Raise and Reshape Sagging Breasts

The breast lift or mastopexy is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. Mastopexy can also reduce the size of the areola. If the breasts are small and have lost volume, breast implants inserted along with a mastopexy can increase both firmness and their size.

A breast lift can be performed at any age, but one has to wait until breast development has stopped. Since milk ducts and nipples are left intact, surgery will not affect your ability to breast feed. Breasts that are large and heavy can be lifted, but the results may not be as long lasting as when it is done on smaller breasts.

There are many reasons for undergoing a breast lift. Reasons include, having breasts that lack substance or firmness; having breasts that are pendulous, but of satisfactory size. Having nipples and areolas that point downwards, especially if they are positioned below the breast crease or having loss of elasticity, weight loss, pregnancy and breast-feeding affect the shape and firmness of the breasts.

During your visit to your plastic surgeon's office, you will be asked about your desired breast shape and size. Your plastic surgeon will tell you how nipples and areolas will be repositioned. Make sure to mention your expectations about your breasts. Your plastic surgeon will examine your breasts and takes measurements. The size and shape of your breasts and the placements of nipples and areolas will be carefully evaluated.

Medical history will be discussed like medica conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments received, previous surgeries including breast biopsies, and medications that you take. If there was a weight loss, your weight should be stabilized before surgery.

A breast lift surgery is normally safe when performed by a qualified surgeon. Significant complications from breast lifts are not frequent. Thousands of women go through surgery, without experiencing major problems and are pleased with the results. Following a breast lift surgery, sometimes the breasts may not be perfectly symmetrical or the nipple may vary slightly, rarely a permanent loss of sensation in the nipples or areas of breast skin may occur.

Revisional surgery may be helpful where incisions have healed poorly. Bleeding and infections following a breast lift are not common, but they can cause scars to widen. You can reduce the risks by clearly following your physician's advice before and after surgery. Breasts lifts are usually performed under general anesthesia. In patients where a smaller incision is being made the surgeon may use local anesthesia.


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