Vitamin E: Health Benefits, Source, And Dosage
Vitamin E is a wonder vitamin. It prevents a myriads of illnesses and diseases. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects against heart diseases, strokes, and cancers.
Vitamin E comes in two forms: the natural and the synthetic. Natural vitamin E is written “tocopherols” or “d-tocopherols”. Natural alpha-tocopherol, the most active form of vitamin E, is written “alpha-tocopherol” or “d-alpha-tocopherol”. The synthetic form is “tocopheryl” (with a “y”) or “dl-tocopherol” (with a “dl”). The natural form is preferred by specialists because it has the highest level of activity. Synthetic vitamin E is worthless. Do not use it. Another commercial form is available in drugstores: “water-soluble vitamin E”. It is more expensive, but is no more absorbable or effective than the natural form.
Vitamin E oxygenates the cells and tissues of the body, and reduces the need for oxygen. It dilates the blood vessels, and improves circulation. Vitamin E prevents the unsaturated fatty acids and oil-soluble vitamins from being destroyed in the body. It helps and pprotects the capillaries, lungs, and the reproductive organs. It prevents the scar formation in burns.
Vitamin E is used in the treatment of heart diseases, varicose veins, emphysema, varicose veins, leg ulcers, angina pectoris, hypoglycemia, infertility in both male and female, and other reproductive problems. It also reduces the risk of miscarriages.
Vitamin E enters the fatty portion of the cell membranes where it protects them from the harmful effects of compounds such as mercury, lead, benzene, carbon tetrachloride, cleaning solvents, drugs, radiation, and the body’s free-radical metabolites.
A high vitamin E diet exerts strong protective effects in many health conditions.
It is very important in the immune function, especially during stress and chronic viral illnesses such as AIDS and chronic viral hepatitis. It protects the thymus gland and the circulating white blood cells from damage.
Vitamin E reduces the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), and increases the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). It is excellent in the prevention of strokes, and heart attacks.
Vitamin E protects against cancers when taken in high doses. A study showed that patients with low levels of vitamin E have 50% more risks of cancer. It also relieves hot flashes, menopausal vaginal complaints, post-menstrual symptoms,
including fibrocystic breast disease.
Vitamin E deficiency symptoms are muscle weakness, nerve damage, poor coordination, involuntary movement of the eye, and breaking of the red blood cells leading to hemolytic anemia. Other symptoms are sterility, red blood cell fragility, muscular disorders, pulmonary embolism, strokes, heart diseases, coronary degeneration, testicle degeneration, fat malabsorption syndromes such as celiac diseases, cystic fibrosis, post-gastrectomy syndrome, red blood cell hereditary disorders such as sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia.
The best sources of vitamin E are flaxseed oil, and wheat germ oil. Flaxseed oil is the best to take because it is so rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, that can prevent cancer. Wheat germ oil and flaxsees oil should be fresh and cold-pressed.
Other sources of vitamin E are soy oil, sunflower oil, unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils, all whole raw or sprouted seeds, nuts, grains, green leafy vegetables and eggs.
Dosage: RDA 15 IU; ODA 400 IU; TDA 1,200 IU. Recommended: Normal dosage is 400-800 IU daily. This normal dosage provides a better oxidative protection for those in high-stress situations. Menopausal patients should take 800 IU daily until hot flashes subside, and then lowered to 400 IU daily. Note: The strengthening power of vitamin E is not felt until one takes at least 200-600 mg daily. (1 mg = 1.5 IU).
Caution: One study suggested that people with high blood pressure, rheumatic heart disease and other heart conditions will do best not to take more than 400-600 IU of vitamin E daily. Iron supplements, rancid foods and grains destroy vitamin E. It is better not to eat wheat germ because it easily become rancid, and it is very difficult to preserve it fresh.
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