Natural detoxification to cleanse your body

Do you sometimes feel lazy, fatigued, or sluggish even if you know you’re not sick? Do you resort to keeping yourself awake by drinking coffee and smoking? You should know that the effects are only temporary. Unknown to most people, coffee and smoking lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body, causing long-term problems that outweigh the quick fix they provide every day. Toxins build up and cause harm to the human body. Toxins are classified as either exogenous or endogenous. Exogenous toxins come from the outside environment. Examples of sources are pollution and ingested food. These toxins enter the body through various means like the pores of the skin or the openings of the nose and the mouth. On the other hand, endogenous toxins are those that viruses or bacteria secrete when they proliferate in the body.

The body also produces autogenous toxins that can damage different cells or tissues. Examples of these are free radicals that destroy or alter the body’s normal cells. All of these toxins must be eliminated so that the body can function properly and protect itself from disease. Whenever we encounter the word toxin, the first thing that comes to our mind is the poison bottle with a label of a skull and an X mark. It’s true that toxins are poisonous, but only when too much accumulate in the body and they are not removed immediately. Since toxins are minute particles, there are many ways in which they enter our body, such as through the pores of our skin. Even if you don’t leave your home, you still face the threat of acquiring toxins that may lead to illness.

Buildup of toxins in the body doesn’t just result in acquiring illnesses. It affects all the processes in the body especially the most important processing tool of all: the brain. In this case, toxins occlude the vessels slowing down the delivery of essential nutrients and oxygen needed by the brain as well as other parts of the body. The brain consumes majority of the body’s energy and oxygen so lack of these can be detrimental to its functions. You may sense the malfunctioning of your brain during a brainstorming session or meeting that entails too much thinking. You feel worn out even though you were seated the whole time. You still need to detoxify even if your body has its own healing mechanisms because sometimes the toxins override the body’s defenses. In detox, both your body and mind can expect benefits from releasing toxins.

Detoxification is the process of removing toxins through the gastrointestinal tract, blood, liver, and kidneys. These organs are important because their function is to naturally cleanse the body. In most cases, these organs are unable to do their detoxifying job well because of too much accumulation of unwanted substances. Therefore, external means of detox are the next necessary steps. One of the safest and most natural detoxifying methods is proper diet. Reducing the consumption of foods containing large amounts of toxins is the key in this method. As much as possible, you should avoid food containing alcohol, caffeine, preservatives, and additives while increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. The easiest and simplest ways of body detoxifying is through natural diet in which one’s eating habits are altered to become ideal. These healthy habits include increased intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. These organic foods can substitute for stimulants. On the other hand, stimulants that need to be lessened or removed from the normal diet are coffee, cigarette, and red meat.

Late-night workers resort to drinking coffee to keep them awake. They consume more than 3 cups of coffee a day just to get their energy boost. A natural alternative is green tea. Green tea gives the same energy boost because it also contains caffeine but it doesnt contain substances that irritate the digestive system. Cigarette smoking. More people are now into cigarette smoking. They have many reasons for such habit. Most cannot quit because nicotine stimulates them and makes them feel good. However, along with these are adverse effects like lung cancer, bad breath, and other symptoms detrimental to one’s overall health. A natural substitute is eating carrots or other vegetables that give the same effect of making you feel good, except in a more natural way. Most meat eaters love this food because they feel good after eating. But they should learn to cut down red meat intake because some of these food products contain food additives that may pose harm to the body. A good alternative is fish that provides adequate protein and essential fatty acids. Decreasing your intake of these stimulants will help your body’s natural detoxification process.

The benefit of eating organic foods is that they provide nutrients that help boost energy. In addition, fibers help eliminate toxins in the body. However, these foods must be thoroughly washed to remove toxins from fertilizers used to grow them. To begin the process of detox, you must fast for at least 1 to 2 days. Refrain from eating solid food. You are advised to drink lots of water and other beverages like fruit juices and teas to overcome the feeling of hunger. Fasting allows the digestive system to relax from work. An emptied stomach also leads to the removal of toxins. Ideally, you should fast during weekends so you can take a rest from physical activity. Avoid moving too much because you have less energy intake. If you exercise while fasting, you may develop symptoms like nausea and headache due to hypoglycemia.

Supplements like algae powder and fermented soy beans are also recommended. Algae powder makes you feel full. It’s also a source of protein to relieve fatigue caused by the stress of fasting. Fermented soy beans help produce probiotics that purify the intestinal flora. These supplements will help you tolerate fasting so you get all the benefits of the detox diet. Remember to consult your physician or nutritionist before starting a detox program. They have to check first if your body can tolerate fasting.

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