Hoodia gordonii weight loss pills

Hoodia, though unknown to most of the world, is believed to have been used for more than 27,000 years by the San people of South Africa in the Kalahari. In 1937, Hoodia became known to the outside world after a Dutch anthropologist observed the San people chewing the plant to suppress violent hunger feelings during lengthy hunting journeys. From way back then, it remains the most potent natural appetite-suppressant known to humankind.

Many current diet pills are mood elevators, increasing your energy levels while suppressing your appetite. When western pharmaceutical companies learned about Hoodia and how it had been used by the San people of Africa to suppress hunger for long periods of time without undesirable side effects, the campaign began to introduce this product to the market. Following is some basic information you should know about Hoodia:

* The Hoodia Gordonii variant is the only one that has appetite-suppressant capabilities.
* Hoodia produces a feeling of being full, because it fools the brain into thinking that you have already eaten.
* Hoodia may work at once, or it may take a couple of weeks.
* Reports of the main effects of Hoodia include a decreased interest in food, feeling full much faster, an increased interval in time between feeling hungry again, and a good feeling in terms of health.
* Hoodia Gordonii has no side effects because it is not a stimulant.
* Hoodia seems to be risk-free for nearly all people.

The phenomenon of Hoodia is sweeping the United States and the rest of the world. It works in a very surprising way by fooling your brain into believing that you have already eaten and already have sufficient energy (blood sugar), and so the body does not need extra nutrition. With this process, the brain continues to close down the hunger mechanism in the body, helping people who take Hoodia to control their appetites, since they do not feel hungry. Subsequently, this allows people who take Hoodia to manage their food consumption with regard to the frequency of meals and size of portions, leading to the consumption of fewer calories and consequently, to weight loss.

For thousands of years, the Bushmen of southern Africa has used Hoodia mainly to stave off hunger during those times when there was insufficient food, such as when they had to travel through the desert. While there are twenty kinds of Hoodia, Hoodia Gordonii is the only one that contains the P57 component that functions as an appetite suppressant. Other Hoodia variants do not seem to suppress appetite.

Hoodia is usually taken one hour before each meal, either in liquid or pill form. It is vital to drink plenty of water when taking Hoodia, because not only it will shut down the hunger mechanism, it will also do the same with the thirst mechanism. People who are taking Hoodia may not feel thirsty, but it is still important to drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. Hoodia normally takes about 1-2 weeks to fully work, yet most people reported that they observed appetite-inhibiting results during the first 30 minutes of Hoodia consumption.

However, there are definite circumstances that seem to counteract the results of Hoodia. People who work out, particularly those who lift weights, will still have high levels of appetite. In order to maintain muscles, calories are needed and those muscles still cry out for nourishment, even if you are taking Hoodia. In addition, it seems that Hoodia works best with low-carbohydrate diets. Although information is limited, there seem to be indications that Hoodia does not restrict appetite on quite the same level when numerous carbohydrates are being consumed in the diet.

For people who are curious about taking Hoodia, there is an option between liquid and pill forms. There are definite classifiable differences between taking pill and liquid forms. The liquid form of Hoodia costs more, but can be absorbed into the body system more quickly and a larger quantity of the substance can be utilized by the body as opposed to the pill form.

Naturally, pharmaceutical companies that produces the liquid form are more than glad to advertise these facts themselves. The procedure for producing the liquid involves state-of-the-art technology and can be quite expensive. That is why the liquid supplements cost more than the pill form. Trimming the components to liquid forms allows the body to digest it easier and quicker than with the pill form. This results in a greater portion of the components being consumed by the body system due to the raised biochemical potency, and this produces a better outcome with smaller consumption.

The body works more efficiently since Hoodia in liquid form is pre-extracted, and the body does not need to fully digest and separate the Hoodia as it does when it is consumed in pill form. Instead, the body is able to utilize the pre-extracted Hoodia while avoiding the digestive procedure.

Although price may be an impediment in convincing certain customers to shift to liquid form, there are several advantages. Specifically, less liquid Hoodia has to be taken in order to achieve the same result. Instead of taking a large pill, users can just put a couple of drops into a glass of water. Normally, the taste is not evident, but you may include some additives to improve the taste or to neutralize any bad taste from the extracts in the liquid.


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