Stop That Dirty Habits!

by Midas



Have you seen a person cough up chunk of viscous mucus, which may hold harmful germs, and spit it into the ground? Dirty habit, an unsanitary practice. How about coughing and sneezing, it is also dangerous, right? Droplets of mucus and germs may be spread into the air when you cough without covering your mouth and sneeze without covering your nose. Other people who inhale the droplets can be infected.

While they are very young,we should teach kids about those dirty habits that spreads germs– so unsanitary, and unhealthy practices. Let us train them to cover their nose when they sneeze and their mouth when they cough with a tissue paper or a handkerchief to catch the spray. And, when they need to spit a chunk of mucus, we have to tell them that they have to spit it on tissue paper, not anywhere they want to spit. Let us train them also to properly dispose the soiled tissues and on washing the handkerchief with soap and water and dry it. Not only that, we have to tell them also to take some distance from other people when they cough out or sneeze, if possible.

We should teach them also how to properly wash their hands, including fingernails and in between the fingers, for them to practice. Let us tell them that it should be done as often as they can, not just when they have cough or cold but on everyday life. And, not to touch their eyes, nose, or mouth when not necessary, especially if they had not clean their hands yet. Let us tell the kids not to draw near to those who have contagious disease if not necessary. We need to explain to them why they need to do all those things, for them to know the importance of what they are doing and not just tell them to stop the dirty habit.

Cleanliness, that is what we need to protect our family from diseases. Healthy practices are necessary, for us not to transmit germs to other people and not be transmitted from germs due to unhealthy practices of some people. Early education of our kids about healthy habits are the key to stop that dirty habits of spreading germs.

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