What it takes to commit to be fit

The word “commitment” often has a negative connotation to it. When some people hear the word, they envision strait jackets and sanitariums. Others picture a ball and chain imprisoning their ankles. What makes people want to run away when they hear the word “commitment?”

Honestly, I don’t know. But I can offer a good guess.

Commitment requires long-term effort. Because it’s easier to take shortcuts and bypasses rather than put in effort over a long period of time, I think it’s just part of human nature to dread the idea of making a commitment.

But the idea of making a commitment and actually making a commitment are two different things.

The idea of making a commitment brings up those negative images mentioned earlier.

Making a commitment is usually something positive.

Making a commitment to being fit is probably one of the most positive things you can possibly do for yourself and for your loved ones.

As I said, commitment requires long-term effort. When you hear about pills or machines that promote quick weight loss, instant energy or strength, or some other speedy remedy to health concerns, you can be fairly certain that those products should not be part of your commitment to fitness. Sure, these items might work for a while, but what about in the long run?

Truth be told, what works when you make a commitment to be fit is you. You must be physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared. You must visit with your doctor and/or nutritionist. You might meet with your personal trainer. You need to learn what food your body requires. You need to learn how to exercise your muscles properly. As you learn, you must apply what you learn. All of this takes work. And time.

If you are not willing to work, if you would rather let something or someone else work for you, or if you don’t make the time to do the necessary work, then you don’t have the commitment required to become more fit.

If you are willing to work at it and make the time to do the work, then you are on your way to a healthier life.
When you are committed to be fit, you take control of the state of your health. Others may assist you, such as your doctor, dietitian, or personal trainer, but because YOU are the one making the time and expending the effort, YOU are the one who will reap the benefits. And there are many. To name just a few:

* sleep better
* say good-bye to lengthy depressions and/or persistent aches and pains
* age with the ability to keep doing things you’ve always done
* play with and care for your kids, grandkids, or great grandkids
* enjoy the outdoors
* feel vital and energetic naturally
* bring a healthy life into this world
* enjoy activities you used to enjoy

The list goes on. You know what your individual reasons are for wanting to be in better condition. The first step to living them is to make your commitment NOW.

Yes, it takes effort. Yes, it takes time. And YES, YOU CAN DO IT!!!


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