1. Plank
For this exercise, you will need to lie on a flat surface, such as the floor. You will be lying in your stomach, so you may want to use a mat or towel to cushion your knees. Prop your upper body up on your forearms so that your elbows make a ninety degree angle and are positioned directly below your shoulders. Now lift your body up off the floor so that your lower body is supported by your toes, while your upper body remains supported by your elbows. Your body should basically be a straight line, with no arch or drooping through your back. Hold this position for twenty seconds, then lower your body back to the floor. One repetition is sufficient.
2. Side Plank
This stomach exercise is a variation on the previous one, and begins in the same starting position. Once you are positioned properly, roll to your right side, keeping your torso supported with your right forearm. You will have to raise your hips and roll your feet so that your left foot is on top of your right. As in the plank, your body will be a straight line, but this time you will be on one side. Place your left hand on your hip and hold the plank position for five seconds. Return to start and repeat on the left side.
3. Ball Roll
In this exercise you are the ball! First, sit on the floor and hug your knees to your chest. Roll back slightly so you are balancing on your tail bone and your feet are off the floor, toes pointing downward. Pull your abdominals inward while rolling onto your lower back and the upper part of your butt. Contract your abdominals and pull yourself back to the starting position. Loosening your arms up may help if you find this exercise too difficult at first.
4. Standing Crossover
As the name implies, you will need to stand up for this stomach exercise. Position your feet a few inches apart. Put your arms out to the sides and bend your elbows at a ninety degree angle so your fingertips are pointing to the ceiling and your palm are facing forward. Contract your abdominals and lift your right knee toward your left elbow, while at the same time bringing your left elbow down toward your right knee. Touch the two joints together, pause, then return to start. Switch sides and repeat for an entire set.
4 Stomach Exercises To Get Rid Of Belly Fat
I Just Don’t Have The Time To Exercise
How many times have you said to yourself that you just don’t have the time to exercise? Don’t feel bad; it’s my favorite excuse as well. We all have busy lives and not much time for anything in our schedule. That’s why I wanted to share some of my favorite ways to sneak some exercise into everyday activities with you.
Get Up Earlier - Did you know that you are much more likely to stick with any type of exercise program, if you do it in the morning? Makes sense, doesn’t it. The day is new, and you haven’t had a chance yet to get burned out from long meetings at the office or running around town all day. It’s hard to get motivated to work out after a long day, so why not get it out of the way first thing in the morning?
Set your alarm to go off 20 – 30 minutes earlier than usual and ride your exercise bike, go for a brisk walk through the neighborhood, or get an exercise tape and work out with it in the morning. Exercise is a great way to start your day and you’ll feel energized throughout the rest of your day.
Walk During Commercial Breaks - You just settled down on the couch to watch your favorite TV show, and it goes to commercial. That’s the perfect time to get in a little exercise. Just get up and march in place right in front of the TV until the commercial break is over. Doing this even just once or twice a day will start making a big difference. You can even wear a pedometer to get an idea for how much walking you get done during your favorite TV shows.
Once you get used to your commercial workout, step it up a notch by marching through the entire show. Now that’s a workout! Plus you don’t have to feel guilty about watching Desperate Housewives anymore instead of doing the dishes – you’re exercising.
Work On Your Abs While You Wait In Line - One of my least favorite things to do is to stand in line. Whether it’s at the grocery store, the pharmacy or the DMV, it just seems like such a waist of time to just stand there and wait. That is unless you are working out at the same time. You can get a great abs workout standing in line and best of all, no one has to notice.
Here’s how you do it: Stand up straight and suck in your stomach as hard as you can. Hold and count to ten before you release. Repeat. Each of these counts as one sit-up and is just as effective. Just imagine how many sit-ups you can do just while waiting in line each week.
Go For A Family Hike Or Bike Ride - Instead of just hanging out on the weekends, take the family for a hike or go on a bike ride. You get to spend some quality time with your family and get some great exercise at the same time.
If your life is as busy as mine, give a few of these exercise tips a try and see if you can’t start to find time to work out a few times a week.
10 Fun Ways To Become More Active – Every Day
You know you should be getting some sort of exercise, you know of all the health benefits that come with a more active lifestyle. You’ve tried the whole Gym thing, but it just wasn’t for you. The temptation to just sit in front of the TV, to curl up with a good book, or to spend a little extra time at your computer is just too big. Who wants to head to the gym right now anyway?
There are many other options to get more physically active that don’t include jogging, weight lifting or other “traditional” ways to work out. Here are a few ideas to get you moving.
1) Chase your Kids around the Yard
You’d be surprised at how much of a work out you’ll get playing catch with your kids. Time will fly while you are having fun and your children will enjoy the extra time with you. Just get out there and play.
2) Turn up the Music and Dance around the Living Room
While you’re dusting, putting up dishes, straightening up the kids’ rooms, or after you’ve been sitting around for too long, just play some of your favorite upbeat music and dance around in the house. Not only will you get your heart rate up, but you’ll also have more fun doing some of those chores.
3) Plant some Flowers
When the weather is nice, just get out there and plant some flowers. Or you could start a little vegetable garden, trim some hedges, cut the grass, or plant a tree. You get the idea. Just get out there, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, and play in the dirt. Yes, this actually counts as exercise in our book.
4) Go for a Walk with a Friend
Take a walk and invite a friend to come along. I’ve had some of the best conversations while on a walk. Getting to chat with a friend makes the time fly by and before you know it you’ve been walking for 30 minutes.
5) Listen to some Music or an Audio Book while you Walk
Again, keeping your mind on something else will make the time fly by and you’ll get some extra fun out of your walk. You may even want to consider getting an MP3 Player. You can easily add what you want to listen to and go for your walk.
6) Sign up for a Yoga or Pilates Class
Consider starting a yoga or Pilates class. Both of these workouts are pretty low impact and won’t leave you sweaty and sore (mostly). You may also enjoy meeting some new people in the class.
7) Take some Dance Lessons with your Partner
Ok, here is the tough part: Convince your partner to take some dance lessons. Dancing will give you quite the workout and it’s just plain fun and of course romantic. Think about all your options here. You can pick from anything from Ball Room Dancing, to Line Dancing, to Latin etc. Pick something that sounds fun to you and go for it. You’ll enjoy the extra one on one time with your partner as well.
8) Go for a Swim at Your Local YMCA or Aquatic Center
Swimming makes for some great exercise. It is low impact and easy on your joints. Start by swimming a few laps, or play in the pool with your kids.
9) Go for a Bike Ride
Take the entire family on a bike ride. You can ride through your neighborhood in the evenings or plan a longer trip for the weekend. Pack a picnic for extra fun and start peddling.
10) Go for a Hike
Look for some hiking trails in your area and go for a hike. This could be a fun activity for you and a friend, or take the entire family along. Start with some easy trails and work yourself up to some longer or steeper trails.
4 Exercises For A Stronger Stomach
While a smooth, flat stomach looks good, it is less of an accomplishment if the the stomach muscles have not gained any strength. In addition to slimming down around the outer abdominals, it is also important to build strength in the core abdominals.
Below are some stomach exercises that work out the core to build strong muscles throughout the abdomen.
As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.
Tone Your Torso
Begin this stomach exercise on all fours, knees and hands on the floor. Keep your stomach pulled in and extend your left arm out in front of you (football fans, imagine a referee signaling first down). Keep this arm outstretched as you extend your right leg out behind you. Switch arms and legs, and repeat for an entire set. Take particular care not to let your pelvis sway out of position.
Butt Burner
You will need to lie on your back for this exercise. Use a mat or towel to cushion your spine. Bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor, and position your arms at your sides. Squeeze your buttocks as you lift your pelvis off the floor. Keep the rest of your body in line. Raise your pelvis to about forty-five degrees, so your upper body from your head to your knees makes a straight, flat ramp. Hold this for three to five seconds before slowly lowering your pelvis back to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.
Crunchless Crunch
This stomach exercise is fairly simple in theory but can be fairly difficult to perform. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If this feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.
Scissor Kicks
This stomach exercise also requires lying on the floor. Position your hands under your butt, keeping your back pressed against the floor. Slowly raise one leg to a height of about ten inches, then slowly lower it back to the floor. As your lower one leg, raise the other. Repeat this motion for an entire set. Maintaining control throughout is important, not allowing momentum to get the better of you. Your upper body should remain on the floor through the entire move.
These are just a few of all the strength building stomach exercises out there. If you are looking to build strength in your midsection, look for any exercise that works your core, especially the transverse abdominal muscles.
Many components of Pilates are good for this also, which I will be posting about soon.
7 Exercises To Help You Lose Stomach Fat And Love Handles
Combine these exercises with a decent 30 minute aerobic workout at least 3 times a day and you will see immediate results. Free information on the best exercises EVER can be found at the listed site below. Here follows a list of the 7 best exercises to enhance the loss of stomach fat and love handles:
- 1) CRUNCHES - Lie flat on your back and with your knees bent; lift your shoulders off the floor without using your neck.
- 2) LEG RAISES - Lie flat on your back, raising both legs from the floor at the same time in a fluid movement.
- 3) REVERSE CURL - Lie on your back and bend your knees towards the chest, while keeping your hips on the floor.
- 4) CAPTAINS CHAIR - While sitting on a sturdy chair, grip the armrests and slowly lift your knees towards your chest. Keep your back straight and do not use your neck muscles!
- 5) FLUTTER KICKS - Lie on your back with knees bent and your feet flat. Straighten both legs and alternate lifting each leg at 45 to 90 ° angles.
- 6) FULL SITUP WITH TWIST - Lie on your back with knees bent and your feet flat. Contract your abdominals and raise shoulders off the surface. Twist shoulder towards the opposite knee and return to starting position.
- 7) STRAIGHT LEG OBLIQUES - Lie on your back and lift your legs straight into the air. Rotate your legs to either side alternatively, whilst keeping your legs straight at all times.
Francisco Lakay is the author of the exciting site Natural Weight Loss, where you will find free information to enhance your weight loss naturally! Previously struggling with being overweight, he can profess that these free weight loss tips definitely aided his loss of stomach fat and love handles.
10 Minute Yoga Plan
Anytime is a good time for Yoga.
Hundreds of fitness seekers use their lunch hour to squeeze in exercise and take off extra pounds. Practicing yoga in the middle of day is the break some people need to face the rest of the afternoon.
Kick Back Log-on Pose
Interlace your fingers behind your head. Relax your elbows and shoulders. Smile, breathe and stretch your elbows back. Let the tightness release slowly.
E-mail Meditation
While reading your e-mail, remember to breathe slowly and focus your attention on your breath. Make the out-breath two times longer than the in-breath. This will immediately calm you.
Photocopier Stretch
Place your hands on the edge of the copier or desk. Stand back with feet apart. Drop your head and chest. Breathe and relax your shoulders.
Close-the-deal Warrior Pose
Raise your arms to the side with fingers pointed. Take a big step to the side, with your right foot out and knee bent, your left foot planted, left leg straight. Keep the upper body straight and strong, shoulders relaxed. Relax into the stretch -- don't hold your breath. Return to a standing position, switch sides and repeat.
Post-Partum Exercises To Get Rid Of Belly Fat
Having a baby is a beautiful and exciting thing. But, what about all that baby belly fat around your midsection after the baby has been born. The best way to go about shedding this baby belly fat is proper diet and an exercise routine, which may not always be easy to do for a new mom still recovering from the pregnancy. The good news is that working out and getting rid of belly fat will give you more energy, so you can spend more quality time playing with and caring for your new baby.
Here are a few simple exercises to get your on your way toward getting rid of belly fat. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.
Progressive Crunchless Crunch
This stomach exercise works your abdominals as well as a crunch does, but without the strain to your neck and back. Begin by sitting in a chair, placing one hand above and below your belly button in order to feel the contraction of your abdominals. Take one big deep breath, so your midsection expands completely. Then let the breath out as you pull your belly in, imagining your belly button being pulled inward toward your spine. Finally, briefly contract your abs five times. Do a full set of repetitions of all three parts. You can also try this exercise lying on your back. Try both to see which one helps you feel the contractions of your abdominal muscles better.
This exercise starts off very much the same way as the last one, but involves quicker steps and more repetitions. Begin by sitting in the same position as in the progressive crunchless crunch, and taking the same deep breath. This time, instead of bringing your belly all the way back, exhale and bring it just about halfway. Then pull your belly button back toward your spine. Contract and hold for a count of one. Repeat from the half-exhalation point. Do the whole thing one hundred times.
Crunchless Crunch
As you can tell from the name, this stomach exercise is very similar to the first. Instead of making a few stops as you exhale a deep breath, however, this exercise consists of just one move. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.
Exercises To Improve Your Posture And Get A Flat Stomach
The back and stomach muscles are all affected by one another as they form a girdle around the lower torso. It stands to reason, then, that your posture affects how your stomach looks, and the strength of your stomach muscles affects your posture.
1. Stand Up Straight - This actually has a few different effects.
Slouching accentuates belly fat, so simply sitting up will make you appear slimmer. Proper posture helps improve the strength of your back, which of course makes it easier to maintain proper posture longer. Poor posture leads to back pain, which makes stomach exercises difficult. Having good posture will make it easier for you to work out your stomach muscles and get a flat stomach. A nice straight posture enhances blood flow throughout the body, particularly to the legs and lower back, both of which are involved in many stomach exercises.
So, if you are trying to get a flat stomach, the first step is to simply sit and stand up as straight as possible as often as possible. Do that, and you are already on your way!
2. Back Extension
For the reader familiar with the crunchless crunch, this move will seem similar but backwards. For this exercise, you will need to start by lying on your stomach with your forehead on the floor. You may use a mat or towel to cushion your pelvis and head. Position your arms by your sides, palms up. Contract your back muscles to lift your torso off the floor. Hold the contraction briefly, then release and slowly lower your torso back down to the floor. Repeat for an entire set.
The next part of this exercise begins by extended your arms out above your head (picture a superhero flying through the air). Now lift your legs off the floor simultaneously while keeping your head and arms held in place. Try to imagine your legs growing longer as you are lifting them up. Hold your legs up briefly, then slowly lower them back to the floor.
Doing these two things will help you strengthen your back and correct your posture, which are great first steps to getting a flat stomach. You will also want to continue working on your back muscles and other core muscles, such as the transverse and rectus abdominus. Stomach exercises that work the core will help you straighten up your posture, lose belly fat, and gain muscle tone in both your back and stomach.
As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.
The Top 10 Most Outrageous Exercises I've Ever Seen
These extraordinary exercises will have you shaking your head in amazement.
By Nick Nilsson
In the course of my experience working and training in gyms, I've seen people doing some incredibly "interesting" exercises. Unfortunately, it's usually because these people have not been properly instructed in exercise technique.
Here are some of the top winners. Remember, these are actual exercises that I've seen people do. I made the names of the exercises up to match the lunacy of how they
1. Dumbell Hair Combs - Start by holding a dumbell in front of you. Do a front raise with it then whip the dumbell back and over the top of your head like you're combing your hair with it. Make sure to just miss your skull.
2. Hog-tied Face-Rubs - Lie on your stomach on the floor. Grasp your ankles behind your back and rub your face back and forth on the ground repeatedly. Continue until you've had enough.
3. Abdominal Earthquakes - Lie on the floor on your back in the classic start position of a crunch. Now yank as hard as you can on the back of your head up and down and thrash your legs around in the air like you're fending off starving dogs. This evidently works your abs. You will resemble Jello that has just been dropped on the floor. Your face should be as red as a tomato by the time you're done.
4. The Arm Wrecker - Do one cheating, momentum-filled rep of an arm exercise with ridiculously heavy weight then swing your arms around as fast as you can in a circle to get blood to the muscle. This technique will either help your arm grow or will smack the person waiting to use the machine/weights next.
5. Pelvic Demolisher - Stand with your fingers interlocked behind your head. Do a pelvic thrust forward and drop your spinal column down and backwards about 6 inches. This exercise is best done in front of a large group of people.
6. Dumbell Doggy Digs - Bend over at the waist so that your back is rounded completely over like an arch. Your legs should be completely straight and locked out. You should look like you are trying hard to touch your toes but not really succeeding. Hold two dumbells down at arms-length. Now spin them round and round repeatedly just off the floor so that you resemble a dog digging a hole.
7. Pec Rockets - Set the pec deck machine with far too much weight for you to handle safely. Make sure you are very sweaty and slippery before attempting this one. First, use your entire bodyweight to get one arm pad up to the front. Then, throw yourself at the other one to get it to the front. Hold them there for a half-second then get shot four feet out across the floor as you squirt from the machine like a greased banana.
8. Rush-Hour Bench Press - This exercise is done on the vertical seated chest press machine that has a foot pedal to help raise the weight to the starting position. Use this pedal at the bottom of every single rep to bounce the weight back up. Your footwork will resemble that of someone in rush-hour traffic going from 0 to 60 to 0 every 3 seconds.
9. Close-Grip, Behind-The-Neck Shoulder Press - Sit in a shoulder press station, gripping the bar overhead with about 6 inches between your hands. Bring the bar down directly behind your head. Be sure to lean forward 45 degrees and round your back over so that your shoulder joints and lower back each get their fair share of trauma.
10. C.P.R. Bench Press - Start by loading your safe maximum bench press weight onto the bar. Now add 20 more pounds just to be safer. Have your spotter lift the bar off the rack for you. Lower it 2 inches on your own power then allow it to drop and cave in your rib cage. Be sure your spotter is a strong deadlifter before attempting this exercise as you will need them to pull the bar off you at the bottom of every rep. When your spotter has pulled the bar off you after the first rep and is trying to put it back on the racks, yell out "I've got six more reps!"
Remember that this is just a small sample of things I have actually seen people doing. Please be sure when you do your exercises that you take the time to learn proper form and, if you do see someone performing an exercise that is potentially harmful, tactfully assist them.
Nick Nilsson is Vice-President of BetterU, Inc., an internet-based personal training company. He has been training for more than 14 years and has been a personal trainer for more than 8 years. He is the author of the training eBooks "The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of", "Gluteus to the Maximus" and "Specialization Training".
Fun Ways to Get Fit With Your Kids

When your kids have their play time at the park or in the back yard, don’t just sack out on the couch. Find ways to join in with their fun and get a bit of exercise in the process. Create silly drawings on the sidewalk with colored chalk. In the fall, rake the leaves together and take turns jumping on the pile. Just be sure to bag all the leaves when you’re done having fun.
One of my favorite games as a kid was hide and seek. Everyone knows that game. One person is “it” and everyone else has to hide from that person. If you are tagged before making it back to home base, then you become “it”.
Offer to be the first one to count. If you are tired, the process of counting gives you time to get your second wind. Besides, if you start off with kids who are learning how to count, you could be hiding for a long time. When you see the children, have some fun by letting them get at least half way to home base before you chase them. Your energy level will begin to rise and so will the laughter.
If you have older children or teenagers, try some video games. I don’t mean sitting on the floor and mashing some buttons on a controller. Newer video games have gone “virtual reality”. These games involve actions on the part of the player that are mimicked by the characters on the television screen. Not only will it be entertaining, your teens can see how coordinated you are—or aren’t.
What about horseback riding? Many moms drive their kids to horse-riding lessons and never think of saddling up themselves. Horseback riding can be a GREAT workout, as you’ll find out the day after you try it!
A family that plays together will get fit together. Set up the volleyball net or some bases in the back yard. A Saturday afternoon game of volleyball, kickball, or baseball is an activity that the entire family can participate in. Invite neighborhood kids to play as well. If everyone pitches in at dinnertime, there will be ample time to enjoy an activity with the kids. Teamwork goes a long way
Fat Loss, One A Day At A Time
Rome wasn't built in a day and your fat loss won't happen that way either. Don't expect to start eating perfectly and exercising religiously tomorrow. Instead set yourself up for success by implementing at least one supportive habit per week. Make an effort to adopt the premise of "progress, not perfection." By developing awareness that improvement is measured by your daily progress, you can save yourself a lot of grief and frustration from the beginning. Focusing on small, positive steps in everything you do is a vital component to change. It starts you moving in the right direction and the momentum of your amazing, transforming results will soon follow. With time, commitment and a willingness to continue to take those small steps, failure is not an option.
How to do it: Be mindful of the fact that you didn't gain it overnight so you're not going to lose it overnight. A safe and effective fat loss program will yield 1 to 2 pounds of fat loss a week, not 10. As you begin your weight loss journey, aim for 2-3 small improvements each week. Build up to eating more supportively and moving a little more than yesterday. These small changes will add up to big improvements over time.
Beware of supplements and "quick fixes" that promise accelerated fat loss. Instead, plan on losing fat weight slowly. Sure we all want instant results, but it's impossible to undo a years of inactivity and poor nutrition overnight.
Instead of only looking at the big picture, try to break it down into smaller bites. Set one-month goals, three-month goals, six-month goals and even yearly goals. Carry over each previous goal to make sure that you aren't stopping one to achieve another. Make sure goals are achievable and realistic and what you truly want. A half-hearted desire will produce half-hearted results.
Remember, life happens and we must face the challenges. Sometimes that means not getting to exercise or eat properly. The difference is we get it. We make it a point to view each situation, each setback as an opportunity to LEARN and ASK, "What could I do differently next time?" Then it becomes a matter of getting back on track as soon as possible. Leave the excuses and blame behind and forget about beating ourselves up – we're only human. Strive to do a little better today than you did the day before. The key is to stay consistent, focused and take daily action. Make goals meaningful. Our minds cannot differentiate between achieving an enormous goal or a miniscule goal it only perceives success or failure. If you set a goal that is impossible to fail you'll only be setting yourself up for tremendous victory.
Don't be too rigid. Telling your self that you HAVE to workout for a set time to feel a sense of completion is ill fated. If you set out to workout for 30 minutes and you only get in 20, you'll more apt to be disappointed regardless of how hard you worked. If you simply set a goal to go to the gym at least 2-3 days a week and complete your resistance training and cardio you'll perceive yourself as a winner.
An additional goal idea: Have you ever wanted to participate in a race or sport that you've never had the endurance for? Then use that as a goal! When the end justifies the means it's easier to make it through the rough spots. It's a win-win situation if you are able to achieve a want and a need simultaneously!
About the Author:
Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women’s fitness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back.
Stomach Exercises - That Get Results
If you are confused about stomach exercises or where to start with your stomach exercises, then you are need to read this articles. In this article we are going to look at 3 simple stomach exercises that anybody can do without the so called abs machines.
The first one that we will consider is called hip lift followed by butt burner and lastly body raised.
1. Hip Lift Exercise - With your hip lifted up, you first lay on your back and both arms on the sides of your body with palms facing the sky. You would then lift your legs to a 90 degrees angle with the knees in straight position. Contract your abs muscles and lift your hip off the ground. Hold for 2 seconds. Slowly lower your hips back to the floor.
2. Butt Burner Exercise - Start by lying on your back, using a towel or pillow to support your spine. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor and place your arms on your sides. Strengthen or squeeze your butt and lift just the pelvis off the floor to about 45 degrees angle. Hold for as long as can. Slowly lower your body back to the starting position. Repeat this for at least 3 sets.
3. Body Raised Exercise - Is viewed as one of the best stomach exercises that will give you a firm stomach. To begin with, lay flat on your stomach with your legs straight. Then lift your body using your arms. Simultaneously, keep your hands clasped together and your body straight in a push-up position. Maintain this position for at least 5 seconds.
I hope you can begin your quest for stronger and firmer abs with these 3 exercises. But remember exercises alone will not get you to your goals. You need get on the right diet for your body or at least reduce the portion you eat everyday. These exercises coupled with the proper diet and a strong determination, you can achieve your goals. Keep on keeping on and do not quit.
Yoga and the Busy Mom
Yoga is about toning the body, calming the mind, and reducing stress. It doesn't take much time. Yoga may be the perfect exercise for busy moms.
Yoga is flexible (pun intended). All you need is comfortable clothing and a mat. Since the equipment is minimal, the routine can be performed at home, on vacation, or in a hotel room on a business trip. The main piece of equipment is your body and that goes with you everywhere.
Yoga has several health benefits for mom. The poses work to increase flexibility in the muscles. Muscles that are more flexible resist injury. They also strengthen the body by engaging the core muscles in each movement. Muscle tone is increased through the practice of these poses which sculpts a longer leaner body.
Yoga postures concentrate on proper alignment of the body. The pressure on the vertebra of the neck and back is reduced. Abdominal muscles are drawn in when the body is standing tall. Correct posture increases lung capacity and allows for deeper breathing.
A major part of yoga is breathing. These breathing techniques are called pranayama. Attention is paid to the movement of air into and out of the body. More air into the lungs means more oxygen throughout the body. Increased oxygenation to the brain aids in focus and mental acuity.
Yoga techniques reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Moms know how quickly the blood pressure can rise in a tense situation. Deeper breathing promotes mental calmness and stress reduction. Yoga helps moms deal with stress without overtaxing their bodies.
We often forget that what we think can manifest itself in our bodies and not always for our good. A hectic schedule can make you wish your body could go to the tropic place that your mind is imagining. Yoga emphasizes the mind-body connection. Over time, the poses become easier and the body relaxes in response to what you are asking it to do.
If you don't have the time or money for a yoga class, invest in a DVD. There are several on the market that teach the basics of yoga including the poses and breathing techniques. Some workouts are as short as fifteen minutes or as long as thirty or forty minutes. Choose the one that fits into your schedule best.
Yoga can also be practiced by children. If childcare is an issue, include your kids in the workout. Even kids can benefit from decreased stress, increased flexibility, and muscle toning. You may be surprised at how much calmer they seem.
7 Great Outdoor Exercises
Outdoor exercises are very popular nowadays and just like indoor exercises, you can get a lot of benefits including:
- you can enjoy the fresh air
- you get a lot of sunshine and vitamin D
- you can work out anytime and anywhere
- little or no equipment is needed in order to have a good workout
- no more obnoxious people or crowded gyms
- no need to drive back and forth a fitness facility
- doesn’t require special workout outfit or make-up
Now that you know the benefits, the next step is to learn the different activities fit for the outdoors.
Here are seven of the top outdoor exercises:
1. Lunges
This kind of exercise should be done in perfect form so that all your leg muscles, as well as your buttock muscles will work with every motion. You can also try including some variations like standing lunges, alternative, elevated, walking, and rear lunges.
2. Push ups
This is truly an effective exercise for your upper body. The push up is a productive exercise that doesn’t require any equipment. The basic movements include standard, wide, and close grips. By doing the three basic movements alternately, you can stimulate the muscles on your shoulders, chest, and triceps. You can achieve easier movement by elevating your hands; for harder movement, try elevating your feet. If you're brave enough, you can also try clapping and bounce push ups.
3. Squats
Doing squats the proper way can provide incredible power. You can do variations like one leg, standing, pile, wide-stance, and overhead squat. By doing repetitions, you can feel your legs getting tired which means its taking its effect.
4. Step ups
If you do this exercise properly, then you're doing a brutal exercise. A bench will do as your equipment, and all you have to do is to step up and down. Just make sure that your head is up at all times and your back is in a straight position. This is also a great cardio exercise.
5. Chin ups
Also called pull ups; use a tree branch or any playground equipment that allows you to pull yourelf up and down. You can repeat this exercise as many times as you like.
6. Uphill sprints
Try this exercise only if you can do a 100 meter dash. This is carried out by running uphill. Find a decent-sized hill and run up fast. Then walk right down. Just keep on repeating.
7. Duck walks
Walk like a duck; squat down and stay put, then start walking. Repeat as necessary.
Doing outdoor exercises the right way is hard, but the benefits you can get can't be easily ignored.
Walking and Bike Riding With Your Kids
Want a way to get some exercise without feeling like exercising? Try bike riding. You can workout, talk, and take in the scenery all at the same time. What’s more, the kids can enjoy a ride, too.
Busy moms find it hard to find time to exercise. If you are a working mom, childcare may be the issue. If you are a stay at home mother, the reason may be the same. Who will watch the kids while I take the time to exercise?
Don’t worry. There are some physical activities that can be done with the kids along no matter what their age. Younger kids don’t have to pose a problem for moms who want to lose baby weight but didn’t have the means to join a gym.
Invest in a jog stroller. These strollers are designed for physical activity with young children. Moms can walk, jog, or run with the stroller with ease. The design accounts for a runner’s stride and the jerking motions. Kids, especially babies, like motion. Sitting, in a stroller, while mom makes her way around the neighborhood is like extra play time to them. Oftentimes the motion will put a baby right to sleep.
If the kids are school age, buy them a good pair of walking shoes and hit the nearest park. Use the time to discuss your child’s day at school or to answer the millions of questions young kids always seem to ask. As a bonus, you are getting a chance to spend time with your child in a healthy way.
For longer distances, try bike riding. Bike riding works better with children who are at least a year and a half to two years old. They have better motor control to sit up in the carrier seat and can tell you if they have a problem. That just leaves finding a helmet to fit their little heads.
Older kids can ride their own bikes along side of you through the neighborhood. Make sure they have the appropriate pads and helmet in case of accident. Bicycle riding works the muscles of the lower body so mom can get rid of those saddlebags as she spends some time with the kids.
Teenagers may not want to bike through the neighborhood with mom. Introduce them to mountain biking. Both of you will see it as a challenge and the teens won’t mind being seen with you. You may not be able to sit down for the first few days, but it’s all good to get your teen to spend time with you.
Walking and bike riding are two activities that can be done with the kids. They provide much needed exercise for busy moms and kids.
Strengthening The Core Muscles
What is the main responsibility of core muscles? To provide enough power to the body in order to enable it to cope up with the dynamic challenges of every physical activity that a person encounters.
Many health and fitness experts have realized that it is important to strengthen the core muscles along with the other muscles in the body. By conducting a series of experiments and research, they have found that having a stronger core can lessen a lot of health problems concerning posture.
A well-conditioned core muscle can project good posture and it can also improve the endurance of the back throughout the day. Why? Because muscles that are included in the group of core muscles are actually the ones that initiate the proper stabilization of the whole upper and lower torso.
So, for those who wish to know and understand why it is important to strengthen the core muscles, here is a list of some of the benefits that you can use as references:
1. To improve posture and prevent low back pain of the muscular origin.
This means that as you incorporate stretching exercises in your routine, taking a particular focus on the muscles of the upper and front part of the trunk, including the abdominal and trunk muscles, the activity has the tendency to strengthen the muscles of the back that extend to the spine.
2. Helps tone the muscles, thereby, avoiding further back injury
Exercising your core muscles will strengthen and tones your lower back muscles and buttocks while stretching the hip flexors and the muscles on the front of the thighs. Achieving this state will deter you from any serious lower back injury.
3. Improves physical performance
Exercising the core muscles with slow, static stretching is just as effective in relieving stiffness and enhances flexibility. Once the flexibility of a person has improved, it follows that he will be able to perform his physical activities at a better state.
4. They do not cause sore aching muscles
Static stretching for core muscles is best for the muscles and connective tissues. And because it employs slow stretches only, it will not cause any soreness, as do the quick, bouncing exercises that rely on jerky muscle contraction.
5. Lengthen muscles and avoid unbalanced footing as you age
Core muscle exercises lengthen the muscles that have contracted as a result of pain. It also prevents pain from vigorous exercise if they are included at the end of each workout.
Health and fitness experts highly recommend starting core work out immediately and repeating the routine at least 2 times a week. The process can be done after the workout or even during the activity, for about 10 to 20 minutes only.
Try the stomach exercises listed below to work out the core to build strong muscles throughout the abdomen.
Tone Your Torso
Butt Burner
Crunchless Crunch
Scissor Kicks
What are the Best Ab Exercises for You?
It is only natural that most people want to look their best and exercising their stomach muscles is usually a huge part of most fitness programs. If so much time and energy is going to be focused on this muscle group, it is a good idea to know what the best AB exercises are.
There are many resources available for finding the best AB exercises, and plenty of people to say what they consider the best, so how can a person decide for themselves which truly are the best exercises for working their stomach muscles?
First of all it is important to note that the best AB exercises are those that a person is willing to do.
No matter how effective the exercise is, if a person isn't going to do them consistently the exercise will not benefit that particular individual. It is also important to note that the best AB exercises do not necessarily require equipment to perform them, although some machines and equipment may work quite well for some people.
When a person decides on a fitness program that includes AB exercises, it is best to include exercises that work the different parts of the stomach. If a person simply concentrates on one area of their stomach, there workout will not be as effective.
The best AB exercises, combine working the oblique (which are the side muscles), the transverse abdominals, the lower abdominal area, the mid section and also the upper section.
One popular AB exercise is called the Crunchless Crunch. These are a very effective exercise and very convenient since they can be performed anywhere without any equipment.
This stomach exercise is fairly simple in theory, but can be fairly difficult to perform. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible,then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If this feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you eithercannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.
The next AB exercise that is also very popular and goes along with the basic crunch is the Side Crunch, which works out the oblique.
This stomach exercises requires you to get off your feet and lie down, preferably on the floor or other flat surface. Use a mat or towel as a cushion if you have a particularly hard floor to work with. Lie down on one side. For simplicity, let us say you are on your right side to start. Bring your right arm across your waist so that your right hand comes to rest on your left side. Touch your ear with the fingertips of your left hand, so that your left elbows winds up pointing straight upward. Lift your shoulders up off the floor while simultaneously raising your left leg to height of about twelve inches (30 cm). Contract your obliques as you do this. Hold for a few seconds, then gently lie back down. Do this for an entire set, then switch to the right side.
Another good exercise that some fitness experts considers to be one of the best AB exercises is the Plank. This is an excellent movement to strengthen the whole stomach.
For this stomach exercise, you will need to lie on a flat surface, such as the floor. You will be lying in your stomach, so you may want to use a mat or towel to cushion your knees. Prop your upper body up on your forearms so that your elbows make a ninety degree angle and are positioned directly below your shoulders. Now lift your body up off the floor so that your lower body is supported by your toes, while your upper body remains supported by your elbows. Your body should basically be a straight line, with no arch or drooping through your back. Hold this position for twenty seconds, then lower your body back to thefloor. One repetition is sufficient.
Remember though, that just because one person may consider a specific AB exercise to be the best one it doesn't necessarily mean that it is the best for everyone. Each person's body is different and will respond differently to certain movements. Anyone serious about working on the abdominal muscles will find it most helpful to try several different exercises and then determine which one they can both feel and see results with.
As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.
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Moms Get Into Sports

Moms are no longer the housebound women we saw in the fifties. Stay at home or working mothers want to divide their time between family and outside interests. Those interests oftentimes include sports.
Friendly competition is healthy. Community sports teams give adults a chance to explore new and under used talents. Women, specifically moms are coming out of the stands and joining the team.
Guess what? Moms are finding out that they are pretty darn good athletes. Even their children are cheering them on as they cross that finish line or slide into home plate. The new self confidence can fuel new romantic sparks with dad as well.
Moms are also getting involved in sports where they are a team of one. Some of these activities include rock climbing, mountain biking, and swimming. The one-on-one competition is good for mom and the kids. They learn that giving up is not an option and to keep going until they reach success.
Sports can range from the tame to the rigorous. Moms are taking up basketball, volleyball, bowling, and softball. Intramural sporting events create bonds between women that last beyond the game.
What are some benefits of Sports?
Friendship. Moms form friendships with other moms. This is therapeutic especially for the single mothers. These friendships represent a greater network of support for themselves and their children.
Confidence. Moms are exploring a new side to their lives. Increased confidence in the sporting arena leads to increased confidence in other areas of their lives. This includes on the job and within the home.
A Positive Example. Getting older doesn’t have to mean that life is over or going down hill. Kids will be able to see that motherhood doesn’t have to stop them from accomplishing goals. Having children is an honor not a hurdle to be overcome.
Challenge. Moms test their own fortitude when they get involved in sports. The main competition is against one’s self. We strive to better ourselves with each new task we take on. Sport creates success in life and health.
Stress Reduction. Participating in sports reduces stress. Through healthy competition, moms can work off their frustrations from the day. By the end of the game, match, or run, mom feels better and better able to handle what comes next.
Women in sports view taking care of themselves as a priority in life. Without a strong mind and body, they are no good to their families. Their kids will draw strength from the strength they gain through sports. Good going, moms.
Turbulence Training Review
Turbulence Training: The Program that Promises Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Workout Time
By line: M. Dean
URL: TurbulenceTraining.com
Turbulence Training promises fast fat loss results for men and women who don't have a lot of time for exercise. This is a bold promise, and the workouts promise maximum results in only three workouts per week.
Let's take a look at this claim, and see if it really measures up!
Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind the workouts. I've come across Craig Ballantyne's name many times in popular fitness magazines such as Men's Health and Men's Fitness, and even in Oxygen and Shape magazines. So the program is clearly put together by a trusted fitness expert.
I've also talked to Craig about his training and education background, and I'll be honest, it was impressive, unlike the trainers with weekend certifications that pop up at large commercial gyms. Craig's experience goes back to the mid-nineties, in both the gym and in the research lab. He's actually led research trials on sport supplements, strength training, and cardiovascular training.
Plus, Craig has been a strength coach and has worked with hundreds of clients in thousands of training sessions. This is a unique, and thorough background, so its not surprising he's come up with a new training system for fat loss.
In fact, Craig's articles are always pretty hard on traditional aerobic cardio workouts. So if you're looking for new ways to spend 30 or 60-minutes doing cardio, then this program is not for you. But if you only have 45 minutes to workout, a couple of times per week, and you have access to only a bench, dumbbells, and an exercise ball, then you'll like what Craig has for you here.
Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, "What is Turbulence Training?" Well according to Craig, its the combination of resistance training and interval training used to boost your metabolism so that your body burns calories and fat between workouts. He says, "Cardio doesn't boost your metabolism after exercise. Only strength training and interval training do that - while you work, sleep, and eat - your body will be shedding fat."
Fortunately, Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbbell exercises, and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment (if you are really strong, it might help to have a chin-up bar). So again, if you are one of those people who loves machines, or cardio equipment, or marathon workouts, then this program is not for you.
Frankly, I've used the program myself and recommended to many others. Why? Because no one has time for long workouts! That's why. After an eight or ten hour workday, a round-trip commute of 90 minutes, and spending time with my family, I just don't have time to do another 90 minute workout every day of the week.
In fact, I either get up early and do the workout before work, or I do it just before bed. This workout is perfect for busy men and women. But its not the type of routine that is going to turn anyone into a pro bodybuilder. If you want maximum muscle and want to bulk up, try another one of Craig's programs. But the Turbulence Training system is best for burning fat without sacrificing muscle - so you end up lean, defined, chiseled and toned.
And its fun! So many workouts are boring (i.e. long cardio) or repetitive (i.e. doing the same bodybuilding workout over and over again). But Turbulence Training uses a lot of unique (but not fluffy) exercises, including some cool, killer bodyweight moves that will make you more athletic and increase your functional and core strength - again, all with minimal equipment needs.
But, I am even able to recommend this program to friends who are just starting out, because Craig has put together a 6-week introductory program, and a 4-week intermediate program in addition to the 16-week advanced training phase (PLUS, the Turbulence Training program comes with a massive amount of bonus workouts for muscle building, bodyweight only, advanced fat loss, and even a female specific bonus).
And each workout progresses into the next. He's used all of these workouts with hundreds of clients - so they are safe and effective. Sure, you can get other programs that leave you smashed and puking after the first workout, but Turbulence Training is not like that. Soreness doesn't matter, only results matter! And you are in expert hands with Turbulence Training, and Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne.
Craig's Turbulence Training also contains a contract -- basically, your pledge to being committed to the program. It also includes an ebook on Nutrition Guidelines from expert, Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., and an extensive Q&A section, a 21-Healthy Habit Building Plan, plus the complete Turbulence Training workouts for beginner, intermediate and advanced level individuals.
All users will benefit from the Turbulence Training MP3 audio where Craig goes over the program, plus you can find every single exercise explained in detail, complete with photos. Okay, so bottom line.
Turbulence Training is NOT....
Long, slow cardio workouts
A machine-based exercise circuit
A bodybuilding program to gain bulk
A workout with lots of time-wasting isolation exercises
A restrictive eating plan
Turbulence Training provides NONE of the above.
On the other hand, Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their own homes without spending a lot of money on equipment or space on exercise machines. Oh, and you'll actually have fun and you won't "dread" these workouts - heck, they will be over before you know it!
If you're in the slightest bit curious, I recommend you look closely at Craig's program. I was very impressed with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, the bonuses, the guarantee, and Craig's expertise. For the money, it's the best deal in the fitness and fat loss industry - so much better than diet pills!
And remember...
Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee. And this is a real guarantee... if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive your money back, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts." So you really have nothing to lose.
A Letter from Your Belly Fat
Dear Friend,
This is a letter from your ol' pal, belly fat. We had a great run this summer, didn't we? Lots of good times, great food, and plain ol' sitting around eating too much.
Well, I'm thinking about sticking around another year if you don't mind. But you might need to get a bigger pair of pants, as I was thinking about expanding my place down here.
So do me a favor, avoid that interval training you were thinking of doing. The last time you did that stuff, I nearly had to look for a new place to live. I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West in the land of Oz. Did you hear me yelling, "Help me, I'm melting!"?
Instead, stick to that slow cardio stuff. Sure I get a little sweaty, and the ol' brain up there thinks it's doing "a real fat burning workout", but it's never enough to melt me outta here.
Another thing, keep listening to those experts who say strength training doesn't burn body fat. Since research shows they're wrong, if you added strength training to your program, you'd practically need to throw me a going away party!
After each one of those superset workouts you tried last January it felt like someone lit a match under our collective butt. I was burning up down here!
But boy oh boy, I sure was glad you gave that up and went back to just lifting utensils and not dumbells. Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to celebrate another summer together this year.
Sometimes I wonder, what did you ever do in college without me, your trusted belly fat? Back then, you were probably one of those people that couldn't wait to get to the beach to show off your body, not like these days.
Nope, stay in the shade and keep the cover-up clothes on, that's the way to go now. Besides, its a lot closer to the cold beer and the BBQ when you're sitting in the shade avoiding all the fun down on the beach.
Well, it sure was good catching up with you. I'm sure we'll be in touch more often, as long as you stay away from that Turbulence Training workout routine.
Brings a tear to my eye whenever I even think about that workout program and all the belly fat it's burned. Heck, it's fried more belly fat than a frying pan!
So again, if you want to keep your dear old belly around for another year and another summer, don't use Turbulence Training - otherwise, its all over pal, and you'll never see me again.
Your friend and spare tire,
Belly Fat
PS - Seriously, don't go near that Turbulence Training program unless you want to see me, Thunder Thighs, Manboobs, Jigg Lee Arm Fat, and Luv Handles pack our bags and hit the highway.
It will be a sad farewell, and you'd be stuck with ripped abs, gorgeous glutes, and toned arms, and you know how much attention those guys get from the opposite sex. Who needs it, I say.
Why is Exercise So Important To Your Health?
No one wants to be unhealthy. Being unhealthy can lead to a wide variety of diseases attacking our bodies. Getting old before your time is the fate of many people who suffer from an unhealthy lifestyle. To regain our health, we need to eat right and exercise our bodies.
Exercise improves your heart and lung function among other things. Ever notice those people, and maybe this is you also, who are huffing and puffing after walking a flight of stairs? You would think they had just run five miles the way they are breathing. That is a sure sign that their body is not getting enough oxygen and their muscles are out of shape.
The body learns to use oxygen more efficiently when we participate in a regular exercise program. By program I mean consistent exercise. It could be walking around the neighborhood, jogging at the school track or working out at the local gym. As long as you do it more than once a month, your body will begin to use less oxygen to accomplish that exercise. When that happens, it is time to increase the time and intensity of the workout.
It is necessary for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. The heart can do this more efficiently when the body is in shape. Tissues stay oxygenated and hydrated to the point that your skin will glow and your resting heart rate and pulse will be lowered as well.
People have all heard that exercise releases “feel good” hormones and it’s true. Your outlook on situations will change when you have had a good run or walk to clear your head. Just the fact that you have completed the workout will make you feel better about yourself. If you want to keep those good vibrations, you have to continue to exercise.
Obesity is an epidemic among adults and kids in America. Carrying extra weight leads to health problems that can include Type II Diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and heart attacks. All of these are life-threatening conditions that should be prevented when possible. The buildup of plaque in the arteries of the body can cause a heart attack or stroke to occur. At age thirty-five or forty, you don’t want to be worried about a heart attack. If you are morbidly obese, things like a heart attack well before old age can become reality. Taking preventative measures such as exercising, will help to lessen your risk of facing serious health conditions like those mentioned above.
Exercise is a way to burn off extra calories and lose weight. Combined with healthy eating, exercise helps the body return to its normal functioning state. This is important as we age. Our bones get weaker and more brittle. Our muscles begin to waste away to the tune of a pound a year after age forty. Exercise strengthens the bones and builds up strong lean muscle therefore prolonging the aging process.
This is the only body we’ll get. Treat it to the best. Exercise three or more times a week for improved health and a longer, happier life.
Exercising and You - How to Get Started
We all know it's necessary, but we don't want to get up early in the morning to do it.
What is this "it" I'm talking about?
It is exercise and it is essential for a long and healthy life. I'm not just saying that either. Ask anyone who has lived to be sixty, seventy, and over who move better than some people half their ages. They have used exercise to turn their life around.
Exercise is getting our bodies moving and burning calories. To lose one pound, it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories. I know what you're thinking - it might as well be a million calories. But, it is not as hard as you think. Exercise doesn't have to be organized at a gym for it to be legitimate and to "count."
The best thing about exercise is that it is cumulative. That means that if you do ten minutes of walking in the morning, fifteen minutes of walking at lunch, and twenty minutes of walking when you get home, it all adds up to calories burned and pounds lost. The benefit to your muscles and heart increase as you continue to fit exercise in where you can.
So, where do you start?
Get up off the couch. That is the hardest part. Starting is both good and scary. What if we can't do it? Well, I'm here to tell you that there is an exercise for you. The key is to start slowly and work your way up. Unlike a horse race, you don't have to be fast out of the gate, you just have to make it out of the gate and continue on the track.
Walking is the best overall exercise. You can do it anywhere and it works your lower and upper body. If you can't afford a gym membership, walk outdoors. You can walk in your neighborhood or in the park. Walking will condition your heart and lungs for other exercises that you may try.
My sister likes kickboxing. It is hard, but it gets a good sweat going. Classes of all kinds are fun for her because she is not alone. Others are working hard to make a change as well. Besides, she likes to give the other participants a laugh every now and again, when she is trying to learn new moves and looks like an octopus with it's arms flying everywhere trying to keep up.
This brings me to another point. One way to get started on a positive note is to find a friend to help you. Working out with a friend or coworker can keep you from wimping out on those days when you feel like taking a day off. Even if you only have a partner one or two days a week, it can motivate you to work on your own the rest of the week.
Try a variety of exercises. Stick with the one you like and when it becomes too easy, switch to something else. Aim for thirty minutes a day starting out and gradually work your way up to more strenuous and longer workouts. Your heart will thank you.
5 Easy Toning Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
Exercise is an important part of our lives. Staying in shape is one way to increase your life expectancy. Weight bearing exercises are important also for increasing muscle mass and bone density as you age.
Most of us have learned what to do when it comes to exercising. The problem is where and when to get the job done. With a busy lifestyle, making time for exercise is a challenge.
Weight bearing exercises aren’t just for bodybuilders. As you age, especially once you hit the age of forty, you begin to lose muscle mass. For women especially, bone loss becomes a problem. When the body is in need of calcium it can rob it from your bones. Building muscle not only increases their mass but your strength.
Here are five easy toning exercises that can be done anywhere and whenever you have time. At home, at the office, or on vacation, you can do these easy yet extremely effective exercises.
1. The Bridge Butt Lift – Sounds like a plastic surgery technique but it is an easy way to tone your buttocks. Lay down with feet flat on the floor, legs shoulder width apart. Place your hands, palm side down, on either side of your body. Pushing with your feet, squeeze your gluteal muscles and lift your butt off the floor. Hold the position for a count of five to ten and release down to the floor.
2. Squats – Squats work the butt, the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. If you aren’t sure of proper form, you can use a chair. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted. Push your butt back as if you were preparing to sit in a chair. Keep your abs tight and your upper body straight. Once you reach chair level stop and hold the position for a count of two to five and release. At the lowest point, place all of your weight on your heels for balance and maximum toning.
3. Reverse Lunges – Lunges work the quadriceps muscles. They can be hard for people with knee problems. A reverse lunge still tones the right muscle groups but with less pressure on the knee. Stand with feet together and arms at your sides. Take one leg and move it backwards until you are in lunge position: front leg bent at a 90 degree angle and back leg extended until you are on the ball of your foot. From this position lower yourself down until the back knee almost touches the floor. Hold for a count of two and return to starting position.
4. Pushups – This is a classic toning exercise that works all areas of the arms plus the chest muscles. If you aren’t comfortable or strong enough to perform a pushup on your toes, lower your body to your knees. Be sure your arms are tucked into the body and your back straight as you lower and lift your body.
5. Crunches – Abdominal muscles can be worked every day to build strength and muscle tone. Lying on the floor in sit up position, lace your fingers behind your head. Squeezing your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body until your lower back is about to come off the floor. Hold for two to five counts and return to starting position.
These five exercise moves can be done whenever you have time. The best thing about exercise is that its effects are cumulative. Even five or ten minutes at a time will work to your advantage.
Changing Your Attitude Towards Weight Loss
Most people who join a weight loss program do so with a lot of initial enthusiasm, they think that it is as easy as a pie to lose weight, and that they can lose weight within a matter of weeks. When however, these people are faced with new challenges and barriers, they give up too easily, thinking that weight loss is totally impossible. Nothing in this world is impossible if you believe in yourself. In this post, I will tell you about the main reasons why people quit one weight loss program after another, as well as how to get out of this rut!
There are actually three groups of obese people. One group joins the strictest weight loss program in the world, thinking that the stricter the program, the faster they would be able to lose weight. They follow every rule as laid down in the rulebook, make the diet and exercise routines too severe for their bodies, and then quit it all, thinking that they were nuts to believe in the possibility of weight loss.
Then there are people who blame it all on themselves. This leads to nothing but a lower self-esteem, which does more harm than good. Then there is a third group of people who believe that starving is the way to go! The more you starve, or the longer you fast, the quicker you would be able to burn the fat. As a matter of fact, fasting NEVER works. As soon as your stomach growls out of hunger, you will be forced to eat anyway, and more often than not, you will start munching on fatty and processed foods, thereby worsening your situation.
The only way to get out of this rut is to change your attitude. If something is not working for you, quit it and try something else, or think differently. It certainly doesn't mean that your previous plans and choices were bad; it just means that you may need to view things in a different light.
When you start any weight loss program, your body will inevitably need to go through a period of adjustments. Some of these adjustments may seem like huge challenges to you. One of hardest things to bear with is hunger. While you are on a diet, you cannot eat as much and as frequently as you used to do, and as a result, you will inevitably feel hungry at times. Hunger will sabotage all your weight loss efforts; therefore you'll need to find ways to curb this hunger.
The best way I have found to curb hunger is by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy snacks between meals. Another way is to eat six small meals a day instead of three big meals.
Four Tips to Get a Flat Stomach
1. Crunches
The crunch can be the fastest and best way to work your abdominal muscles. Many people do not do crunches correctly, and this will therefore prove to be a workout program with no results. Crunches should be fluid and controlled at all times, and if you are unsure if you are doing them correctly ask a professional for help so you don't waste you time or, ever worse, hurt yourself.
2. Balanced Workouts
Another great tip for toning your abs is to work on the rest of your body using balanced workouts. When you do a move that requires controlled stability, you torso acts as that control, which strengthens your core abdominal muscles. It's like getting two workouts in one this way!
3. Posture
Slumping causes your abdominal muscles to weaken and looks sloppy overall. To improve your posture, remember to work out your back muscles. When you have stronger back muscles, you will be more likely to stand up straight, looking immediately thinner as a result. Your doctor should be able to give you tips about improving your posture.
4. Healthly Diet
It is very important to eat a healthy diet if you want to be able to see the muscles that you are building. Changing to low-fat and low-carbohydrates diet choices will help you instantly see results, and this includes skipping the alcohol, which really does cause a beer belly. Also, you should slow down when you eat, leave the carbonation and artificial sweeteners out of your diet. Eating quickly will cause your to swallow air, and certain products cause intestinal gas, which will immediately make you look bloated.
In general, don't worry about what a scale says-simply look in the mirror to see results. Set weight loss goals for yourself and practice a healthy lifestyle and it shouldn't be difficult for you to get a flat stomach in time for the warmer weather.
Fat Burning Activity Tips
by Rob R
If you have a physically demanding job, chances are your not overweight, and if you are, it's not due to lack of fat burning exercise. Thing is, especially these days, many people have kids, work at home or an office and just can't find the time for a conventional exercise program. People tend to be lean for the most part, if they are working on a construction crew or any job where you need to exert yourself. And with all this fat burning activity going on at these types of jobs, a good healthy lunch can easily be burned off. If you don't have a good metabolism, eating more often with small portions is much better.
If you are one of those people that find it difficult to find the time to workout, there are ways to burn fat with daily physical activity routines. If you perform at least some of them daily, you will lose weight.
Doing something you get some joy or fun out of is the key to a successful exercise program. Not only can you lower your blood pressure and add years to your life, studies have shown that all you need is a half hour a day to benefit from some physical activity. Studies have shown that walking 30 min., 3 days a week, can not only lower your blood pressure , but also reduce waist and hip size. Studies were also conducted at the Mayo Clinic in 2005, by James Levine, M.D., and it was concluded that there are links between obesity and inactivity. Your NEAT (non-exercise activity termogenesis) is more powerful than customary exercise. 30 minutes a day of Fun physical activity is all you need to reap the benefits.
If you could add physical activity into your daily routine, you will burn calories instead of putting on more pounds by continuing the bad habit of sitting way to much. Add a new healthy dimension, and get active. The Mayo Clinics study also went on to conclude that lean people burn 350 more calories than the obese persons on any given day, since they on average, sit 150 minutes less per day. Time to get up and get active.
By all means begin to make these activity routines a part of your everyday life from now on. These, combined with a healthy diet will get you on the road to looking,feeling, and being healthy. Dr. Levine also went on to say the NEAT doesn't reflect a lack of motivation, but rather a brain chemical difference.
Make sure you warm up and do some stretching before you begin your fat burning activity routines, so you don,t pull any muscles or tissue. Be sure to slowly stretch the stiff muscles and hold on your last rep for at least 10 seconds.
Physical Activity routines:
* The simple natural act of walking has been proven to have enormous benefits, not only to ward off health issues, but helps burn fat to control weight.
* Instead of sitting down and talking on the phone, walk around the house while you talk, or simply pace back and forth.
* Try dancing to some of your favorite music while you do the dreadful house cleaning. Make it fat burning fun instead of a something you dread.
* Professional atheletes, still to this day do jumping Jacks before practice or a game. Their warmup can be one of your fat burning routines. Do as many as you can throughout the day and you will burn loads of fat.
* 30 years ago obesity wasn't a problem for most kids but with the fast food, TV, video games, and the internet, children are at a greater risk for obesity than ever before. If you have kids, get more involved together in some physical fun.
* If your fortunate enough to have a lawn service, you might consider doing it yourself. Gardening and lawn work burn more calories than walking
* If you have a dog, make it a habit to take it out for longer walks and be sure to run with Rover more often.
The more of the tips you apply to your daily lifestyle, the more pounds your going to shed. Try and fit as many of them as you can into your day. You could burn over 500 calories with an hour of these routines
Combining a good diet plan with your activity routines will give you an excellent chance at achiving your desired weight and health. If your not on a diet plan that's working, there are plenty online created by nutritionist with proven results.