Many Woman Want Their Breasts Proportionate To Rest Of Their Body

Many women wish to increase the size and/or fullness of their breasts to make them more proportional to the rest of their body. Women of all ages come to our office desiring to enlarge their breasts for a number of reasons. Generally, women that have a genetic pre-disposition toward small breasts tell us that they desire to better fill out their clothes or bathing suits. Women that have lost breast volume after weight loss or breast-feeding typically tell us that they want to regain their breast fullness and/or cleavage. In all these cases, breast augmentation is usually the optimal way to increase your breast size, which can improve the way you look and feel about yourself.

During your consultation and other pre-operative visits, you will select your implant size and type. Your plastic surgeon will review all of your implant options and provide you with pictures and suggestions, but ultimately you will choose which style and size that best fits your needs. To aid you in the decision, you will be given the time and opportunity to try on different "breast sizers," which will give you a better idea of how your new shape will fill out your clothing and bathing suits. (We recommend that you bring different types of shirts to your initial consultation to try on with the breast sizers and see your enhanced look.) It can also be helpful for you to bring in pictures of breasts that demonstrate what your expectations are for the outcome of the surgery. Your plastic surgeon can review these with you and let you know if this would be a realistic result for you.

You will have an office visit the day following your surgery, as well as several post-operative visits within the first week. These appointments are extremely important and we encourage you to come to our office regularly for the first week or so, for additional help with your post-operative regime. Your post-operative regime includes displacement exercises to keep the breast pocket open, which should result in softer and more natural-looking breasts. Your plastic surgeon and his or her medical staff will assist you in the displacement exercises during these initial post-operative visits. At first, these exercises may be a little difficult, but we will take as much time as you need to feel comfortable with the exercises. It is often helpful to have a friend or spouse assist with the exercises, so we encourage you to bring them to your follow-up visits. Many plastic surgeons strongly feel that these exercises are critical to yielding the best result, while minimizing potential complications.


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