Looking For a Good Wrinkle Cream

The best skin wrinkles treatment is an ingredient in several products that addresses the various causes of the signs of aging. Just like medical treatments always work best when they see the problem, not just the symptoms.

You can not think about skin care as a medical or health issue. The skin is the largest organ of the body and skin health, or lack of health, affects its appearance. So you need to figure out the causes and cures to cure your wrinkles.

Obviously, the best treatment for wrinkles and loss of moisture is a moisturizing ingredient. However, the typical lotions and creams containing petroleum oils, which are not similar to the skin's natural moisture, can not be absorbed through the pores. This makes most regular skin creams pretty useless.

Natural cell production diminishes with age. Once you pass the age of 30 years, the body begins to produce less collagen and elastin fibers. Without new cells to replace damaged cells and improve the elasticity of the fiber, it begins to show more and more. Your skin wrinkles will follow shortly after.

This is why you should look for a skin wrinkle cream that has green tea extract in it. Green tea contains a ton of antioxidants to reduce inflammation in your skin. When your skin is inflamed, it puts stress on your body and causes your skin to age faster than usual. This is why some people look 50, when they're really only 40.

Good nutrition is also very important to, not only your health, but your skin as well. Good nutrition requires a better diet than most of us have. If you are addicted to fast food, start by adding a green salad or cooked green vegetable several times a week. Fruits, especially berries like blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are great for your skin.

Coenzyme Q10 is a superb antioxident. Look for Coenzyme Q10 in the nano-emulsion form to better penetrate the skin. It is very effective in destroying free radicals in your skin, and overcoming the excessive oxidation that leads to wrinkles.

To stimulate the natural collagen and elastin, the main building of healthy skin, look for an ingredient called Cynergy TK. It contains a substance called "functional keratin", which stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Keratin is a protein in the skin and nails. The ability to convert natural keratin into a functional form that is easily accessible to the skin is a recent development that will lead to a whole new generation of skin creams.

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