Want More Perky Breasts, Get A Breastlift

Mastopexy is a surgical procedure that raises and re-contours sagging breasts, or breasts that have lost volume and elasticity after childbearing, through aging or marked weight loss. An uplift and reshaping of the breasts can give you a more youthful looking figure.

The operation involves techniques similar to those used in breast reduction and includes repositioning the nipple and reduction or tightening of the skin of the breasts.

Sometimes a breast implant is used along with the reshaping to achieve an increase in size where this is desired.

Reasons for undergoing a breast lift are breasts that lack substance or firmness, some of the candidates have breasts that are pendulous, but are of satisfactory size, nipples and areolas that point downwards, especially if they are positioned below the breast crease, loss of elasticity, weight loss, pregnancy and breast-feeding affect the shape and firmness of the breasts.

Your breast lift can be done on an outpatient basis, using either a local or general anesthetic. Most swelling and discoloration will subside after a few weeks. There may be a temporary loss of sensation in the breast skin but this improves with time. The surgeon makes every effort to minimize scarring. The scars often remain more visible for a year following surgery, then fade, and are generally acceptable given the improvement in breast position and shape.

Return to work and light activity is possible in a few days but heavier physical activity and exercise must await the passage of three to four weeks.

A breast lift is normally safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. Significant complications from breast lifts are not frequent. Thousands of women go through surgery, without experiencing major problems and are pleased with the results.

Following a breast lift, the breasts may not be perfectly symmetrical or the nipple may vary slightly, permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or areas of breast skin may occur. Revisional surgery may be helpful where incisions have healed poorly. Bleeding and infection following a breast lift are not common, but they can cause scars to widen.

You can reduce the risks by clearly following your physician's advice before and after surgery.

During your visit, you will be asked about your desired breast shape and size. Your plastic surgeon will tell you how nipples and areolas will be repositioned. Mention your expectations about your breasts. This is the time to ask all the question you can or have to fully understand the procedure. Your plastic surgeon should work with you and help you understand and feel at ease with any decision you choose to make.


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