Horse raddish is a miracle vegetable. Scientifically known as moringa oleifera, it has 46 antioxidants and 36 anti-inflammatory substances in it. It has 17 times the calcium of milk, 10 times the vitamin A of carrots, 9 times the protein found in yogurt, 15 times the potassium of banana, 25 times the iron of spinach, and 7 times the vitamin C of orange. It has also the full compliment of minerals, and all the amino acids of meat.
Horse radidsh is very good for the whole body. It strengthens the immune system, restores skin condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headaches and migraines, prevent diabetes, reduce inflammations and arthritis pains, restricts the growth of tumors, heals ulcers, rebuilds weak bones, enrich anemic blood, calms the nervous system, and is good for beriberi, rickets and scurvy.
Horse raddish has a very important phytochemical niazimin which have been found to have molecular components that can prevent the development of cancer cells.
Fresh roots from young horse raddish tree can be used to treat fever. The infusion of horse raddish roots is good for those with asthma. Horse raddish fruits can prevent eye disorders, and can increase the semen count in men. Unripe horse raddish pods can be used to prevent intestinal worms. Tender horse raddish leaves can reduce phlegm and are administered internally for catarral conditions and scurvy. The flowers of horse raddish can be used to heal inflammation of the tendons and abscesses. The juice of the horse raddish leaves can be taken to remove phlegm and mucus in the body. It is good for the removal of mucus in inflamed sinuses, and for asthma too.
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