Snap out of Unhealthy Eating Habits for Good

I found this surprising information in Self Magazine's March 2009 Issue. We are constantly hearing about different ways to lose weight, but losing weight while taking photos? I just thought I would share this all with you.


Snap out of Unhealthy Eating Habits for Good

By Merrit Watts
Self Magazine March, 2009

"Being a shutterbug could benefit your waistline. When people took pictures of everything they ate for five days they reported consuming fewer snacks and being less likely to go back for seconds than during a week-long period in which they kept a written food diary, a study from the University of Wisconsin at Madison finds. Try it yourself. Photograph everything you eat for a day or simply one meal such as dinner for a week. (Get tips from a pro at Examine your photos for super sized portions and color variety; you may spot a death of leafy greens or a surplus of white carbs. (Playing paparazzo can also highlight too-frequent snack breaks.) To shoot with subtlety, use a camera phone. But don't get obsessive. Taking pics can help you make tweaks, but there's no such thing as a picture-perfect diet."


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