WEIGHT LOSS ~ Do You Know the Secret ?

Shhh Do you know the secret to weight loss? There are many people who think they do, then they find out they don't. If you have tried to lose weight and didn't get the results you were looking for, you need to read this.

The Secret to Weight Loss is actually three fold:

  1. Body Alkalinity
  2. Your Vision of Yourself and The Law of Attraction
  3. Exercise or Fitness

First lets look at Body Alkalinity, in the last post we talked how the body is electric and made up of frequencies. These energies or frequencies are utilized by every cell, muscle, organ and tissue of the body to function at their best. The more alkaline your body is, the higher your energies will become. This is the first step to weight loss, getting the body to be able to shed its weight. Think of it this way, the more acid your body tissues become the more fat you store to protect yourself from it. That is why eating low fat foods which are high in sugar(acid forming) don't help the weight loss problem. We will discuss this in detail in a later post.

The Second Factor or How You See Yourself is very important for two reasons. First, if you constantly tell yourself you are fat, you don't like your thighs, or that kangaroo pouch is getting out of control. These thoughts are keeping you fat! Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? What you think about, you bring about, this is true for everything you do even weight loss. Secondly, negative emotions carry a lower frequency or vibration. If you constantly use negative words, you will produce lower vibrations and a more acid environment. That will make it harder to lose weight.

Third, the E word, most people can't even say it let alone do it! Yes, exercise is a must. That doesn't mean you have to join a gym although you could if you would like to. Just remember, we are talking increasing frequencies here, think of it this way, Motion creates E-Motion. You will feel better with exercise, and get more oxygen into the system which is the greatest alkalizer in the world! For those of you who can't exercise due to some kind of painful ailment, all you have to do is....Breathe, not just in and out but aerobic breathing. This will increase the heart rate and circulation until the day you can get up and and begin to walk. If you have a health condition consult your physician first before exercise, but most won't tell you not to breathe. For the rest of us, a simple rebounder, or mini trampoline is a good start. But begin slow and work up from 2 min 2x per day to 15 min. 2x per day over a period of a month.

So what will you do with this Secret? Will you apply it to yourself? If not, who do you know who could use this information? Send them this way for more info.

You are free to believe what you choose, and what you do attests to what you believe.


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