The INDOMIE diet. This diet is a good weight loss program diet, not too healthy, but works.

The INDOMIE diet involves eating one pack of INDOMIE, the small pack, three times daily. A pack of INDOMIE contains approximately 321 calories. So if you eat three packs per day, you are eating less than a thousand calories per day, and your body would be forced to use its stored fat for energy. It is however a dangerous diet, as your body would be starved of nutrients, and diets of less than 100calories per day are extremely dangerous.

When you are on the INDOMIE diet, you take one INDOMIE three times daily, with no additions, except what came with. No salt, maggi, sardines and all the other stuff you would normally add.

You would do this on alternate days, so if you eat just INDOMIE today, then tomorrow, you eat your normal balanced diet, in small amounts too, to ensure you don't get malnutrition.

The INDOMIE DIET if done for two months, will help you lose a considerable amount of weight.

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