Frequently Asked Questions About Chin Reduction

Obesity is something that plagues millions of people around the world. The reasons for the obesity epidemic have to do with two main factors. The first factor is, of course, a diet that is high in fat and sugar. The second factor is a lot of time spent sitting in one place and not exercising. However, there are some people who are not classified as being obese, but rather as having certain areas of the body where fat has a tendency to accumulate.

Some people have a tendency to develop excess fat in their chin area, and therefore consider having chin reduction done. In order to be properly informed about the chin reduction process, it is very important that the prospective patient has a better understanding of who is considered an ideal candidate for chin reduction surgery.

First of all, age needs to be taken into consideration when being assessed for chin reduction. The patient needs to be at least twenty years of age, because at that point the chin of the person has fully matured. The overall physical and mental health of the patient should be excellent as well, because the person needs to realize that there is no such thing as having surgery to become perfect. Additionally, the person should be free of diseases, and bone disorders. This procedure is meant to eliminate excess amounts of bone, not fat.

If a person is not considered to be a suitable candidate for chin reduction, then he or she might instead be a good candidate for facial liposuction. The next step in the chin reduction process is choosing the right surgeon. There are several things that the ideal surgeon will have to their credit. First of all, the surgeon should specialize in this kind of surgery. Second of all, the surgeon should have an extensive portfolio of before and after photos, which are accompanied by many verifiable testimonials. Of course, the patient must also feel comfortable with the surgeon, which can be determined during the consultation.

A consultation is an appointment that is made before the actual procedure in which the surgeon will examine the chin of the patient, as well as talk about what the procedure itself will entail. The consultation session is also an excellent time for the patient to ask any additional questions. One of those questions will probably have to do with how the patient can properly prepare for the procedure.

The first thing that the patient will need to do is make sure that he or she does not take any anti inflammatory drugs for a full week leading up to the procedure. The reason for this is that these kinds of drugs pose a higher risk for the person developing a clot prior to the procedure. The surgery itself will begin with an incision being made either near the lip on the inside of the mouth, or at the base of the chin. The surgeon will then remove the excess bone. After the procedure has been completed, the patient will need to recuperate for a couple of weeks.

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