Health Tip #21: White quinoa vs red quinoa

The white quinoa or the red quinoa? Which one do you prefer?

When asking this I bet lots of you who reads this haven't even heard of quinoa.
Quick info: quinoa is called a "super-grain" because it has more protein than other grains and is a great substitute for rice.

I eat it more often than rice because it is fast to cook. I always had the white quinoa but decided to try the red quinoa for once.
My verdict?
Well, although the red one is more firm and "looks" nicer, opposed to the fluffy white one - I'd say I like the white qunioa better. The red one has a kind of "harsh" taste. But maybe that's because I'm used to the white one. I'll have to try it more. Maybe I should try mixing them next time!

The picture to the left displays one of the typical dishes I eat; white qunioa with tuna and vegetables (from Health Tip #5), while on the other picture there's red quinoa with tuna plus grated carrots and apples (from Health Tip #16).

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