Four homemade beverages for summer weight loss

Don’t take it for granted that reducing food intake and being hungry will make you slim. Weight loss beverages may produce the same effects as that of various diets. Choose the right drinks will get you more slender.

1, Appetite suppressing drinks: V8 vegetable juice and Smoothie

What kind of drinks helps lose weight? Most drinks function to satisfy your thirst. But there’s one drink not only make you thirstless but also has the additional effect of appetite control. V8 vegetable juice and Smoothie are the most representative appetite suppressing beverages on the market.

V8 Vegetable Juice is a trademark name owned by the Campbell Soup Company for beverage products made from either eight vegetables or a mixture of both fruits and vegetables. A smoothie is a blended, chilled, sweet beverage made from fresh fruit. In addition to fruit juice, many smoothies include crushed ice, frozen fruit, or frozen yogurt. These drinks are thicker than slush drinks, but unlike milkshakes, they do not usually contain ice cream, but can contain milk.

A study found that drinking a glass of V8 vegetable juice or Smoothie 15 to 20 minutes before the meal helped reduce the calorie intake from food. This, to a large extent, is a mystery. But the researchers believe that it’s related with the density of the viscosity and calorie. However, don’t drink them during meals, it’ll lose afore-mentioned effectiveness.

2, Slimming alcohol: Vodka Soda

Are you a party monster that can’t not live without liquor at hand? Try Vodka Soda then.

More moderate the liquor, lower the calorie contained. Therefore, a mixture of soda water (containing no calorie or low-calorie) with Gin or Vodka is the right spirit for people with a weight loss prom, because a cup of such drink only contains 80 to 90 calories.

3, Sports drinks before exercise: Green tea

A study found that green tea extract can improve the sports endurance by 24 percents, it also can increase the fat burning. Japanese researchers conducted experiments on mice which were thrown into a water pond to let them struggle for survival, and in the end they felt exhausted. The results showed that those fed the green tea extract more sustained longer than others, and in 10 weeks later their lost fat was significantly more fat other mice. This study makes the researchers believe that a cup of green tea on the human body has the same effect.

4, Diet supplements after exercise: Skimmed chocolate milk

It is a wise move to drink something after practicing yoga or taekwondo. In fact this is the right time to lose weight. Milk is an ideal drink to restore the vitality. The the proportion of calorie/protein in milk is a great fit to meet the body needs. It contains about 3-4 calories per gram of protein.

But why chocolate milk? Because the cocoa beans in chocolate contain antioxidants which can help repair muscle cells. If it is difficult to buy milk in the gym, you can bring from home a bag of milk for breakfast.

Drinking ice water has similar effects. A study found that two glasses of cold water (below 22 degree C) contributed the reduced consumption of calories. Because 40 percents of calories are consumed to ‘heat’ the water to the body temperature. Drinking a liter of cold water a day will help you lose five pounds of body weight a year.

2 Responses to "Four homemade beverages for summer weight loss"

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