Cylaris weight loss pills

Have you ever met a bride that wasn’t trying to lose weight? How about people who are about to attend a reunion? They’ll spend weeks before the reunion trying to get a better car, grow more hair and lose weight. With so many situations calling for a quick and easy weight loss solution, diet pills have never been more popular. Never known to keep consumers wanting, drug companies have responded to this popularity with a resounding, “Yes” and have begun the seemingly endless production of weight loss supplements.

One of these supplements is made by Iovate and is called Cylaris. Cylaris is a heavily promoted weight loss supplement that promises that users will lose up to 40 pounds in just eight short weeks - with no additional dietary or exercise changes necessary. This promise of extremely noticeable short term resultsmakes Cylaris very appealing to the blushing bride, reunion attendee, cruise taker - basically, anyone who has an important event (or just one that involves a bathing suit) coming up in less than two months.

The Iovate website for Cylaris states that the efficacy of their weight loss supplement has been scientifically proven. Unfortunately, there is no information about the study that scientifically proved it worked. Since the study is not yet published, it is impossible to know how many people were in the study, whether it was double blind, and what the results of the study proved. This means that there is really no way to prove that Cylaris’ effictiveness has been scientifically proved. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration has not issued any information about Cylaris.

The ingredients in Cylaris are similar to those you see in other weight loss supplements. Cylaris contains caffeine, green tea extract, soy albumin extract and cissus quadrangularis. Many of these ingredients contain caffeine, which makes Cylaris a stimulant. The pills also contain vitamin B6, folic acid, B12 and selenium. While vitamins and minerals are always good for you, they may not be considered healthy when combined with massive doses of caffeine.

There are some independent user reviews online. The reviews appear on websites that are not tied to Cylaris and range from thrilled and gushing to disappointed and unhappy. Many of those who took and reviewed Cylaris state that they experienced many side effects, including headache, insomnia, vomiting, diarrhea, and gas. Many other reviewers report that they are losing weight quickly, that Cylaris is controlling their hunger and that they have energy without a jittery feeling.

Unfortunately, without the benefit of a published scientific study, it’s impossible to know if Cylaris actually works. Double blind scientific studies review the results of 2 groups. One group is given a placebo pill and the other group is given the real pill. Knowing the difference in weight loss between the two groups would go a long way to increasing confidence that Cylaris is effective in increasing weight loss. Additionally, it is unknown who funded the research that has apparently been done on Cylaris. If the research was funded by Cylaris creators Iovate, then there could be aconflict of interest and study results may have been impacted.

If you decide that Cylaris is right for you, be sure to consult a physician before using it. Combining Cylaris with a diet and exercise program could improve results and should also be discussed with a physician. Weight loss supplements, even those with “natural ingredients” can have an adverse affect on your health and may have bad interactions with other prescriptions and supplements you are taking. Consultation with a physician can help you learn whether this supplement is right for you.


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