increase the body’s appetite and improve the immunity to infection. Milk secreted by breast-feeding mothers who drink carrot juice has better quality and more quantity than that from those who do not drink. People suffering from ulcer disease can significantly reduce the disease symptoms by drinking carrot juice. Carrot juice is also effective in mitigation conjunctivitis and maintenance of the entire visual system.

Celery juice

Celery has a pleasant odor and can enhance people’s appetite. In the hot and dry day, drink a cup of celery juice after getting up will make you feel refreshed. It is also beneficial for health to drink celery juice between meals. Celery juice can be used as a diuretic, a cathartic, as well as methoserpidine. The celery roots and leaves are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C and vitamin P, celery juice is especially suitable for people lack of these vitamins.

Chinese cabbage juice

Chinese cabbage, also known as celery cabbage, is useful in the recovery of hematopoietic function, preventing of vascular sclerosis and deposition of serum cholesterol. Vitamin A in Chinese cabbage juice can promote child growth and prevent childhood nyctalopia (night blindness). Lack of vitamin A affect the body’s growth and resistance to disease and can cause night blindness. In addition to prevention and treatment of amblyopia, selenium in the juice helps improve the bactericidal power of leukocytes and prevent the body from heavy metal poisoning. During the time the gum infection induces periodontal disease, drinking mixed cabbage and carrot juice can help clean the mouth as well as supplement a large amount of vitamin C contained in the juice.

Tomato juice

Medical experts believe that 2 to 3 tomatoes a day meets the body’s daily vitamin C need. Several glasses of tomato juice can supply half the amount of vitamin A needed during night. Tomato contains a lot of citric acid and malic acid which enhance the body’s metabolism, promote the production of gastric juice, and strengthen the digestive capability of greasy food. Vitamin P in tomato protects blood vessels, prevent and treat hypertension, and can improve the heart’s work. In addition, long term drinking of tomato juice can improve skin health. Tomato juice, in combination with apple juice, pumpkin juice and lemon juice, can also play a role in obesity treatment.

Cucumber juice

Doctors believe cucumber juice has the best diuretic effect among its other health benefits. Cucumber juice may play an important role in maintaining strong heart and blood vessels, regulating blood pressure, preventing excessive tension and cardiac atherosclerosis. Cucumber juice can also make the nervous system sedative and strong and enhance memory. Cucumber juice contains many nutrients for hair and nails, and helps to prevent hair loss and nail splitting. Cucumber juice contains less fat and sugar, which is ideal for weight loss.

What it takes to commit to be fit

The word “commitment” often has a negative connotation to it. When some people hear the word, they envision strait jackets and sanitariums. Others picture a ball and chain imprisoning their ankles. What makes people want to run away when they hear the word “commitment?”

Honestly, I don’t know. But I can offer a good guess.

Commitment requires long-term effort. Because it’s easier to take shortcuts and bypasses rather than put in effort over a long period of time, I think it’s just part of human nature to dread the idea of making a commitment.

But the idea of making a commitment and actually making a commitment are two different things.

The idea of making a commitment brings up those negative images mentioned earlier.

Making a commitment is usually something positive.

Making a commitment to being fit is probably one of the most positive things you can possibly do for yourself and for your loved ones.

As I said, commitment requires long-term effort. When you hear about pills or machines that promote quick weight loss, instant energy or strength, or some other speedy remedy to health concerns, you can be fairly certain that those products should not be part of your commitment to fitness. Sure, these items might work for a while, but what about in the long run?

Truth be told, what works when you make a commitment to be fit is you. You must be physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared. You must visit with your doctor and/or nutritionist. You might meet with your personal trainer. You need to learn what food your body requires. You need to learn how to exercise your muscles properly. As you learn, you must apply what you learn. All of this takes work. And time.

If you are not willing to work, if you would rather let something or someone else work for you, or if you don’t make the time to do the necessary work, then you don’t have the commitment required to become more fit.

If you are willing to work at it and make the time to do the work, then you are on your way to a healthier life.
When you are committed to be fit, you take control of the state of your health. Others may assist you, such as your doctor, dietitian, or personal trainer, but because YOU are the one making the time and expending the effort, YOU are the one who will reap the benefits. And there are many. To name just a few:

* sleep better
* say good-bye to lengthy depressions and/or persistent aches and pains
* age with the ability to keep doing things you’ve always done
* play with and care for your kids, grandkids, or great grandkids
* enjoy the outdoors
* feel vital and energetic naturally
* bring a healthy life into this world
* enjoy activities you used to enjoy

The list goes on. You know what your individual reasons are for wanting to be in better condition. The first step to living them is to make your commitment NOW.

Yes, it takes effort. Yes, it takes time. And YES, YOU CAN DO IT!!!

What to look for in a gym for you weight control plan

Gymnasiums always remind me of fancy gadgets and gizmos, of perfectly-sculpted bodies and health freaks wanting to trim and tone every part of their body. My romance with the gym began some 10 years ago, when it was considered fashionable to go to the gym, especially at that time many of my friends were mad at a slim figure. Armed with a friend (for moral support) and oozing with loads of confidence, we walked in our best track pants to the neighborhood gym. Believe it or not, but we were the first members of the fairer sex to enroll and even got a 20 per cent discount because of that. So far so good. But the experience that followed could hardly be described as pleasant. The interiors were dingy and smelly, the equipment looked old and neglected, there was no instructor to guide us and there were men of all shapes and sizes - apparently working out - to cacophonic music. Needless to say, we ran as fast as we could. After this disastrous maiden experience, it took nearly a decade before I could summon the courage to enter another gymnasium.

And this one took my breath away. Swanky, huge interiors, trained instructors and last but not the least, state-of-the-art machines. Treadmills, rowers, steppers, cycles, weights - you name it and it was there.

As people get more and more health-conscious today, the numbers who frequent gyms has grown by leaps and bounds. Fitness centres have sprung up in almost every nook and corner. You’ll be surprised if you don’t find a gym in your locality. But for all you fitness fanatics, who love to sweat it out, do you know what to look out for in a gym? Is your decision based on peer pressure, or on the look-and-feel of the place or is it simply a matter of convenience? Whatever gym you choose to go, make sure that your decision is based on pure hard facts and more importantly, helps you in achieving your goals - especially when most gyms charge quite a packet today.

Typically, here’s what you should look out for:

The physical environment: The gym you choose should be airy, ventilated and have ample space. What’s more, it should be neat and clean, with toilet and drinking water facilities. These may seem trivial now, but after you’ve done 20 minutes on the treadmill, and are huffing and puffing, there is nothing more frustrating than not getting a drink of water. In addition, make sure that the machines are evenly spaced out or else you’ll be stepping on your neighbor’s toes, literally. Having an adequate number of mirrors is also necessary as you can do a self-check on your posture, besides which looking at your reflection gives you that much-needed motivation to carry on.

The trainer: No gym is complete without a trainer, and that too a certified one. Ideally, he should have certification from the American Council of Exercise (ACE). Your trainer is like your guru who initiates you into the gym, informs you about the various guidelines, helps you choose which machine will suit you best and monitors your progress. What’s important is that your trainer is physically present when you visit the gym and is available for any query that you may have. He should also be able to customize a fitness and nutritional programme for you, if you so desire. Training centres with half-baked instructors should be strictly avoided.

The PAR Q or the Personal Activity Readiness Questionnaire: It is mandatory that before you join a gym, your trainer makes you fill the PAR Q to determine whether you are medically fit to take on the rigours of exercising. If you have a history of heart-related problems, or suffer from diabetes, arthritis, asthma etc, you need to consult your doctor before you start on any programme. In fact, it is strongly recommended that you get the green signal from your doctor before enrolling.

The Equipment: Don’t get fooled by the hi-fi machines and sophisticated gadgets. Make sure that your gym is geared for fitness. In other words, the machines should provide you with real benefits and not be there for aesthetic beauty. A good gym should have the following machines: for cardiovascular fitness there should be treadmills (motorized or the flat belt ones), cycles, steppers, a rowing or skiing machine. To exercise your muscles, you need a leg press, leg extension and leg curls for the lower body, pec dec, chest press and an overhead press for the upper body and free weights such as dumb bells and bar bells. Besides, the machines should be well-oiled and in adequate number so that there is no time lost in waiting. Music plays an important role in exercising, but it should be soothing and relaxing. Loud music is bound to distract you from your exercise. Remember, if you are using a walkman or a personal stereo, tone down the volume. Your neighbor may not share your taste in music. I tend to look for clean, well-maintained gyms, which have a similar profile of people who have common goals. I hate gyms which have very loud music.

Quick weight loss tips

Being overweight not only causes a lot of weight-related health problems but also diminishes self confidence. Many people are unhappy with their current weight and are on the look for finding a quickest way to lose weight. One has to ascertain if you are at healthy weight or not. If you need to lose weight, you need to consult a doctor or dietitian before looking for a quickest way to lose weight.

Your body weight is dependent on the number of calories you consume and the number of calories burn each day. To lose weight you have to eat lesser calories than what your body needs or burn more calories than you consume. Here are some tips for finding a quickest way to lose weight.

1. Eat smaller 5-6 meals instead of large 3 meals a day. Never skip meals as it slows down the metabolism and burns lesser calories.
2. Include leafy green vegetables and fruits into your daily diet. They are not only rich sources of fiber and water but also make you feel full.
3. Adequate rest and sleep helps to balance the leptin levels in the body and helps in weight loss.
4. Proper diet though effective for weight loss needs to be supplemented with adequate exercise. Moderate exercises for 30 minutes everyday is essential for faster weight loss. Exercises not only help build muscles but also increase the metabolism rate that aids in burning calories.
5. Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated; it has zero calories and gives you a ‘full’ feeling.
6. Try to remain active through out your day. Use stairs instead of the elevator, or bike instead of driving.
7. Stay away from fast foods, high carbohydrate foods, sodas, fried foods and junk food.
8. Do not try fad diets as there is every possibility that you will gain back all the weight lost through these diets.
9. Control and measure the portions and the type of food you consume. Never overeat or eat when you are full.
10. To lose weight one has to be consistent and disciplined to stick to your plan of action and not give up on your goal.

The quickest way to lose weight is to set a realistic target for weight loss and go in for a lifestyle adjustment. By changing your diet, drinking plenty of water and doing resistance exercise you can lose weight without too much effort. This is a more healthy, ideal and quickest way to lose weight.

Weight loss motivation is everything!

When it comes to weight loss, one reputed program is often as good another. Stick to it, and you are likely to get results. But very few people actually lose weight for life using these programs, because at some point or the other, they give up. Sustained weight-loss motivation is what you need, not only to lose weight, but to keep it off.

There are two fundamental aspects of weight-loss motivation: 1) weight-loss is not just a program, it is a change in lifestyle and attitude, for life; 2) motivation, whether for weight loss or anything else, is naturally phasal, and needs to be boosted from time to time.
Weight loss is a change in lifestyle and attitude, for life

The long-term way to slim down and keep your weight down is to stay motivated. You have to continue with a healthy diet and exercise. To do this, you need to ask yourself:

Why am I losing weight?
An important way to sustain weight-loss motivation is to figure out why you want to lose weight in the first place, and then keep reminding yourself of that reason. Do you want to look better? Has your doctor asked you to lose a few pounds for health reasons?

* Figure out the reason, then keep a record of your body and your state of mind: before, during, and after the weight loss. This can be through pictures, measurements of weight and girth, or a diary of your feelings.
* Each time you reach for unhealthy food or skip exercise, revisit these records. You will realize that your pictures and state of mind after weight loss are much better. You will find the motivation you need to go on.

Why am I dieting?
Of course, the obvious answer is so you don’t put on weight. But the right answer is because you want to be healthy.

* Dieting does not mean deprivation. Yes, you have to forgo your favorite food fixes, but you need to understand that there are healthy food alternatives that you can enjoy equally well, without the risk of disease or discomfort. Just find what works for you.
* Equally important, figure out whether you are an emotional eater: if anger, stress, or lack of control on your life makes you eat more. If yes, you need to find different ways to channel your emotions. Then, sustaining your motivation to diet won’t be a problem, because your emotional turmoil won’t lead you to seek comfort food.

Once you have done all of this, you will create a lifestyle change in terms of food habits that would keep you motivated.

Why am I exercising?
Exercising is not punishment. You will lose motivation the minute you treat it as such. Your reason for exercising is not only to lose a certain number of pounds. Exercising gives you energy and stamina, removes harmful substances from your body, even adds to your brain power. If you constantly remind yourself of these gains while exercising for weight loss, your motivation will never fail.
Weight loss motivation has its phases

Remember that motivation is not a constant thing in any individual. It is usually at its peak when you start a program, hits a plateau, and then peters out if it does not receive a boost from time to time.

1. When you start on a weight-loss regimen, you must keep up your morale, and avoid boredom.
2. If your workout seems monotonous, listen to your favorite music or TV program while you exercise. Vary your workout timings, venues, and activities.
3. Make a good friend your gym buddy, so you can spur each other on.
4. If possible, hire a trainer, whose very job is to keep you motivated on your diet and exercise.
5. Train for a special event like a marathon, instead of just working for weight-loss.
6. Make a public vow of weight-loss, so you have to keep your word.

In conclusion, weight loss motivation is easy if:

* You never let yourself forget the reasons why you want to achieve weight-loss.
* You remember the additional health and psychological benefits of diet and exercise.
* You accept that human motivation naturally wavers, and needs to be frequently reinforced.

Tips on losing weight the natural way

So, you have decided to take on another weight loss program, yet you are unsure of whether it works or how much unwanted fat it will take off. Chances are you have already tried various programs before, but you had quit because you were not seeing any results. Here are 10 tips that can be taken with your new weight loss program or made into a program of your own. Losing weight has numerous benefits in the long run, and the best time to start is now.

1. Refresh and replenish with water. An open secret among those who have lost weight is to cut their soda intake and drink more water. We have already been told that at least eight glasses of water per day is needed to say hydrated, and there is a reason behind this. Water encourages building muscle mass and it improves circulation, thus improving the efficiency of your body’s waste elimination.

2. More meals. The breakfast-lunch-dinner plan will not do for people who want to lose weight. In general, large meals cannot be metabolized rapidly by the body, thus they accumulate and become excess poundage. Six small meals per day is the way to go, according to many experts and nutritionists.

3. Weight training. Regular routines that only include cardiovascular exercises or aerobics are slower in terms of burning fat. Weight training, on the other hand, will strengthen and tone your muscles. Muscles burn more calories, so you may appear to weigh heavier but your body is much slimmer.

4. About protein. Foods that are rich in protein improve the metabolism and promote efficiency in fat-burning. A protein-laden diet can also rebuild muscle at the same time maintaining its leanness. Choose lean meats that have no excess fat deposits so that there will be no extra calories consumed.

5. About calories. Many weight loss programs advocate drastically cutting your calorie intake. This may not be healthy for the body. Instead, adopt a step method in which you consume progressively less calories for each day.

6. Rewards. Losing weight is by no means an easy thing, and you need motivation to keep going. Indulge once in a while in your favorite treat so that you won’t feel so deprived. But make sure to exercise discipline in consuming these foods; you don’t want all your efforts to go to waste.

7. Marathon work-outs are a no-no. Many people make the mistake of engaging in one long work-out session as an attempt to burn fat quickly. Instead, it is better to break off your routine into smaller chunks that last the whole day. For example, go brisk walking in the morning, a regular exercise routine during lunch, and go jogging before or after dinner so as to ensure that your metabolism will be maintained throughout the day.

8. Variety is the key. Try not to indulge in a single exercise routine every time you have a work-out. The body will quickly adapt to your routine, and before you know it, you have hit a plateau. Mixing up exercises will prevent this kind of complacency in the body. You can vary your cardiovascular exercises or what sorts of resistance training moves you engage in.

9. No alcohol. Alcohol contains substances that are rich in carbohydrates and sugars. These will quickly accumulate in the body, preventing it from making use of the necessary nutrients that should keep the body going. In addition, alcohol inhibits fat-burning.

10. The glycemic Index. Foods that rank low in the glycemic index can make you feel fuller longer. Thus, you don’t have to eat as much. You can still get the nutrients you need, especially because low-glycemic index foods are usually the healthiest ones such as meats, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and some grains.

Easy weight loss for teens

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 14% of the teenagers in the United States are obese. Teens who want to lose weight fast have to understand the need for a proper diet and exercise routine. Weight loss should be healthy and not for being popular or good looking.

Teenagers want to lose weight fast but they should remember that their body is growing and too stringent diet could hamper their development. Targets set to be achieved should be realistic and healthy. The main objective should be to reach ideal weight levels and achieve a healthy lifestyle. Support and love of the family is very important.

1. Consult a body mass index chart and find out if you are really overweight.
2. Eat nutritious foods that are low in calories such as lean meats, steamed vegetables, whole wheat grains and fresh fruit. Avoid junk food, fried food, sodas and sugary desserts.
3. Increase the intake of protein and consume fewer carbohydrates.
4. Make sure you get enough exercise. It not only helps to build muscles but helps to burn calories.
5. Do not overeat or eat when you are not hungry. Also avoid late night eating.
6. Got to bed hungry. It increases your morning apatite and a big breakfast in the morning helps your weight loss efforts.
7. Have plenty of water and low calorie fluids. Avoid soda as it contains empty calories and loads of sugar that does not help weight loss.
8. Try and keep yourself mentally active and busy. Instead of eating opt for some extracurricular activities, after school programs or volunteer opportunities. Weight loss is fast when we are preoccupied by something meaningful.
9. Be realistic in your weight loss approach. Consult a doctor or dietitian before beginning a diet plan. Once the plan is made stick to it. Do not succumb to peer pressure.
10. Never try any fad diets. They are not only unhealthy but could lead eating disorders such as anorexia.
11. Maintain a daily log of the calories consumed and expended. This helps you track your progress.
12. It is alright to give in to temptation once in a while. Do not feel guilty about it. All you need to do is to recommit to your diet plan and exercise routine.

Teenagers who want to lose weight should be determined and strong willed, as weight loss required serious commitment. They should have a positive attitude and look for weight loss methods as a serious lifestyle adjustment for better health.

10 easy weight loss tips to lose baby fat fast

Having a baby is probably the most wonderful experience a person can have. You are bringing a new life into this world and that is something to get very excited over. Despite all the fun you can have conceiving the child you will spend nine months becoming larger and that is a fact of nature that no one has the power to change. After you give birth you will have some things that just are not “right”. You are left with some belly fat people like to sound cute and call it “baby fat” like it is something other worldly. It is what it is: fat.

Have no fear though because losing your baby fat is not impossible and I have ten easy tips to help you:

1. Drinking water at the rate of 10-12 8 ounce glasses of water every day. The easy solution here is to remove (or greatly decrease) the beverages you are consuming that contain high amounts of sugars. These include your non-diet sodas, grocery store iced teas and from concentrate fruit juices. There are other alternatives such as a lemon in your water or the new “on the go” flavorings. One packet is usually 10 calories to put into two servings of bottled water. You can eliminate 100’s of calories by just doing this and if you have a craving for that sugar buzz and miss your soda then drink diet. Coke Zero, Pepsi Max and Diet Dr. Pepper taste nearly identical to their non-diet counterparts. Water, however, is still your best bet as it flushes your system of toxins (including fat).
2. Go with healthy and nutritious snacks. Avoid the cookies, cakes and pies. They are the basis of sugar addiction and bad carbs. Fruits and veggies are very good for you. Healthier choices could include 100-calorie kettle corn snack packs, wheat crackers, nuts and raisins.
3. Consume lean meats that are high in protein. Filet mignon, turkey and boneless/skinless chicken breast cuts are your best choices.
4. Whole grain foods are important for your everyday health. Use whole wheat pastas, breads and cereals.
5. Nonfat foods are not always good for you. Just because something is labeled nonfat does not make it low in calories so always check the labels!
6. Eliminate fast food. It really is “fat food” – incredibly high in calories.
7. Light exercise is important to any type of weight loss game. When you are feeling up to it begin light walking for 10 minutes and, over time, increase to 20 minutes. After a month or so try yoga and pilates.
8. Create easy ways to exercise like parking further from the front of a store or walk around the market one more time.
9. Breastfeed. I know it sounds odd but breastfeeding reduces your fat stores and burns 500 calories a day.
10. Joining a gym can be an option when you are completely healed and most gyms now have daycares so you do not have to worry about leaving your little one out of your sight for too long.

If you follow these simple and easy steps you will see that so-called baby fat melt away form your body. This can also help you get to the point of living a healthier lifestyle!

Top secrets of fat loss

With so many diet fads are out in the market today for everyone to try, it could be quite a challenge to discern which would be able to be most effective for you. However, studies have shown that most of those who try diets quit after a period of time. Perhaps this is due to the inconsistency of results. Why does it work for some people, but not for me? Your body still craves, and you end up indulging in sweets and other foods that your diet prohibits because you felt so deprived.

The truth is there is no hard and fast way towards fat loss. The advice that you have heard time and again about diet and exercise? It is actually the biggest and most open secret there is to weight loss. Yes, you can never escape exercise, unless you invest in a surgical procedure that takes the weight off instantly.

But exercise need not be tedious, and you don’t have to do it for a very long time before your routines show results. There are a few tips and tricks you can employ to make your journey to weight loss easier.

One of the most excellent ways to lose excess weight is by interval training, that is, alternating high-intensity exercises with exercises that are of moderate intensity only. For instance, if you are used to jogging at 4 mph for about 40 minutes, try this routine: sprint at your top speed for 3 minutes, then walk for 2 minutes to give your body a rest and to get your breath back. After you have recovered, repeat. This can prove to be really challenging for the body and through this routine, you would surely be able to shed of pounds while building good muscles.

Alternating exercises is important in continuously losing weight and keeping it off. The body has excellent adaptive capabilities; it will easily adapt to the intensity of your exercises if you keep doing those for very long. It is essential to constantly challenge the body so that you won’t hit a weight loss plateau. Weight training alternated with cardiovascular exercises such as jogging, cycling, or aerobics in order to really see the results.

Because of the intense exercises you will do, you will have to make sure that your body remains fully replenished. If your body doesn’t have enough nutrition, you will end up craving, thus hindering your diet. Nutritional supplements are available on the market. These can give you the essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy despite the exercises.

If you feel that your change in diet is not contributing anymore to weight loss, the adaptive capability of the body is again to blame. You would also have to alternate the foods you eat, but make sure to eat starchy foods such as white bread and potatoes only in moderation. Add more lean meats to your diet so that you don’t have to get hungry so soon.

Irregular sleep patterns can also be blamed for gaining weight. If you are not getting enough sleep, the hormone levels in your body increases, and these are responsible for fat retention and thus, weight gain. Sleeping for eight hours or more refreshes the body and eliminates the possibility of elevated hormone levels. No matter how busy your day gets, strive to get the number of hours your body needs for rest.

Empty calories should be avoided as well. These are all types of liquor including wine and beer. If you have the habit of drinking sodas for all meals, try replacing the soda with water. Not only will it make your food more palatable, it can also fill you up faster while not adding to your weight. You could also create a good diet plan which would still be letting you enjoy eating but help in making sure that your body would be in tip-top shape.

How to quickly increase my metabolism

These days where the pressure to have a tone body is tense, thousands of people will give anything to increase their metabolism. The metabolism is the rate at which your body can burn up energy and fat. The faster your metabolism is, the faster you will reach your goal weight.

There are numerous things that can affect how fast or how slow your metabolism rate is. The amount of muscle tissue you have, genetic, stress levels and the frequency of the meals you eat are just a few things that can affect your metabolism. Your metabolism can slow down due to a decrease in physical activity and an increase in your weight.

Here are a few tips to fire up metabolism:

1. As you get older, naturally your metabolism rate will decrease. It is apart of aging. That’s why it is important to build up on body mass. The more muscle a person has the more faster they are able to burn calories and get rid of the extra fat. You can build muscle by doing strength and resistance exercises. At least two days a week you can workout by lifting weights, in between those workouts you can do other exercises. You can walk, climb stairs and look for ways to be more active throughout the day.

2. You have to eat breakfast! So many people skip breakfast, not knowing that it is actually the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is what gets your metabolism up and running.

3. Eat less sugary foods. Sugar is what helps the body to store fat. Actually you should be eating foods that sustain an healthy level of blood sugar. If you are a person that likes to eat sweets you can find treats that are low in sugar or sugarless at all. So instead of eating a regular bowl of ice cream at night you can eat some sugar free ice-cream.

4. Eat spicy foods. Spicy foods help increase your metabolism.

5. According to studies people who don’t get a good night’s rest gain weight easily. Sleep helps regenerate your muscles getting them ready for the next day. So make sure you get enough sleep.

6. Drink more water. This is something we have heard every since we were children. Water actually flushes out toxins that are produced when our body burns fat. In order to keep our bodily functions working well we need water. A lack of water can slow down our bodily operations.

7. Eat smaller meals throughout the day. Many experts advise to eat 4 to 6 small meals about 2-3 hours apart. This definitely speeds of your metabolism. You lose weight faster and never get hungry.

8. Do not skip meals. Many people think that skipping meals will help them lose weight. This is a big misconception. Skipping meals actually slows down your metabolism.

9. Plan all your meal. Planning your meals will help you avoid eating fast food and unhealthy food. Make sure you go grocery shopping for all your planned meals in advance.

10. Beat stress. It’s so easy to become stressed out these days but we must find ways to combat it. Stress can decrease your metabolism rate big time.

11. Drink lots of green tea. Green tea can give you energy and can boost your metabolism.

12. Take in more energy foods.

These are simple, quick ways you can easily boost your metabolism.

Easy weight loss tips

Weight loss programs of any kind are available today for the overweight and the obese. Many of them try these programs but do not achieve success because of lack of motivation and/or erratic eating habits. Each person is unique, and thus, diet programs that may work on some do not always work for others. Some people did experience success in reducing their weight, but gained in back just a few months after. Weight loss is not designed to be fast or easy, and none of the weight loss programs that guarantee quick results also guarantee that the weight will be kept off even if you go back to you old eating habits. Weight loss is a lifetime commitment – those who want to lose a significant amount of weight must remain on the program for a very long period of time.

There are many reasons for dieting. Whether you want to just look and feel good or is afraid of obesity and weight-related illnesses, the tips included in this article will help you on your way to being healthier and slimmer. These tips are often overlooked or ignored by dieters, but these are some of the most effective weight loss secrets that have proven to be successful.

The first concern you need to address is about motivation. You need desire and discipline to keep going because there will be many times on your journey that you will be tempted to give up. Stick to your diet plan so that you can keep the weight off.

Meals should be healthy but palatable. Sugary foods such as cakes and pastries should be avoided, and fresh vegetables and fruits should always be part of your meals.

There’s no escaping it: a healthy diet and exercise is the sure way towards increasing your body’s metabolic rate, thus burning more unwanted fat.

In order to change your regular eating habits, you would have to keep a diary or a record of what you have been eating everyday. Being conscious of your food intake will help you plan what your next meals will be.

Trim down on your consumption of oils and fats. This includes salad dressings, mayonnaise, butter, and cooking oil. You should consume only 50% of what you used to.

Try to control your cravings for sweet snacks and desserts that contain refined white sugar such as ice cream, cakes, pastries, cookies, and chocolate. These should only be consumed only three times every week.

Meats such as fish, turkey, and chicken should always be present in all of your meals. Red meat, nuts, and eggs should only be consumed for up to three times per week.

Allot one day per week as your “no meat and cheese day,” so that you can increase your intake of fiber while reducing your consumption of fats. Eat beans, whole grains, and vegetables instead. For milk and cheese, choose low-fat or reduced fat varieties. Also, stay away from regular yogurt; choose its sugar-free variant instead.

Your everyday consumption of fruits and vegetables should be two servings per day. These can be used as an alternative to sugar-rich foods.

Drink only water instead of carbonated drinks, sodas, and other drinks that have milk as its base. Alcohol should be avoided as well.

As much as possible, avoid watching television as you eat. Research shows that you are more likely to eat more if you eat while watching your favorite TV show.

Eating fast will almost always result in increased weight. Eat slowly and chew your food carefully so that your stomach will recognize more quickly that you are already full.

Fiber present in whole grains will make you feel fuller and it will also help your digestive system function better. Include these to your meals whenever you can.

Finally, do not ever skip meals. This will only decrease your metabolic rates and/or make you binge on your next meal.

Quick tips to lose excess weight

One of the most popular personal goals for many of us is to lose weight. As people grow older, they get bigger and heavier. Thus every year, more and more people are declaring a personal war against fats. This goal of losing weight has also led many people to believe that they can achieve their goal overnight through the use of magic pills or fad diets. But in reality, these are not as effective as their promoters would like many to believe.

There are more effective ways for one to lose weight than resorting to magic pills or fad diets. What’s more, these ways can also help in keeping off fats from redeveloping in our body. The most important thing for anyone who would like to try these methods is to be consistent in observing these tips.

First, one should do cardio exercises regularly. This is considered a very vital step towards having a leaner frame. But do not think that solely doing cardio will be enough. While cardio exercises can help you lose fat quickly, it is not recommended that you do nothing but cardio exercises for a stretch.

What is more feasible is to do interval training instead. Interval training means mixing bouts of high intensity exercises with bouts of low intensity exercises. For instance, do some time in a stationary bike. After warming up, mix a few bouts of intense cycling for around 30 seconds, then lower the intensity for another 60 seconds. Repeat this for 5-6 times, then cool down.

Another good way is to reduce or totally eliminate drinking calories. This means doing away with sodas, coffee drink, sweetened teas, alcohol, and other liquid calories. It is better to drink water and green tea instead of these drinks. Diet soda should also not be included in the diet even if it has no calories. Diet soda actually hinders fat loss goals, resulting to you gaining more weight. There are people who have lost 5-8 pounds in just a week after they refrained from taking liquid calories.

Another effective way of losing fat quickly and effectively is to do resistance training. One should work the muscles in order to lose fat. This does not mean that one has to spend a lot of time working on the beach muscles or doing many crunches.

One has to spend his time doing full body exercises. It is also recommended that one goes through supersets and mini-circuits than just engaging in one exercise. It is better do chest presses or push-ups with exercises for the lower body like lunges or squats.

Another effective way of losing fat quickly and effectively is to time one’s meal. Do not eat too much calories in one meal. Doing so will only have you gaining more fat, and not lose it. It is important that one spreads his calorie intake over the day, keeping the body fed, and not overeating. This is the best way for most people to lose weight quickly.

It is also best that a person eats good breakfast which is high in protein. Limiting the amount of food that one eats during nighttime is also recommended. A lot of people make the mistake of eating at night. The most recommended approach is to eat more at the start of the day and slowly reducing the amount of food eaten as the day wears on.

These are just some of the practical tips that will allow anyone to lose weight quickly. Give these tips a try now. Do it well and you’re on the way to gaining your fat loss goals.

Be-SLIM weight loss patch

Losing weight can be one of the biggest challenges a person will face in their life time. Has losing weight become one of the obstacles you have had to deal with? Unfortunately, dieting can consume so much of our time and it becomes very frustrating searching for the right solution. What comes easy for some may not always be easy for others and if you feel that you have tried it all, without success, than this may be your lucky day.

If you are looking for a weight loss supplement that does not involve popping pills then the Verseo Be-Slim Weight Loss Patch may be just what you have been waiting for. This all natural patch is designed to be worn on the skin for 24 hours a day, replacing just once daily. This takes the worry out of having to take diet pills throughout the day. Some of the diet pills on the market now require you to take pills several times a day and often several pills each time! That really adds up! Also, waiting for pills to dissolve and actually get into your blood stream my cause your body to have a delay in the dosing. Especially if you forget to take them! With the patch, you put it on in the morning and you know that it is there for the rest of the day and night, avoiding any worries as to whether your body is still receiving the appropriate amount of dosing for the diet results. The skin is very absorbent and allows the ingredients to take effect sooner than having to make its way through the digestive track. Imagine having the freedom to go about your day without having to worry about remembering to take your diet pills. And at the same time knowing that you are still getting the benefits you need to help you with your weight loss challenge.

By now you are probably wondering what these secret ingredients are. Well, this patch is a combination of a few things. The first ingredient is Guarana. Grown in Venezuela and Brazil, this ingredient has been used for many years for a variety of purposes. It is a natural form of caffeine that comes from the seeds of a vine native to the Amazon rainforest. This ingredient has been linked to many positive effects, including: improving metabolic rates, boosting energy levels, fighting off fatigue, increasing mental alertness, and also serving as an antioxidant. What a great ingredient to have in a weight loss patch! There are other ingredients as well, including a high dose thyroid stimulant that can also get your metabolism moving in the right direction. And not to mention the ingredient 5-Hydroxytryptophan, which is a natural amino acid that has been proven to highly suppress your appetite. This can give you the feeling of being full which will lesson your desire for those high fat foods and also those that are high in carbohydrates.

With increased energy, a boosted metabolism and a suppressed appetite, I would say you would be well on your way to achieving your weight loss goals. Energy, metabolism and appetite are the key factors in why so many people just cannot shed the pounds they want. With a low energy level you do not feel like exercising. With a low metabolism your body holds on to calories and fat much longer than needed causing weight gain. And we all know what happens when you have a big appetite! With more energy you can accomplish a lot more and sometimes that is all it takes, but knowing that this patch also increases your metabolism and it suppresses your appetite gives it that extra punch you may be looking for. So if you like the idea of trying something new and letting go of the burden that diet pills can add to your life, you should give Be-Slim Weight loss patch a try and see how this convenient weight loss method can help you.

Cyclotrim weight loss water

What would it take for everyone in the world to be thin? Would it take a miracle drug? Maybe a fast-acting powder? How about an exercise machine that works out your body while you sleep? Either way, according to marketers right now, it’s got to be easy- and what’s easier than drinking water? The makers of Cyclotrim Weight Loss Water agree and have introduced a small, effervescent pill that gets dropped into a 20 ounce bottle of water in order to help you lose weight.

Cyclotrim weight loss water’s name is a bit misleading. The product they sell is not water - it is a pill, much like Alka-Seltzer, that dissolves in water. The pill is filled with many of the currently popular vitamins, minerals and ingredients that have been purported to enhance weight loss. Regardless of the claims of this and other products, most of these ingredients have not been proven by the scientific community to help in weight loss.

The first ingredient heavily touted on the Cyclotrim website is the green tea leaf extract (EGCG). Cyclotrim claims that clinical studies have found that EGCG can help your body burn stored fat faster. Green tea leaf extract has lately become the miracle ingredient in a vast majority of fat burning, energy increasing supplements. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition did complete a study on the effects of EGCG on fat burning which appeared in its March 2008 edition. Their article states that large amounts of green tea extract (about 5 mg) were shown to increase the fat oxidation (or burning) by 17% in young males as they exercised for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise. Unfortunately, we do not know how much EGCG is in Cyclotrim Weight Loss Water, and the website makes no mention of the need to exercise in order to benefit from the fat burning enhancement of EGCG.

The next claim made by the Cyclotrim website is that the guarana and Vitamin B Complex in the tablets will increase energy and mental alertness. The first thing that should be pointed out is that green tea and guarana both contain caffeine. This is probably the main factor behind any increased energy experience while taking Cyclotrim Weight Loss Water. Cyclotrim touts the benefits of all-natural guarana as a stimulant, but they could say the same if contained all-natural coffee beans. “All-Natural” does not mean caffeine free. Vitamin B Complex consists of a group of B vitamins including riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. B Complex has been shown to improve the condition of metabolic pathways that are stressed during exercise, so these vitamins can be helpful in aiding activity endurance.

One of the things that Cyclotrim Weight Loss Water gets right is that it encourages dieters to drink water. Increased water consumption is one of the best ways to assist in weight loss. It flushes out the system, reduces appetite and cravings and can reduce bloating. For dieters who don’t like the taste of water, Cyclotrim adds a fizzy, lemon tinged flavor that may make drinking water easier.

Cyclotrim contains electrolytes, which are important to replenish in those who may be increasing their physical activity as a result of a weight loss program. It also contains 200 mg of caffeine, which can contribute to dehydration, so it is important that people who drink Cyclotrim Weight Loss Water do not drink it excessively and also drink un-caffienated water.

Other than the excessive amount of caffeine it contains, Cyclotrim Weight Loss Water is a relatively harmless weight loss supplement. It would be smart to consider it more of a nutritional supplement than a weight loss aid. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved the product and there have been no published clinical trials to support its claims.

SlimQuick female fat burner

Slim Quick diet supplement claims that it has one of the most advanced combinations of vitamins and herbals that are designed to help overweight women to lose weight and burn fat in a very efficient manner. They claim that they have done extensive research in fat loss and that their formula is very different from others on the market today.

Slim Quick claims that they promote weight loss with their product while enhancing existing energy levels. Most people who diet have problems with their energy levels dropping or causing them to feel bad. This leads to dieters being less enthusiastic about getting the required amount of activity needed to promote the level of weight loss that they want to achieve.

This supplement contains a combination of vitamins and minerals that are targeted to improve a woman’s metabolism and improve their health in general. These vitamins include Vitamin B-6, B-12, Vitamin D, Calcium, and Folic Acid. These are all required in a daily diet for female health and this is a good start for anyone.

The herbal formulas that are included in this product include green tea extract which increases metabolism naturally and is a powerful antioxidant. Caffeine which has been shown to increase the heart rate and metabolism of the body. Yerba mate and clary sage round out the rest of the Nutratherm Complex of this supplement. Yerba mate is an ingredient that is gleaned from South America and has been used for its ability to increase the metabolism and the ability to burn more fats.

The Cortifem Complex contains herbs that are designed to relieve stress and strain on the mind and body. This helps the dieter to lose weight without the added stressors. It also inhibits the adrenal responses that are responsible for storing additional fats in the body. These herbs include beta-sisosterol, phophatidylserine, rhodiola rosea root extract, and thesanine.

The Aquaplex Water Removing Complex is designed to eliminate water stores in the body. It also decreases water storage in the tissues and eliminates bloating. The herbs included in this complex are dandelion root and leaf, horse tail, uva ursi extract, and French maritime pine extract.

The Estrotrim Hormone Balancing Complex includes soy Isoflavins, and vitex agnes castus. This complex is designed to balance a woman’s hormones and keep it balanced to promote weight loss. It is also designed to prevent PMS and to help to control hunger.

The extend absorption and time released formula is designed to keep a level of the formula in the dieter’s system constantly to keep the bodies metabolic rate elevated all through the day without having peaks and valleys. It is also designed to help control hunger through the day as well.

This formula does contain a moderate amount of methylxanthines which include caffeine. These increase the heart rate and metabolism. They can cause headaches and dizziness in some people. They can also raise blood pressure so it is not recommended for anyone who has cardiovascular problems pre-existing.

Other people can be quite sensitive to these types of herbs. It is recommended that anyone who is sensitive or suspects they may be sensitive to these herbs, or has not tried this type of supplement to start out slowly and carefully in the beginning. It might be prudent to start with half the recommended dosage until it is seen how this formula will affect the individual.

It is also recommended that anyone who has an existing medical condition to consult with a physician prior to taking this supplement or any other to make sure it is safe for them to use.

Hoodia gordonii weight loss pills

Hoodia, though unknown to most of the world, is believed to have been used for more than 27,000 years by the San people of South Africa in the Kalahari. In 1937, Hoodia became known to the outside world after a Dutch anthropologist observed the San people chewing the plant to suppress violent hunger feelings during lengthy hunting journeys. From way back then, it remains the most potent natural appetite-suppressant known to humankind.

Many current diet pills are mood elevators, increasing your energy levels while suppressing your appetite. When western pharmaceutical companies learned about Hoodia and how it had been used by the San people of Africa to suppress hunger for long periods of time without undesirable side effects, the campaign began to introduce this product to the market. Following is some basic information you should know about Hoodia:

* The Hoodia Gordonii variant is the only one that has appetite-suppressant capabilities.
* Hoodia produces a feeling of being full, because it fools the brain into thinking that you have already eaten.
* Hoodia may work at once, or it may take a couple of weeks.
* Reports of the main effects of Hoodia include a decreased interest in food, feeling full much faster, an increased interval in time between feeling hungry again, and a good feeling in terms of health.
* Hoodia Gordonii has no side effects because it is not a stimulant.
* Hoodia seems to be risk-free for nearly all people.

The phenomenon of Hoodia is sweeping the United States and the rest of the world. It works in a very surprising way by fooling your brain into believing that you have already eaten and already have sufficient energy (blood sugar), and so the body does not need extra nutrition. With this process, the brain continues to close down the hunger mechanism in the body, helping people who take Hoodia to control their appetites, since they do not feel hungry. Subsequently, this allows people who take Hoodia to manage their food consumption with regard to the frequency of meals and size of portions, leading to the consumption of fewer calories and consequently, to weight loss.

For thousands of years, the Bushmen of southern Africa has used Hoodia mainly to stave off hunger during those times when there was insufficient food, such as when they had to travel through the desert. While there are twenty kinds of Hoodia, Hoodia Gordonii is the only one that contains the P57 component that functions as an appetite suppressant. Other Hoodia variants do not seem to suppress appetite.

Hoodia is usually taken one hour before each meal, either in liquid or pill form. It is vital to drink plenty of water when taking Hoodia, because not only it will shut down the hunger mechanism, it will also do the same with the thirst mechanism. People who are taking Hoodia may not feel thirsty, but it is still important to drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. Hoodia normally takes about 1-2 weeks to fully work, yet most people reported that they observed appetite-inhibiting results during the first 30 minutes of Hoodia consumption.

However, there are definite circumstances that seem to counteract the results of Hoodia. People who work out, particularly those who lift weights, will still have high levels of appetite. In order to maintain muscles, calories are needed and those muscles still cry out for nourishment, even if you are taking Hoodia. In addition, it seems that Hoodia works best with low-carbohydrate diets. Although information is limited, there seem to be indications that Hoodia does not restrict appetite on quite the same level when numerous carbohydrates are being consumed in the diet.

For people who are curious about taking Hoodia, there is an option between liquid and pill forms. There are definite classifiable differences between taking pill and liquid forms. The liquid form of Hoodia costs more, but can be absorbed into the body system more quickly and a larger quantity of the substance can be utilized by the body as opposed to the pill form.

Naturally, pharmaceutical companies that produces the liquid form are more than glad to advertise these facts themselves. The procedure for producing the liquid involves state-of-the-art technology and can be quite expensive. That is why the liquid supplements cost more than the pill form. Trimming the components to liquid forms allows the body to digest it easier and quicker than with the pill form. This results in a greater portion of the components being consumed by the body system due to the raised biochemical potency, and this produces a better outcome with smaller consumption.

The body works more efficiently since Hoodia in liquid form is pre-extracted, and the body does not need to fully digest and separate the Hoodia as it does when it is consumed in pill form. Instead, the body is able to utilize the pre-extracted Hoodia while avoiding the digestive procedure.

Although price may be an impediment in convincing certain customers to shift to liquid form, there are several advantages. Specifically, less liquid Hoodia has to be taken in order to achieve the same result. Instead of taking a large pill, users can just put a couple of drops into a glass of water. Normally, the taste is not evident, but you may include some additives to improve the taste or to neutralize any bad taste from the extracts in the liquid.

Cylaris weight loss pills

Have you ever met a bride that wasn’t trying to lose weight? How about people who are about to attend a reunion? They’ll spend weeks before the reunion trying to get a better car, grow more hair and lose weight. With so many situations calling for a quick and easy weight loss solution, diet pills have never been more popular. Never known to keep consumers wanting, drug companies have responded to this popularity with a resounding, “Yes” and have begun the seemingly endless production of weight loss supplements.

One of these supplements is made by Iovate and is called Cylaris. Cylaris is a heavily promoted weight loss supplement that promises that users will lose up to 40 pounds in just eight short weeks - with no additional dietary or exercise changes necessary. This promise of extremely noticeable short term resultsmakes Cylaris very appealing to the blushing bride, reunion attendee, cruise taker - basically, anyone who has an important event (or just one that involves a bathing suit) coming up in less than two months.

The Iovate website for Cylaris states that the efficacy of their weight loss supplement has been scientifically proven. Unfortunately, there is no information about the study that scientifically proved it worked. Since the study is not yet published, it is impossible to know how many people were in the study, whether it was double blind, and what the results of the study proved. This means that there is really no way to prove that Cylaris’ effictiveness has been scientifically proved. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration has not issued any information about Cylaris.

The ingredients in Cylaris are similar to those you see in other weight loss supplements. Cylaris contains caffeine, green tea extract, soy albumin extract and cissus quadrangularis. Many of these ingredients contain caffeine, which makes Cylaris a stimulant. The pills also contain vitamin B6, folic acid, B12 and selenium. While vitamins and minerals are always good for you, they may not be considered healthy when combined with massive doses of caffeine.

There are some independent user reviews online. The reviews appear on websites that are not tied to Cylaris and range from thrilled and gushing to disappointed and unhappy. Many of those who took and reviewed Cylaris state that they experienced many side effects, including headache, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, and gas. Many other reviewers report that they are losing weight quickly, that Cylaris is controlling their hunger and that they have energy without a jittery feeling.

Unfortunately, without the benefit of a published scientific study, it’s impossible to know if Cylaris actually works. Double blind scientific studies review the results of 2 groups. One group is given a placebo pill and the other group is given the real pill. Knowing the difference in weight loss between the two groups would go a long way to increasing confidence that Cylaris is effective in increasing weight loss. Additionally, it is unknown who funded the research that has apparently been done on Cylaris. If the research was funded by Cylaris creators Iovate, then there could be aconflict of interest and study results may have been impacted.

If you decide that Cylaris is right for you, be sure to consult a physician before using it. Combining Cylaris with a diet and exercise program could improve results and should also be discussed with a physician. Weight loss supplements, even those with “natural ingredients” can have an adverse affect on your health and may have bad interactions with other prescriptions and supplements you are taking. Consultation with a physician can help you learn whether this supplement is right for you.

Best hoodia diet pills

If you are interested in losing weight, you have most probably heard about a new miracle on the weight loss products market – Hoodia Gordonii. This diet pill becomes more and more popular because it is said to help to lose weight and to cure a number of diseases. However, some people still have a number of questions, such as: Is this Hoodia thing really good? Does it work and help to lose weight? Is it safe? Please refer to the following conceptions that are common about Hoodia and our responses:

There have been a number of independent studies conducted in order to find out the true effects of Hoodia Gordonii. The most widely known of them is the one that was carried out with individuals suffering from excess weight who were given Hoodia Gordonii and left in a room with little to distract them except for television, reading and eating. People in the group consumed approximately 1,000 fewer calories daily than people in a control group who were given placebo drugs. The active appetite suppressant ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii manages to make the brain believe that the stomach is full and no more food is needed. That in turn leads to less eating and subsequently, to losing weight.

Hoodia Gordonii is a southern African cactus that contains a highly effective appetite suppressant. It grows naturally only in one place in the world – the Kalahari Desert. Native Bushmen have been eating this cactus for thousands of years in order to curb appetite during their long hunting trips. Because life in Africa is hard and hunger is strong, Hoodia has been a salvation to Bushmen. This plant has a number of other benefits, such as the ability to cure some diseases and promote overall optimal health. Hoodia Gordonii does not have any side effects similar to those of drugs like Ephedra, which was shown to cause an increase in blood pressure and different heart diseases. It should be noted, however, that Bushmen use Hoodia rarely, and no long-term studies have yet been conducted.

The active element of Hoodia Gordonii that causes an appetite-curbing effect is now called P.57. It has an impact on both humans and animals. One of the studies proved that Hoodia causes a decrease in appetite by 30 to 40%. Some other personal experiences have proven the immediate results of Hoodia Gordonii consumption. However, it should be noted that Hoodia Gordonii does not have the same effect while being consumed by a person on a high carbohydrate diet or sugar diet. In addition, it does not suppress hunger caused by physical exercise. Even though P.57 can send the brain a signal that the stomach is full, blood sugar still drops and physical requirements are much stronger. That is why is it necessary to stick to a well-balanced and healthy diet and exercise regularly while taking Hoodia. Suppressing appetite should be an addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Further, no side effects of Hoodia have been found. It is a 100% natural food supplement and the only so-called side effects that have been found are mild aphrodisiac and mood elevation effects. However, these have not been proved. Of course, many people would not consider a mild aphrodisiac effect to be a negative side effect. The element P.57 is responsible for appetite suppression, mood elevation and aphrodisiac effects.

In spite of all that, there have been no long-term studies conducted. The only widely known fact information comes from the usage of Hoodia Gordonii by Bushmen. These people have been using the plant for generations, and its benefits have been known for centuries. Bushmen took Hoodia Gordonii with them while going on long hunting trips and experienced no difficulties with its consumption. However, the demanding weight loss market is always seeking something 100% proved and patented, and no company has conducted any serious long-term studies of Hoodia Gordonii. Of course, that does not mean that Hoodia is not the most revolutionary diet supplement ever.

There have been some animal studies performed. Scientists have tested rats and found a decrease in calorie consumption in those rats that have eaten Hoodia Gordonii. The other rat control group that was given placebos instead of Hoodia showed a lower level of energy compared to the first group with the Hoodia Gordonii. In addition, the first group was shown to have more than a 50% reduction in calorie intake and blood pressure. No side effects have been found.

These facts are being used by a great number of Hoodia resellers that want to convince everybody concerned with losing weight that there is no better appetite suppressant than Hoodia. They also claim that this cactus can help people to curb their appetite without becoming anxious and jittery. Nevertheless, no one guarantees the weight loss.

Many studies have proven that taking Hoodia can help you to reduce your daily calorie intake by up to 1,000 calories. These studies have been conducted for periods of two weeks, and show that during those two weeks it is easy to consume up to 1,000 fewer calories daily. It has also been reported that not all pills containing Hoodia Gordonii work in the same way. The most important appetite suppressant contained in Hoodia Gordonii helps people to forget about their hunger by boosting the energy and helping them to feel satisfied. There is a weight loss product with the brand name ChocoLeans that contains Hoodia and is known for its appetite-curbing and mood-elevating effect. This supplement also contains wolfberries and some other unique ingredients that help to achieve noticeable results. Some people do not feel the effects of Hoodia Gordonii for a couple of weeks. That depends on an individual’s body, habits and lifestyle.

It is known that many people cannot take Hoodia Gordonii in a fresh form. This weight loss supplement has gained popularity because of its positive emergent safety profile. There are many weight loss supplements on the market that have a number of different relatively dangerous side effects. No studies have shown the side effects of Hoodia Gordonii. Nevertheless, more studies on the potential and safety of Hoodia Gordonii are required.

Long-term research should be conducted to study the effects of Hoodia Gordonii on people who take it on regular basis. Every weight loss product should be thoroughly studied before it becomes available to consumers. The longest research study of Hoodia Gordonii lasted for three weeks. That is surely not enough to realize all the effects of this revolutionary cactus.

Hoodia Gordonii Complex is a new innovative weight loss supplement that can really help those who are trying to shed excess weight. This supplement has become enormously popular. More and more people choose Hoodia Gordonii to suppress hunger and thirst. Hoodia is a southern African cactus that contains a highly effective appetite suppressant. It is also known as Genus Hoodia plant, from the family Asclepiadaceae. There are about 20 species of this cactus, but Hoodia Gordonii is the only one that curbs appetite.

Even if you have not yet heard about Hoodia, you soon will. There is nothing else like this new weight loss supplement on the market. The greatest benefit of Hoodia Gordonii is that it has no side effects. It is not like Ephedra or any other banned product that have in the past caused so many health problems. Hoodia Gordonii is something new, extraordinary and very effective.

Are you looking for the Hoodia weight loss supplement that is right for you? Do you have some concerns about the right brand of Hoodia and want to avoid all those dishonest Hoodia resellers? Then read on for the answers to your questions, as well as some tips about how to buy the right Hoodia product.

Hoodia has become so popular today that more and more people who suffer from excess weight hope that this product is right for them. They need a comprehensive guide that will tell them about all the benefits of Hoodia Gordonii, this unconventional weight loss product. Hoodia Gordonii is actually a cactus that grows naturally only in one place in the world: South Africa. It has a very strong appetite-curbing effect, a number of benefits, and no side effects. However, there are many problems connected with the distribution of Hoodia Gordonii. Some dishonest vendors have taken advantage of the lack of regulation in the industry, and have flooded the market with various “fake” Hoodia products, some of which do not contain any Hoodia but Aloe. That is why there is an acute need for a comprehensive guide that will help you to buy the right Hoodia product for your successful and healthy weight loss. Follow these tips, and you will surely find the Hoodia product that is right for you!

Buyer’s Tip #1
Buy Hoodia products only from a company that can provide you with a confirmed independent lab analysis certificate. If there is no certificate displayed on the website of a vendor, then it is better to stay away from that product. You would not want to pay for something that may provide you with no results.

Buyer’s Tip #2
Buy Hoodia products from a company that displays a CITES certificate. This is the certificate that is required to export Hoodia from South Africa.

Buyer’s Tip #3
Do not buy Hoodia products made from Hoodia that was grown somewhere in Mexico, Texas, India, China, or other countries. Remember that the only place where Hoodia grows naturally is South Africa. However, never buy from South African sources that are not approved by its government.

Buyer’s Tip #4
Always make sure that there is an aerial stem as one of the ingredients of Hoodia. Aerial stem is the portion of the Hoodia plant that has been used by Bushmen.

Buyer’s Tip #5
If you are going to buy Hoodia extract, make sure that there is an equivalent amount of the active P.57 molecule in each capsule or tablet.

Buyer’s Tip #6
Remember that there are 20 species of Hoodia. The only one of them that curbs your appetite is Hoodia Gordonii. That is what the supplement should have as its active ingredient — and no other Hoodia variant.

Buyer’s Tip #7
Keep in mind that only natural Hoodia is one hundred percent safe and has no side effects. It also contains no Ephedra.

Buyer’s Tip #8
For the best results, order a Hoodia product that provides you with 400 mg to 1,000 mg per capsule, tablet, or per liquid serving.

Buyer’s Tip #9
Buy only those Hoodia products that contain 100% pure Hoodia Gordonii in a capsule, tablet, or liquid. There is no need to spend a great deal of money on a product that does not contain sufficient Hoodia.

If you are looking for Hoodia weight loss pills that really work then look no further, UniqueHoodia may be your choice. UniqueHoodia is produced by the same manufacturer of Proactol, another well known and clinically proven natural weight loss product. Unlike other Hoodia products that include only a small amount of Hoodia and use other ingredients or fillers to reduce the product cost. UniqueHoodia is 100% Hoodia Gordonii with nothing else included, no fillers, no additives and no lubricants. It is is without a doubt the most potent and cost effective Hoodia product available online today.

Best weight loss pills

The market for weight loss products is very competitive these days. Demand is constantly growing, and the manufacturers of weight loss products are able to tempt us with more and more luring slogans. Many products very claim that with their help you will be able to lose many pounds a week with no effort at all. That is actually what most of people are looking for. There are not very many overweight people who would be 100% determined to lose weight if it were advertised as difficult. Most of us simply give up if something is not working. Why torture yourself taking those crazy pills if you cannot lose a couple of pounds per week?

Weight loss pills work in different ways. Some of them reduce the appetite and make use of ingredients such as phenylpropanolamine or caffeine. Some diet pills claim to increase the metabolism rate and help to control the appetite, while others claim to alter the body’s fat absorption properties. There are even some pills that claim to provide the same results as a gastric banding surgery without the inconvenience of a surgery. Lastly, there are pills that claim to eliminate waste and fluid from the body in order to make you lose weight. These pills actually have a form of diuretic and laxative effect.

You must surely have come across one of the ads that claim that weight loss pills can boost your energy and refine your body shape. These diet pills — also known as over the counter (OTC) pills — promised that you can lose fat quickly, but is this really the case? These pills are controlled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are typically considered to be food supplements. This is why they are sold without prescriptions and in supermarkets.

Good examples of OTC weight loss pills are Xenedrine, Dexatrim and Zantrex-3. These pills are basically a combination of ephedra and caffeine in order to help people lose fat. These two ingredients can improve the energy expenditure within your body and also reduce appetite. Caffeine is thought to have an effect on the metabolism, thus enhancing the breakdown of fat, while ephedrine acts upon the hypothalamus in order to reduce appetite.

However, in 2003 the FDA had to step in and ban the sale of drugs based on ephedra because there was discovered to be a risk of heart attack. Manufacturers of the pills replaced ephedra with a combination of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6 and folic acid, and also with synephrine (which has rather similar properties to ephedra), a substance found in citrus. This combination of ingredients has the property of boosting energy levels, and also speeds up the metabolism.

It is recommended to practice a physical activity program and eat a balanced diet in order to get the best results from over-the-counter pills. It is also important to note that diet pills should be taken only for a short period of six months or less. Over a longer period, your body will become accustomed to the pills and you will not see any improvement. If you are not eating appropriately and you are not on an exercise plan, when you stop taking the pills you will slowly regain the weight. Over-the-counter pills are not a magic solution to lose weight quickly, but they certainly can help you to lose weight when you are following a proper exercise and eating plan.

You likely have heard stories of diet pills that were very popular some years ago. These pills, which were available by prescription, were also used as recreational drugs — albeit in a modified form. The interesting thing about these pills was that they were effective and people were losing weight with them. Unfortunately, there was a cost attached to this weight loss. Some people became addicted to these pills, while others just took them for too long a period of time, which negatively affected their health.

These weight loss pills are still available today, but are not prescribed as often as in the past. People are now more concerned about their health, and want to lose weight naturally. However, losing weight is still a major concern for a many people, and there are still some people looking for a quick fix solution to this problem. This is where natural medicines can come in handy.

Natural or herbal medicines have been used for thousands of years — long before Western medicines came into use. During recent times, natural medicines have been undergoing a certain kind of revival. This is because people are losing faith in the classic medical system and are looking for alternatives. Naturally, they are turning to an older system of medicine that is based on natural ingredients such as plants, herbs and vitamins.

This tendency can be seen simply by looking at the shelves of your local pharmacy. There is a good chance that there are the same quantities of herbal medicines as conventional medicines displayed on the shelves. Moreover, there are some doctors that are now speaking out about how natural and herbal medicines can complement conventional medicine. Although some doctors are still reluctant to come out openly in support of herbal medicines, doctors generally agree that these medicines do not cause harm to the body.

If you are looking for a quick solution to your excess fat problem, then you may well consider the natural diet pills that exist. In fact, they do have some interesting properties. First of all, herbal pills are not drugs, and they do not even look like the old diet pills that caused so much harm. Actually, they work in quite different ways. For instance, the natural pills act as a ‘glucophage,’ which means that they eliminate the excess glucose that is found in your body after eating. According to some people, it is glucose that is responsible for the excess weight problem and can even lead to other health problems later on in life, such as diabetes. These glucophage pills are indeed a great way to remove the excess glucose from your body, especially if you tend to overeat.

There are also herbal diet pills that reduce the appetite. Just as with the old diet pills, they make you want to eat less, thus helping you to reduce your weight. These pills may not be as effective compared to the old pills, but they do not cause any harm to your health.

Herbal supplements are also available to cleanse your body of toxins. Many people use these supplements once or twice a year in order to remove impurities from their bodies. In essence, the herbal supplements are not actually diet pills, but by removing the excess toxins you may experience a weight loss. There are some people that claim it is easier to go on a weight loss program after a cleanse. One thing is certain, though, you will get rid of some of those poor eating habits.

However, this may not work for everyone — and there is even the risk that the reverse will happen. For instance, some people use these pills as an excuse to eat even more, which in the end will make you gain more weight. It is also a fact that the results of the herbal pills are quite inconsistent. There are some people on which it works better, while on others the results are quite insignificant. Still, there are some people that have achieved excellent results with these natural diet pills.

By now, you’ve already learnt a lot about the weight loss products, and you should be wondering where you can find the weight loss pills that really work. While we know that taking pills alone won’t guarantee you a healthy and quick weight loss if you don’t have a correct lifestyle, we do suggest you to choose the best brand diet pills (like this product) to help you achieve a safe and solid weight loss.